As an alchemy apprentice, although Huai Shi was very bad at his studies, he still knew a thing or two about the famous figures in alchemy history.

Speaking of recent times, one of the most outstanding creators is Newton, and speaking of ancient times, the oldest scholar is Socrates... And in the relatively recent past, the most famous without a doubt is his current target - Paracelsus.

- The alchemy grandmaster famous for his creation of the philosopher's stone!

Paracelsus is actually his self-proclaimed name, and his real name is long and stinky.

Huai Shi vaguely remembered that it started with "Phillips" and ended with "Hohenheim".


The first letter is "H"!

If this isn't Hohenheim, then what is it!

Could it be Hermes!

"Ai Qing, I have a bold idea!"

"Please keep your bold ideas to yourself," Ai Qing said indifferently. "This is not a mobile game, nor is it a fictional world. The historical Paracelsus has never changed genders. Until he was killed by the Holy Spirit Church for defiling the theory of divine creation, he was a man. And from his portrait, although old, he was quite handsome."

Huai Shi was stunned for a moment, then retorted, "Maybe he's a cross-dressing expert! Look, he even has white hair..."


Ai Qing seemed to be shocked by his magical thinking as well. After a long while, she sighed helplessly. "There is a passenger list at the entrance of the restaurant. You can see her name by looking at the table number."


Huai Shi got up and signaled that he needed to use the restroom. He then walked towards the entrance and casually chatted with the waiter there. After a glance at the list on the table, he heard the sound of dice rolling and saw a name.

"Hel?" Huai Shi was puzzled. "Huh? Hel?"

After a moment of silence, Ai Qing corrected him. "No, it should be... Hela."

Actually, these two are the same name, but they both have particularly ominous meanings.

Hela, the Norse goddess of death.

"Maybe it's a fake name?" Huai Shi still didn't give up, after all, this name seemed to have a bit of an alchemist style.

Ai Qing became even more helpless. "What do you want to do?"

"Just testing the waters?"

After hesitating for a moment, Huai Shi walked straight up, politely stood in front of the table, greeted the girl who was eating, and smiled as he extended his hand. "Hey, how are you?"

KP, I want to charm her!

"Wait!" Ai Qing was astonished, but KP didn't give Huai Shi a chance to take it back. With great anticipation, KP rolled the dice for him. And Huai Shi's actions were not hidden from the other players. In an instant, all the supervisors' gazes fell on the two dice spinning on the table.

The first one stopped - 0.

OK, this is a sure win!

Before Huai Shi could celebrate, he saw the second dice stop... still 0.


This number doesn't seem good.

Moreover, how do you determine two 0s?

"Oh, two 0s add up to 100 points."

After a brief moment of confusion, KP showed a gloating expression and made a judgment. "Congratulations, this is not just a skill failure, but a critical failure!"

Up until now, Ai Qing finally found the description of "critical failure" in the rulebook.

No matter how high the skill points are, absolute success is impossible. During a judgment, if you roll 100 points, you will inevitably face the punishment of a critical failure.

In other words, not only will the player's skill not succeed, but they will also suffer unexpected negative effects due to their own poor failure. For example, when picking a lock, the lockpick breaks and stabs into their flesh, or when climbing, they fall and hit their head on a stone...

In simple terms, it's like drawing a tiger but ending up with a dog.

When a player encounters a critical failure, KP seems to get excited and says with a hint of malice, "Just as Huai Shi was chatting up this unfamiliar lady, in the corner of his eye, he accidentally caught a glimpse of her plate..."

In that instant, Huai Shi saw it.

In that perfectly eerie circular vessel, countless slender objects were entangled in a way that defied the laws of physics, forming a strange shadow of non-Euclidean space.

And in the darkness between the gaps, a viscous, bloody-colored liquid slowly seeped out, crazily and slowly engulfing those dark green remnants...

A quick look at "pawread dot com" will leave you more fulfilled.

The composition, which seemed logical but also unimaginable, gave Huai Shi a strange illusion: as if the abyss had opened in front of him, choosing its prey.

In a daze, a buzzing sound rang in his ears, and countless mad chants mixed together, eventually converging into a chilling scream.

"RAmem! RAmen! RAmen!"

Finally, KP made a cold and ruthless judgment. "Having witnessed this unimaginable scene of cruelty, Huai Shi loses 1 point of sanity."

In an instant, Huai Shi's vision went black, feeling the chill seeping into him, making him almost unable to stand, and he was almost scared enough to cry out at the sight before him.

Ai Qing also covered her forehead in pain, groaning, "KP, what exactly did she eat?"


KP showed a pleased smile. "A plate of spaghetti."

Damn spaghetti!

For the first time, Huai Shi was scared by a bowl of noodles and, in a daze, his legs weakened. He instinctively reached out and grabbed onto something in front of him, finally stabilizing himself and letting out a sigh of relief.

Then he realized that it seemed to have suddenly become quiet around him.

Everyone turned their heads in astonishment and looked at Huai Shi's hand... which was resting on the girl's chest.

Instinctively, Huai Shi's fingers tightened.

It felt soft.

"Alright." Huai Shi said to Ai Qing: "At least, I can now confirm that she's not a cross-dressing man."


Huai Shi's vision went black as he was slapped onto the ground.

The girl named Haila had an incredible strength. With one strike, she took away 3 points of Huai Shi's health. Huai Shi only had 24 health points, it was as if he had been hit hard on the back of his head.

Understandable. If it were Huai Shi, he might have kicked this bastard straight into the sea.

Immediately after, the girl gave him a cold glance, then angrily left the table.

She just passed by the old captain who was coming in.

By the time Huai Shi finally managed to get up, he heard the captain's voice coming from the podium at the front of the dining room.

"According to the instructions of my employer, I need to bring his greetings to you all on the first day of your boarding."

After taking a sip of wine, the bearded captain brought his eyes close to the paper in his hand, then read out the words on it word by word:

"First of all, thank you all for accepting my invitation and setting off to the New World. I have prepared a warm welcome for you in the New World, and I look forward to your arrival."

After perfunctorily reading the words above, the captain put away the paper, smacked his lips, and his expression became serious: "Next, I will announce a prohibition. After nine o'clock tonight, please return to your rooms to rest. If you have any needs, you can ring the bell to summon us, but you are not allowed to go out before six o'clock tomorrow morning, not allowed to enter the cargo hold, and not allowed to start fights...

This is the rule set by my employer. Don't ask me why, I don't know why the hell he wants to take you poor bastards to the New World. If you don't want to comply, you can leave this ship at any time and swim back to Rome. I won't force you!"

Seemingly dissatisfied with these poor passengers who didn't seem to have much to offer, he put away the paper and turned to leave, leaving a few burly sailors with weapons, ready to reason with any passengers who disagreed.

But the expected chaos, complaints, and even protests did not occur.

Most people obediently finished their dinner and went to their cabins. Huai Shi and the others looked at each other, their faces full of confusion.

"That's not right." Yin Yan noticed the problem: "If we're not allowed to go out, why are we forbidden to go to the cargo hold and start fights?"

Everyone thought for a moment, but couldn't figure it out.

This was no longer a prohibition, it was almost like a lure, enticing passengers to explore the cargo hold at midnight.

And it seemed that all the passengers on this ship were invited by that mysterious employer? What on earth did he want to do?

In the midst of their low-voiced discussion, there were very few people left in the dining room.

Noticing the sailors' glances, they had no choice but to get up reluctantly and return to their cabins.

Starting at eight o'clock, it was quiet outside the cabin, no sound could be heard. Looking out through the peephole, there was not a soul in sight.

It was as if everyone had fallen asleep.

This situation lasted until midnight.

Until KP asked: "Alright, it's time to sleep. Does anyone have any actions? If you don't get enough rest, there will be a penalty for the judgment the next day."

The inspectors were silent, looking at each other, not saying a word. Only Yue Jun was stubborn, unable to suppress his curiosity: "I want to sneak out and take a look."

KP nodded, "What about the others?"

The others hesitated, no one spoke.

"Let's sleep." Huai Shi sighed: "There's everything in dreams."

"Alright." KP shrugged regretfully. After a moment, he suddenly said: "Then, except for Yue Jun, if anyone else is willing, you can roll a very difficult Listen check with a success rate halved."

But Huai Shi had already fallen asleep on the bed the moment he said he was going to sleep, only vaguely hearing the sound of a dice roll.

Then, he heard KP's words.

"In your sleep, you hear a faint scream, which makes your sleep particularly uneasy. Therefore, your health recovery is reduced by one point."

What the hell?

Huai Shi was dumbfounded. What a disaster out of nowhere?


Suddenly, a crisp sound rang in everyone's ears, as if paper was being torn apart.

In that instant, Ai Qing suddenly saw Yue Jun, the inspector, stiffen up, convulsing violently.

As if he had witnessed some unimaginably terrifying shadow, his face twisted in fear, and then he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Soon, his figure quickly dimmed and disappeared from the table.

Yue Jun, exit.

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