When mentioning the Astronomy Society at that time, one cannot fail to mention its ruling core - the existence of the Ideal Country.

Before the former president of the society disappeared, the Astronomy Society, as a giant of the world, had institutions such as the Ideal Country, the Governing Bureau, the Continuing Institute, and the Technology Department under its command, which could mobilize the power of the whole world at any time.

Countless sublimators explored the hell, and the scholars in the Technology Department drew wisdom and technology from everything they obtained, and then applied and experimented with them in the countless laboratories of the Continuing Institute. Finally, the results were properly and cautiously distributed by the Governing Bureau to benefit the realm.

And all of this follows the grand blueprint designated by the Ideal Country.

- To make this world better.

At that time, the Astronomy Society began to create many miracles relying on the great pillar of the world axis. With the successful exploration and transformation of the Silver Sea, the next step, the Heavenly Kingdom, naturally came on the agenda.

At first, they attempted to pursue immortality, but soon they found that this plan was unrealistic, no, it could be said to be arrogant.

There has never been anything immortal in the world. Even the gods will face their own decline after a thousand years, let alone humans?

When the first archenemy died at the border, the exploration of immortality was temporarily shelved, and the Ideal Country retreated and sought ways to resist death.

Unfortunately, death cannot be resisted.

So, then... they sought how to avoid the losses caused by death.

Or, how to preserve the value of life.

This is the origin of the Heavenly Kingdom.

"Before the Heavenly Kingdom has fallen, all precious wisdom in the world can be preserved before it is lost." Crow has almost completely penetrated the shell of the vault, and his tone becomes vague. "After death."

"Hmm?" Huai Shi didn't understand. "After a person dies, doesn't the source material dissipate?"

"Yes, it does dissipate," Crow said calmly. "But that doesn't prevent leaving a copy before death, right?"


Huai Shi was stunned.

"Yes, that's right. The so-called Heavenly Kingdom is not a paradise for souls, but just a place to store valuable records, a... library."

Crow chuckled softly. "All precious human knowledge and wisdom will be preserved forever with backups. After retreating three times, this ideal can be realized."

"But unfortunately, it didn't last long. It fell seventy years ago - tsk tsk, that was the famous battle of Green Day. Now you know why they are considered terrorists, right?"

Huai Shi remained silent for a long time, looking down at the Book of Fate in his hand.

"So you mean..."

"Yes, if the Heavenly Kingdom is a library," Crow's tone became meaningful. "And the one you are holding is its catalog.

Now that it is resonating, it must be because of nothing else but the remnants of the Heavenly Kingdom.

If you can obtain it, not only will the Book of Fate grow, but you will also benefit greatly. If you're lucky enough to find records related to combat, you won't even need to find a teacher."

"But... wouldn't the Astronomy Society keep such a good thing hidden?"

"Some of it is indeed collected, but more records have sunk into the depths of hell along with the explosion. It's probably impossible to find them.

However, there should be a considerable number of record collections active in the current realm, border, or hell.

As far as I know, that disgraceful piece of 'Faust' has been caught, and the three source material poetry collections 'Byron', 'Keats', and 'Shelley' seem to have been taken away in advance.

The 'Confessions', 'Les Misérables', and 'Dream of the Red Chamber' seem to have stayed put and been well taken care of. I guess they're living a happy life now?"

Crow said, "That lazy guy 'Moby-Dick' must have hidden himself so that no one can find him. 'Rashomon' and 'Mahamayuri' have also had recent news... Those guys are really not reassuring.

With your current level, it will definitely be difficult to deal with those aggregates, so don't think about it.

I estimate that there are only a few fragments here, although they have some miraculous effects, they won't make people think of the former Heavenly Kingdom. It's also within your ability, so you can rest assured."

Huai Shi stared at her for a long time and asked curiously, "Are you also..."

"No, I'm different from them."

Crow seemed to smile, quite happy. "They are prisoners of fate, but I... am just a temporary resident."

In an instant, she passed through the door of the vault, as if the various security measures were nothing, and suddenly appeared in the tightly sealed vault.

As far as the eye could see, there were waves of source material radiating light.

Dozens of boxes were carefully placed on the shelves, with layers of insurance and verification. In the center of the vault, there was a pair of burning eyes staring fiercely at the sudden appearance of Crow.

It was a wolfhound.

On the stone platform in the center of the vault, the steel-cast fierce dog seemed to come alive, opening its eyes.

It sensed Crow's presence for the first time and suddenly stood up. Its body movements made sharp sounds of steel collision, showing its sharp teeth.

But as the mist contracted and Crow appeared, it glanced at her.

And then, there was nothing.

Its ferocious appearance dissipated, and after a few whimpers, it crouched back down.

"Good dog."Crow nodded in satisfaction and withdrew her gaze. When she turned to look behind her, Huai Shi couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

Eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes...

Behind the tempered glass of the shelves, transparent jars were filled with a pale green solution, and suspended within them were eyeballs, one after another...

Each jar contained seven or eight eyeballs, and if you counted all the jars on the first row of shelves, there were at least over a hundred eyeballs here!

This was just the most eerie thing to look at. Behind the shelves were jars soaking not only hearts but also strange and peculiar animal embryos.

It felt like stepping into the laboratory of a mad scientist.

The atmosphere was terrifying.

"What the hell is this!" Huai Shi almost jumped out of his chair in fright. "I didn't come to the cinema to watch this kind of horror movie!"

"It's just common organ smuggling. What's there to be so surprised about?" Crow glanced at those things and withdrew her gaze. "Rest assured, most of them are not human. Human eyes are too cheap, they have no value in border smuggling. On the other hand, some organs and tissues from border creatures are highly sought after in alchemical research. They are in high demand."

Huai Shi swallowed his saliva. "You just said 'most', right?"

"You catch on quickly," Crow teased. "Isn't 'passing off inferior goods as superior' the most common trick used by capitalists? You bought counterfeit goods, can you still expect them to be genuine?"

"That's not what I meant..."

"And my suggestion is for you not to worry too much."

Crow no longer dwelled on this topic. She skipped over the front row of shelves and the obvious border relics and instead looked towards the corner, at the flat box.

Suddenly, she disappeared and seeped into the cracks of the box.

Then, Huai Shi saw a page of a book that was carefully preserved on a velvet cloth.

It seemed to have aged over the years, turning yellow and on the verge of breaking. It was covered in various characters, and faintly visible were hand-drawn illustrations of the sun, a lion, a snake, and an embryo.

"So that's how it is... so that's how it is..."

Crow laughed happily. "Although you have had bad luck on the journey, you have been extremely lucky in finding things. This fragment of a record is just perfect."

"What? What?" Huai Shi's eyes lit up when he heard that there was something good.

"It's an alchemical formula from hundreds of years ago. It's unclear what it was originally used for, but the style of the angel depicted on it suggests that it was the manuscript of Count Saint-Germain. If we trace it back, it should have some essence of the 'Jade Record'."

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

Crow sighed in admiration. "You've hit the jackpot this time."

Before Huai Shi could respond, Crow suddenly dissipated and returned to his shoulder. Huai Shi turned his head in surprise, and his smile gradually disappeared. "Didn't you say I hit the jackpot?"

"Yeah," Crow nodded.

Huai Shi widened his eyes. "Then why don't you take it out?"

"Come on, did you make a mistake by asking a detection-type ink bottle like me to steal something for you? It's already the limit for me to help you throw a grenade."

Crow rolled her eyes. "Even if I wanted to take it, can I fly out of the vault with such a big box? Look at me, do I even have hands?"

"What should we do then?" Huai Shi was dumbfounded.

"I've already scouted the route for you, and I've given you full visibility. Can't you go by yourself?"

Crow stared at him, annoyed. "You hesitate even when it's black on black. Find a way to do it, damn it!"

"No!" Huai Shi shook his head seriously. "If I go, then it's stealing, isn't it?"

"So, if I go, it's not?"

"You steal if you steal... I can pretend not to know, right?"

Huai Shi sighed. "Besides, can't we think of a normal way?"

"The last time a similar alchemical formula was auctioned, an ancient formula of unknown authenticity, it was eventually bid for 11 million." Crow glanced at him sideways. "Are you going to buy it with your head?"

"...Forget it, let's just do it."

Huai Shi gritted his teeth and reached into his pocket to find his mask and hood for the operation, but Crow stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Crow glanced at him. "Do you think that if you just got out of prison, someone would cause trouble here in Xin Hai, and you happened to have appeared near the crime scene... Would Director Fu just shoot you on sight?"


Huai Shi finally realized and suppressed his criminal intentions. "Should we just forget about it?"

"Collecting fragments of the Heavenly Kingdom is one of your missions. It's not right to give up on it, both morally and logically." Crow pondered for a moment and suddenly smiled. "But we should consider it carefully, right?"

They exchanged a meaningful glance.

Although they were on the edge of 404, Huai Shi found himself inexplicably eager to try.

"An alibi?" he asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Crow folded her wings and made a cartoonish thinking gesture. "Ai Qing?"


Huai Shi shook his head. "She could kill me with her own hands, let alone provide false testimony... What about Uncle Fang?"

"Even if he does, who would believe him? Besides, he can't even leave the house. How can he provide evidence for you?"

Lost in thought, Crow suddenly asked for no reason, "By the way, which day is your school anniversary this week?"Huai Shi raised an eyebrow.

The man and the bird locked eyes once again.

"If that's the case..."

Crow whistled cheerfully, "I have a plan!"

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