The spread of chaos is faster than expected.

In this situation where everyone is as timid as a mouse, even a small spark can cause a catastrophic explosion, let alone a dozen rabid patients running around, spreading the virus.

With those unlucky souls as breeding grounds, the wolf poison has already entered the spreading stage from the latent stage, becoming strong and completely transforming the host into a neurotic who only thinks about eating. It has started to spread among the victims.

Secondary infection.

Even though the 'replanting' wolf poison that follows has lost its infectivity, its ferocity and nature remain unchanged. The number of uncontrollable individuals has increased tenfold in an instant.

Everyone is in danger.

Even those who have not been infected have fallen into madness, attacking anything that dares to approach them. At this moment, there are whispers of the uncontrollable and the crazy roars of the infected everywhere.

The entire ship is filled with chaos, sailing in the abyss, falling faster and faster...

In the narrow corridor, blood and debris are already scattered everywhere. The wandering infected mutter incomprehensible words, wandering around, driven by the hunger that fills their souls, searching for anything they can eat.

In an inconspicuous corner, a figure suddenly hangs down from the ventilation duct, sweeping a hatchet in his hands, instantly beheading an infected individual.

Huai Shi lands on the ground, stepping on the head of the one who was still trying to bite him, reversing the axe handle, and smashing the head into a mess.

The headless body continues to crawl, not knowing that it is already dead.

Huai Shi looks around and sees no other shadows, he breathes a sigh of relief.

These are not the brainless zombies in movies. Although they are brainless, they are super zombies. Before being infected, these guys were either dark creatures with inhuman blood or fallen sublimators, and they were all difficult to deal with.

Now that they have become fearless neurotics, their minds are empty, and they don't even know what fear is. They dare to charge at anything that has food.

If surrounded by these guys, Huai Shi doesn't dare to say that he can escape. He relied on recklessness and cowardice to make it here. Half of it was by running fast and having good skills, and the other half was by hiding at the right time. Even so, he was smelled by those overly sensitive individuals several times.

He doesn't know how many tragic scenes he has witnessed along the way. Even those who hide in their cabins and dare not show their faces have been bitten to death by these guys who rushed into the room. There is simply no safe place.

Huai Shi is not worried about Haila. She is at least a sublimator and a scholar. Even if she can't fight, she has no worries about protecting herself, whether it is the purification aura of the believers towards dark forces or the various means of the scholar herself.

He is more worried about himself.

He is about to lose control.

He tilts his head back and drinks a tube of blood plasma. Huai Shi wipes his mouth and suppresses the nauseating feeling, while enduring the refreshing feeling like drinking nectar.

These two completely different feelings are driving him crazy.

Too much blood, too much death... Either one is enough to arouse the desire of a vampire.

Abraham Van Helsing's instinct to hunt and his crazy thirst are gradually becoming uncontrollable. Even though the power of this killing is so strong, Huai Shi dare not let himself indulge in it.

God knows who he will become after being completely transformed by Van Helsing's source material. Will he still be Huai Shi?

Pinching his nose, Huai Shi holds the axe and kicks the door open.

As expected, the room behind the door is empty...

This is Lei Feizhou's residence.

That guy deliberately chose the farthest place from his teammates and placed the room in the direction closest to the bottom warehouse, which is the source of the chaos...

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

He has probably already escaped and won't give Huai Shi any chance.

The only things left in the room are a disassembled Bible and countless pages covering the walls, floor, and ceiling.

Those pages are densely filled with every inch of space, overlapping each other, but there is a blood-red color that crisscrosses between the overlapping pages.

It looks like a printing error, and after the overlapping pages, it becomes a complex and mysterious pattern. In the end, countless intricate red marks overlap, intertwining into a solemn emblem.

It represents the Holy Spirit lineage.

"A mobile sanctuary?"

Huai Shi stares in astonishment at the scene in Lei Feizhou's room, feeling like his head has been split by an axe, creating an illusion.

What's going on?

What is this?

Why does Lei Feizhou, a lone wolf, carry a mobile sanctuary equivalent to a miniature church?

"Isn't it simple?"

Ai Qing calmly says, "Werewolves themselves have some unclear connections with the gods. They can be considered as a group of struggling dark creatures... No, it should be said that werewolves are creatures created by the gods.

It is normal for them to have some connection with the Holy Spirit lineage. Otherwise, they would not be able to grasp the timing of the Blood Moon so accurately.

Now it's just that they have obtained direct evidence. There's no need to be surprised, right?""No, since he is from the Holy Spirit lineage... doesn't that make him an ally?" Huai Shi exclaimed angrily, "Why betray me?"

"Why shouldn't he betray you? Just because you're allies?" Ai Qing coldly asked, "Moreover, can you really consider yourself his ally?"

Huai Shi was stunned.

He finally found his blind spot.

What exactly is the Holy Spirit lineage thinking?

Since they have already sent one of their own on board, why did they also send the Thunder Flying Ship?

Since the Thunder Flying Ship is connected to the gods, it should naturally be on the same side, each with their own mission, but they should also be able to cooperate to a certain extent...

Now it seems that this chaos is most likely related to the Thunder Flying Ship's mission, stirring up chaos and weakening the power of those who have joined the White Crown King.

So why didn't the Holy Spirit lineage inform them of each other's existence? This led to their mutual concealment and the betrayal between the two allies... well, only Huai Shi was betrayed by the Thunder Flying Ship.

"No, they did it on purpose," Ai Qing concluded decisively, "The Holy Spirit lineage intentionally sent both of you on this ship without informing you of the specific situation."

"For what reason?!" Huai Shi asked.

"There are two reasons. First, the threat posed by Parasus Sels is too high. Even with the Thunder Flying Ship on board, the Holy Spirit lineage must send their own executioner to eliminate him. But because this mission involves a secret that must not be known by others, the Holy Spirit lineage deliberately chose to do so. Even if there is a risk of infighting, they cannot let this secret reach the ears of a second person."

"What about the second reason?"

"The second reason is even simpler, it's just a common workplace tactic." Ai Qing said coldly, "They hope that after completing the mission, Fan Haixin will die on this ship."

Huai Shi was stunned.

"If I'm not mistaken, this will be Fan Haixin's last mission in his lifetime, Huai Shi."

Ai Qing said calmly, "Tools like him are consumables. Once the mission is accomplished, there is no need for them to continue to exist. It's better to replace them with new ones. Fan Haixin knows too much, has done too much, and perhaps his achievements are too outstanding, to the point where the manipulators above are worried about the consequences of him losing control."

"But in order to achieve the goal, they have to continue using him. So the best result is to completely destroy him after he has served his purpose."

Parasus Sels must be killed, he cannot be given the opportunity to take advantage of the situation, but the secret is too terrifying, Fan Haixin must be killed, he cannot be allowed to set foot on the land of the Americas alive...

This is the goal of the Holy Spirit lineage - to end everything on this ship.

Let everything sink into the depths of the abyss.

For the gods, for justice, for everything...

However, they did not expect that even though they deliberately delayed the launch of the plan for so long, Fan Haixin still had not been able to complete his mission.

Huai Shi has been investigating.

He has been investigating extensively, but the Holy Spirit lineage lost patience, and Parasus Sels still hasn't shown up.

Even more unexpectedly, there is a believer on the ship.

A 'believer' who can temporarily suppress Fan Haixin's restraints.

"These so-called big shots who sit in the office all day drinking tea, never thought before using their brains," Ai Qing sneered, "The more meticulous the plan, the more devastating the problems exposed after encountering difficulties. They thought they had planned everything perfectly by just tapping their brains and singing a few hymns for God, but once they were shaken, their true nature was revealed to be full of flaws. They never thought that no matter how complex their schemes were, once this ship left the shore, everything became useless. This is probably what it means to be too clever for their own good."

"So, this Thunder Flying Ship bastard is our opponent?" Huai Shi asked.

"That's right," Ai Qing nodded, "Not the main one, but definitely the most troublesome one."

"Damn it, they're forcing me to be a pawn."

Huai Shi muttered unhappily, looking down at the coin spinning on his fingertips. A pawn? It's impossible for him to be a pawn in this lifetime. Even if Fan Haixin knew that the Holy Spirit lineage wanted to send him to his death, he would still complete his mission. On one hand, it is out of a sense of duty and faith, willing to sacrifice himself. On the other hand, it is the restraint deeply ingrained in his body since becoming a vampire.

Now, that indelible source material and the restraints engraved in his flesh still remain in Huai Shi, forcing him to pursue his own mainline.

Now there is just an additional branch, there is nothing to be happy about.


Just as he was contemplating, a deafening roar shook the entire ship.

Even the steel giant wheel under Huai Shi's feet suddenly trembled, as if something had exploded. But along with it came hysterical screams and roars.

Coming from the direction of the dining hall.

It was the voice of Babaya Ga.

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