Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 192 Gryffindor Blessing

When Guan Qiong suppressed the basilisk and fought with the soul of Slytherin, Harry got into trouble.

The Nuotong sword Guan Qiong gave him was snatched by Tom's soul, and he could no longer fight against Tom.

"How about it, the famous Harry Potter, the savior who saved the world, is going to die here today." Tom walked up to Harry holding the knight's long sword, his face glowing with excitement.

Just when he was about to raise the long sword and give Harry a fatal blow, a crisp sound appeared in the entire secret room.

That cry echoed throughout the space, and then a crimson figure flew out of the air. It circled the two giant snakes twice before flying towards Harry.

It's Fox!

Harry recognized it, it was the phoenix he had seen in the headmaster's office.

"Phoenix?" Tom was startled, Fawkes had already flown in front of Harry, and made shrill chirps at Tom.

The chirping sound made Tom's soul fluctuate, like a canvas blown by the wind.

"Damn Phoenix!" Tom waved his wand, and a ray of light appeared, flying towards Fawkes, forcing him to fly away.

But Fox also left behind what it brought.

The sorting hat.

"Hey, dear little guy, I think you're in a little trouble, why don't you try wearing it on me, maybe I can help a little bit." The Sorting Hat opened its mouth and said to Harry.

Harry, who had no choice but to obey, put the sorting hat on.

Putting on the Sorting Hat this time was different from the one in the first grade. Harry felt that the Sorting Hat seemed to be shrinking on his head, clamping his head tightly, which made him feel painful.

At the same time, something extremely hard seemed to fall from the Sorting Hat and hit him on the head.

"Ow!" Harry exclaimed together, pulled off the sorting hat, and saw what was inside at the same time.

It was a shining silver sword with a dazzling ruby ​​the size of an egg inlaid on the hilt.

"Oh, it's the sword of Gryffindor. Pick it up quickly, and you will be blessed and protected by Gryffindor." The Sorting Hat reminded Harry.

Harry picked up the sword, and a magical power appeared from above, descending on Harry's body. In a trance, he seemed to see a figure falling down and overlapping with him.

He felt that his whole body was full of strength, and the muscle soreness from using the Nuo Tong sword before disappeared. At the same time, it seemed that someone was holding his hand from behind and telling him how to use the sword in his hand.

"Gryffindor!?!" Tom reacted and exclaimed.

At this time, there was a faint light on Harry's body, and it seemed that there was an armor emerging from his body, but it was not very obvious.

"Damn it!" Tom yelled, waving his wand again and again, and shot at Harry, but Harry used the Gryffindor sword to split all of them, and at the same time, Harry rushed towards Tom at an extremely fast speed.

Tom couldn't help but backed away, facing the power of Gryffindor, even he couldn't help but panic.

But Harry's speed was too fast. At this time, he was in a completely different state from when he was holding the Nuo Tong sword, and his movements were so flexible that he didn't look like a twelve-year-old wizard at all.

In just a few strokes, Harry caught up to Tom, raised the sword of Gryffindor high, and then slashed down.

Tom raised Nuo Tong's sword, trying to block it, but it didn't work. Gryffindor's sword cut through Nuo Tong's sword and Tom like cutting water, directly splitting the two in half.

Tom let out a cry of pain, turned into smoke and flew towards the direction of the diary, Harry chased after him, and hacked several times, splitting the smoke into several pieces.

Finally, when Tom was about to escape into his diary, Harry held the sword of Gryffindor behind his back with both hands and stabbed it heavily.

The diary was directly pierced through the middle, and the magic circuit inside was impacted by Gryffindor's power and began to shatter.

Afterwards, Harry picked up the diary with his sword, danced a delicate sword flower, cut the diary into pieces that were completely impossible to recover, and completely damaged the Horcrux.

"No!" With the destruction of the Horcrux, Tom's soul emerged from it, turned into a huge human face, and rushed towards Harry, but disappeared completely in mid-air, like wind and sand.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Harry cheered in his heart, and at the same time, he felt that the power descending on him was disappearing.

"Wait a minute, please," Harry said loudly, and then ran quickly to the side of the broken Norton sword.

"It's Joan's sword, but it's broken." Harry said, holding the two halves of Norton's sword in his hand.

He didn't know if the power that came down could understand him, and he didn't know if he would help, but Harry had to do this, this long sword was given to him by Guan Qiong, and he didn't want to give it back Broken sword.

The power of Gryffindor faltered for a moment, but Harry could feel the gentleness and kindness in it, and then, feeling the power controlling his hand, he picked up the sword of Gryffindor and pointed it at Norton's sword.

A faint and wonderful sound of magic spells appeared, and the light appeared from the sword of Gryffindor and fell on the sword of Nuo Tong, connecting the swords of Nuo Tong. the difference.

After doing all this, the power of Gryffindor also disappeared, leaving only Harry, the sorting hat and the sword of Gryffindor.

Guan Qiong stared at the battle in front of him. He had observed the arrival of Phoenix Fox, but now he was fully focused on the battle between Yermungandr and the Basilisk in front of him without being too distracted.

As for Harry, he had already felt the coming of Gryffindor's power, so naturally he didn't need to worry.

At this time, the whole body of the basilisk had been torn off a lot of flesh and blood by Yermengad, and those flesh and blood were eaten by some giant acromantulas, which greatly increased their strength.

As for the scar on Yemengard's body, because it is an entity transformed by flames, as long as it does not damage the innermost core of the stone man's heart, and Guan Qiong's magic power is always supplied, it is an immortal creature, and The bitten flesh will also turn into flames and grow back quickly.

Afterwards, Phoenix Fawkes flew over again and pecked at the Slytherin soul on the basilisk at a keen speed. Although it only passed through, it still made Slytherin's soul darker.

Of course, the flame burning on Fox was also affected a little bit, but it was not a big problem.

Yermungandr, Fox, and Acromantula, under the collective attack of these three magical creatures, the basilisk could no longer stir up any waves, it could only let out an angry and powerless roar, and then was crushed heavily On the ground, let them attack and bite.

And Slytherin can only use his own strength to focus on protecting the brain and heart of the basilisk, so that the basilisk can maintain its dying state.

"It's time to end." Guan Qiong said softly.

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