"when i went to down town building i found some documents in which it was clearly written ; Arianavirus was a biological weapon made by R\u0026D4 of ACT Corp., it was kept a secret from the world. their Research and development team 4 was working since 1998 to make a deadly virus and during that time downtown building was the headquarter of ACT corp."Jake explained what he saw in the document to others

"Are you serious,you mean that they are the murderers of over 3 billion peoples."Blake said

"And we were just unaware of this truth all the time"Adam added to the conversation

"what do all of you think we should do now?" Jake asked

"i guess we should forward our investigation alongside the document as a evidence to the UFG. "Phillips replied

"I don't think that is a good choice because if we will forward all of this to UFG, nothing will happen. after all unite empire is the biggest empire of the world.and I don't think anything will happen; somehow they will prove that they are innocent and it is just our mere scheme to prove them wrong and then no option will left to us." Jake denied Phillips reply

"What do you want to say there is no other option left then except war" James replied to Jake

"Are you out of your mind; don't you know that they are very bigger than us.it's almost impossible to defeat them and if we somehow did that and if we somehow win; do you even realize that how many Innocent people will lose their lives while serving their duty" Blake replied to James with a feeling of anger

"I agree with you Blake but can you tell us any other way," Adam said to Blake

"There is a way indeed by which we can get back those innocent people to life," Blake replies

"Really, what is that" Jake asked.

"project 32X" Blake answered to Jake

* Everyone was shocked after hearing this in the meeting hall*

"Don't tell me you are joking, that project was seized and it's commercial use was banned last year, because that was really dangerous" Adam said with shocking expression

"But they are a threat to humanity, and what is the guarantee that they would not use a biological weapon like Ariana to defeat our union," Blake said to others

"I agree with you, but I hope you know why was the research was seized?" Adam asked Blake

" I know but would do anything for these innocent humans, I hope everyone agrees with my decision"Blake replied

"But UFG would not give us permission to continue our pending research about 32X," Phillips said

" who wants their permission this all will be a secret, this information should not go outside of this hall," Blake said to Phillips

"If they found that we are conducting a research anonymous they will put a lot of allegation on us," James said

"I already mentioned this information would not go outside of this room, how would they put allegation on us if they doesn't know that anything like this is happening in this world"?Blake asked

" what about risks and side effects," James asked

"Whatever happens will be seen; until then we have to start our research; don't you guys want to return peace to this world? Blake asked

" I hope everything will find let's sign to the continue the research and complete that project. I guess Blake is actually right. It is the only way" Adam said

"For the Mankind, we must do it," Phillips said

"Let's do this" Jake said

*everyone signs on the order to create a time machine*

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