Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 307: Time and Prophecy

"You are here, the child chosen by fate, the mysterious oriental boy, I remember your name is Guan Qiong, right?"

Just like the first time we met before, Professor Trelawney appeared from the shadows, as if passing through the gate of another world. She was dressed in all black, which was the same as the whole body that Guan Qiong saw at the banquet behind her. Glitter sequins are totally different.

Now she has a mysterious and dark aura about her body, like those gypsies who come from the night and disappear from the night. No one knows if it is a hallucination, because everything seems too magical .

Guan Qiong looked at Professor Trelawney in front of her, her face slightly moved.

Because he found that from his magical perspective, the magic circuit in Professor Trelawney's body was constantly decelerating, and all fluctuations and changes disappeared at a frequency visible to the naked eye.

And this is almost impossible, everyone's life circuit will fluctuate, just like the heart's ups and downs in the chest when breathing, it is an instinctive reaction of life.

But in Professor Trelawney's body, that reaction was slowly disappearing.

And Professor Trelawney's aura became more and more strange and strange.

Her voice also became sharper, speaking with a kind of excitement.

"Fate is going to branch, but everything is already doomed. You will face a choice, and the choice will determine your future. Grand magic fireworks will fill every corner of the castle. Confused illusions. Real surroundings are real main character."

Trelawney's voice gradually lowered, her eyes turned white, her face was a little ferocious, and the words she spoke changed from clear to blurred, making Guan Qiong unable to hear clearly.

And Professor Trelawney's life circuit also stopped at this moment.

The three dials in her life circuit, the position of each gap, point to different points.

But if the gap is regarded as a pointer, then the life circuit in Professor Trelawney's body seems to mark a point in time.

That point in time is this very moment.

At the same time, another force suddenly appeared.

The power of time emanates from Guan Qiong, but it is not under Guan Qiong's control. It rushes towards Professor Trelawney and enters the loop of life, like powering up a stopped clock. Trelawney The professor's life circuit began to operate at a slow speed, and the position pointed by the gap also began to change.

Professor Trelawney raised his lowered head, and the originally declining breath began to rise.

"Oh, child, why are you here?" She said, the mysterious aura still remained on her body, although it began to dissipate with the operation of the life circuit, but it seemed that it could last for a while.

"Professor Trelawney, the prophecy you just said?" Guan Qiong didn't expect that as soon as he came in, he heard a prophecy, and he hadn't had time to communicate with Professor Trelawney.

However, Guan Qiong knew some information about Professor Trelawney. For example, she had made Guan Qiong Harry's prediction before, and the identity of Harry's savior was predicted by her, which also led to the following series something happens.

It was precisely because of that prophecy that Voldemort would want to kill Harry, what happened that night would happen, Voldemort would become what he is now, and Harry would truly become the savior.

That is to say, it was the appearance of the prophecy that led to the occurrence of things. This is probably some kind of absurd joke of fate.

"Oh, did I just say something?" Professor Trelawney shook her head. She looked at Guan Qiong with thoughtful eyes. used out.

Those magic power circuits of magic seemed extremely chaotic in Guan Qiong's eyes, but they actually formed a circuit and started to work.

And Professor Trelawney also showed a clear look in his eyes.

"I understand." Professor Trelawney said, "Don't tell others about the prophecy, and don't tell me, I can't explain it, so you need to think, experience, and think for yourself."

She looked at her hands with a weird, indescribable look on her face.

"Although, everything is already preordained."

Guan Qiong wanted to ask something more, but Professor Trelawney had stepped back and returned to the darkness again. To Guan Qiong's surprise, from his magical perspective, Professor Trelawney's life circuit also disappeared in front of him.

He took two steps forward, stretched out his right hand, activated the Fire Curse, and a ball of flame appeared in his hand, illuminating the darkness in front of him, but there was no sign of Professor Trelawney.

Professor Trelawney completely disappeared in front of Guan Qiong, and Guan Qiong didn't even know how the other party did it.

Everything seemed grotesque and weird.

Guan Qiong took two steps back, feeling that things were beyond her expectations once again.

It didn't surprise him that Professor Trelawney was able to make a prediction. After all, in his memory, Harry's prediction was made by Professor Trelawney, and the prediction about Voldemort's return was also made by Trelawney. The professor told Harry in the third grade.

This proves that she is capable of accurate divination, and Guan Qiong observes her life circuit and speculates that this is probably some kind of inherited talent from Professor Trelawney. After all, one of her ancestors was a famous prophet at that time.

Guan Qiong is not surprised as to the usual out-of-the-ordinary Professor Trelawney. In the original book, she is like this. She doesn't have any divination skills, and she relies on "speaking skills" and "intimidation" to maintain the divination class. The authority of her, let the little wizards believe in her divination class.

But at this moment, just now, the Professor Trelawney who appeared in front of Guan Qiong was completely different from the other two Professor Trelawney.

Not only can she use some special magic, but her tone of voice is also different from the other two Professor Trelawney.

There is no madness and hysteria in the previous prophecy, nor the usual weirdness. This Professor Trelawney looks very mysterious, just like another person.

And this is something that was not mentioned in the original book.

What exactly is going on?

Guan Qiong couldn't understand.

But he thought of something, something another cat had mentioned to him.


Guan Qiong still can't figure out more things, so he can only observe and observe.

As for the prophecy made by Professor Trelawney just now, Guan Qiong also wrote it down, but such things as prophecies are often only fragmentary fragments, and they can't understand how the loop is at all. Before that point in time, I don't know at all The meaning of the prophecy, so Guan Qiong just wrote it down, and decided to think about it after going back.

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