Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 372 Ready to go

The so-called difference between dragons and dragons is that their bloodline is as pure as pure-blood wizards and wizards from Muggle families. However, unlike wizards, some dragons are hybrids of dragons and other creatures, while others are pure It absorbs the mutation of dragon blood, so it has a large number and produces a large number of materials.

However, when buying and selling, merchants will not specifically mark the word "亚".

"I think so. Legend has it that bathing in dragon's blood can give you powerful strength, but the dragon's blood used in the potions class at Hogwarts can only bind various potions together." Guan Qiong smiled.

"In fact, real dragon blood cannot give people strong power. Of course, there is a certain degree of strengthening, but this is also accompanied by considerable side effects. It can be said that the gain outweighs the loss." Charlie also said with a smile.

He remembered that when he first went to Diagon Alley to buy things, he also thought that if he drank a sip of the dragon's blood, he would not have to go to school.

As a result, he really didn't have to go to school because he got sick directly. He went to school a week late and missed the opening ceremony. Fortunately, Hogwarts still accepted him, and the Sorting Hat also sorted him into the Glen. Findo Academy.

From then on, he became interested in everything about dragons.

The two communicated while walking, and soon arrived at an old castle to the east of the gathering place.

The green stone bricks are piled up, the white walls are covered with green plants, and the red square tiles are wrapped around a dome, making it particularly eye-catching in this focal point.

On the gray door at the entrance, the large characters "Romanian Fire Dragon Research Institute" are engraved on the plaque, which is hung at the top so that all wizards coming and going can see it.

"Let's rest for a day. Tomorrow a team will go to Gaima Mountain to observe the autumn migration of the Ridgeback population. Then we will go see Norma together. Her appearance has changed so much that you will definitely not recognize it." Charlie said to Guan Qiong said.

"Thank you, please." Guan Qiong responded with a smile.

"This is nothing. I am very happy to share these with people who care about fire dragons. Of course, they have to care sincerely." Charlie said.

After entering the institute, as expected, the space inside is much larger than it looks from the outside. A huge dragon skeleton is placed in the center, vivid, as if it will move in the next second. The walls on the left and right sides It is a bookshelf, with all kinds of books placed on it, waiting for people to browse.

Many books flew out from it and fell into various locations in the building, and many books flew back from everywhere. Some of the books still had the smell of fresh ink on them.

"Romania Bentosaurus, the most distinctive local dragon species, its breath is not an ordinary flame, but a putrid smell that can accelerate the decomposition of corpses, whether they are animals or plants." Charlie explained to Guan Qiong .

At the throat of the keel, you can clearly see that the bones on both sides of the throat bone are not the usual gray-white color, but a dark green color with many holes on them, like a honeycomb.

"This is a rare specimen. When it was first discovered, it was spitting out breath to decompose itself. It is really unimaginable to see such a scene. Green rain spit out from its mouth, fell from the sky, and then melted itself. It welcomed the Its death," Charlie said with an admiring tone.

"Amazing." Guan Qiong nodded, feeling something special.

Charlie led Guan Qiong along the way to introduce the research institute. The first floor is the exhibition area. Books and keels are placed on the first floor. The keel is huge and runs through the entire three floors in the center of the castle.

The second floor is the research area, with several closed or closed rooms. The researchers are doing various research on dragons, or the catalytic application of dragon blood plants, or the seasonal effects of dragon migration. Inference, or the way dragon dung is used to water herbs.

The third floor is where you live. Charlie found Guan Qiong a room facing Gaima Mountain for him to live in.

Gaima Mountain is a group of mountains. From here you can only see the gray-white rocks on the main peak there, surrounded by many mountain pillars, and green trees inserted under the mountainside like skirts.

"I'll come back tomorrow. After seeing Norma, we can go back to Ottery St. Catchpole Village together. Ron said you would also go to the Quidditch World Cup, right?"

Guan Qiong nodded, and Charlie left with satisfaction.

A young man who likes both dragons and Quidditch is really good and has better taste than his younger brothers.

Charlie thought as he left.

Guan Qiong looked at Gaima Mountain in the distance through the window of his room. The clusters of peaks were like stone forests. There seemed to be a faint roar of a dragon in his ears, which made him look forward to it.

The next day came quickly, and when a pink light appeared in the east, there was a knock on Guan Qiong's door.

Opening the door, Charlie was standing outside with two other people, and Charlie was holding a bottle of light green potion in his hand.

"Apply this stuff to your neck, wrists and ankles to hide our breath, and we'll set off right away," Charlie said.

Guan Qiong took the bottle of potion, looked at it in his hand, and applied it according to Charlie's instructions. At the same time, Charlie also introduced the identities of the two people next to him.

"Pierce Kent, a fire dragon health scientist, is responsible for observing the physical condition of fire dragons and is also the 'doctor' of fire dragons in the wild."

Charlie pointed at a man with a thin face but bright eyes. The man's hands were thin, but his fingers were long, and his nails were sharp, a bit like a dragon's claws.

"I'm glad that Hogwarts has students who love dragons like you. When I went to Hogwarts last time, they were all only interested in Quidditch." Pierce said to Guan Qiong with a smile.

Guan Qiong smiled and nodded.

"Gire Peretz, a fire dragon warlock, is a person who studies dragon language magic. They firmly believe that dragons have a different magic system from wizards, and they are trying to reproduce it. Of course, there are not many results yet." Charlie Then he introduced another person, with a tone of helplessness and ridicule.

Jiray has blond hair, which reminds Guan Qiong of Lockhart, the second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but his eyes are the same black as Guan Qiong.

"They just forgot the abilities of their ancestors, just like we have also lost some powerful ancient magic." Jire said seriously, but Charlie and Pierce both had forced smiles on their faces.

Guan Qiong also shook hands with him.

"Then the next step is to observe the autumn migration of the Geima Ridgeback Dragon population. I hope we can all achieve the results we want, but before that, we still have to keep our principles in mind." Charlie finally said, and the other two He also became serious.

"People don't harm dragons, and dragons don't hurt people." The three said in unison.

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