Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 178 Guan Qiong's Anger

After four months of lull, yet another attack at the school has pulled students back into fear.

They stopped discussing the Quidditch match, Hogsmeade village, and which teacher's class was the most difficult, but all turned to a unified topic.

Chamber of Secrets.

The school has also launched an emergency response plan. The safety of the students is the first priority. They have to stop all activities and return to the common room before 6 pm, and any actions must be carried out under the sight of the professors.

Even if you go to the bathroom, you must be accompanied by a professor.

No student had any objections, even the brothers Fred and George, who were the most active before, became obedient and did not have any thoughts of violating the school regulations.

After all, this is a fatal thing.

But there will always be a few students who have their own ideas, such as Guan Qiong, Harry and Ron.

The traces of Guan Qiong became bizarre. People often saw that he had just returned to the Gryffindor lounge, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared again, as if he had disappeared directly.

But when Percy rushed to find Professor McGonagall, Guan Qiong sat in the armchair in the Gryffindor lounge normally, reading a book leisurely.

And according to others, no one ever left the Gryffindor common room at all, and no one came back after Percy left.

For a moment, Percy felt extremely embarrassed.

And after a few times of this kind of thing, Percy no longer cared about Guan Qiong. He felt that Guan Qiong's sense of existence was too low, so he accidentally let others ignore him. Such a thing.

Thinking about it, Guan Qiong never spoke, after all, she just sat quietly and read a book. Among the noisy students, she was indeed an existence that was easily overlooked.

Only Guan Qiong knew the reason for all this.

Elimination spells exist.

He cast an Existence Elimination Curse on himself, but the first few times, he didn't leave the lounge, which made Percy, the prefect, experience the feeling of "wolf is coming" a few times.

Although this is not worthy of Percy who is dedicated to his duty, Guan Qiong can only say sorry in his heart.

He had reasons for having to leave.

Room of Requirement.

Guan Qiong looked at the crucible in front of him, and the straw formed by the annual ring had been fused to the last part, and there was only a little bit left, which could be melted into the liquid in the crucible.

This is the second time he has made it during this period of time. The last time it failed, it took half a month of Guan Qiong's time and a large amount of materials.

But Guan Qiong also found the problem in it, remembering the annual rings.

The speed at which the chronograph annual rings take effect is slow, which is originally its advantage, because it can ensure that it will not affect other potion materials, making them affected by time.

But it is also true, after Guan Qiong added his own blood, Guan Qiong's blood had already been absorbed by other parts of the future potion before the effect of the time-recording annual ring in the future potion was exerted.

It's probably similar to him dripping blood into the compound soup first, and then adding long-lasting flowers.

This is of course impossible, and Guan Qiong also disposed of that future potion.

And what is in front of him now is the second compound decoction that Guan Qiong has brewed during this period. He has added partition herbs and flowing flowers to it, so as to ensure the order of the effects inside.

However, whether it can be successful or not, we have to wait for it to be cooked.

Guan Qiong's eyes were extremely dark, and her heart was suppressed with anticipation and unspeakable anger.

Yes, anger.

Regarding the matter of Hermione being attacked, he was not as calm as he appeared, especially when he saw Hermione lying in his arms and slowly petrified into a statue, the feeling was even more profound.

It was as if a flame was constantly burning from his internal organs, trying to burn him from the inside out into a pile of ashes.

If it wasn't for this attack, he wouldn't have noticed that Hermione had left so many traces in his heart, so much that he couldn't bear to see Hermione suffer any harm.

Of course, he is also very clear that this is not a liking between a man and a woman, let alone love, but just his love for a kind, brave, enthusiastic and lively little girl who has been with each other for two years.

But that's enough.

Guan Qiong looked at the potion in front of him with only a cold expression on his face.

He'd never taken it this seriously, not even before discovering that Tom had disappeared from the diary, not even after Christmas, when he discovered that there was something wrong with the students throughout the school.

At that time, although he had fluctuations in his heart, he still didn't take these matters too seriously, because he knew that in the end, someone would definitely deal with these matters, either Harry or Dumbledore.

Because, that's Tom, it's Voldemort's memory, it's something that belongs to another story line.

He can intervene or let it go, there will be no problem at all.

So he has always been in a state of slack, and he didn't put all his thoughts on it.

However, things have changed now.

Guan Qiong raised his left hand, and a flame burst out from his hand. The flame twisted and rotated continuously, and slowly turned into a thick and long shape, like a snake.

Basilisk, Tom.

Guan Qiong's eyes shone with a silver light, like the cold moonlight shining down.

He will make them pay, he will kill them.

This is his anger.


In the Gryffindor common room, Harry sat with Ron.

Ron returned to school after lying in the hospital for three days, which relieved Harry and the Weasleys who had been worried.

If he doesn't come back, rumors that he too was attacked will spread everywhere.

But no one knew what happened to him.

Including Ron himself.

"You mean, you don't remember anything?" Harry whispered.

All the Gryffindor students were in the lounge at this time, and he didn't want his communication with Ron to be overheard by some people.

"I don't remember, I just remember that day I planned to follow them to watch the Quidditch match, and then, I seemed to have a dream, and then, I woke up from the hospital." Ron also said in a low voice.

His face was still pale, but the wound on his hand had disappeared, and for Ms. Pomfrey in the hospital, this was not a big problem.

"Okay." Harry nodded.

"And do you know who attacked Hermione? I forgot to ask," said Harry.

He was too nervous before, and didn't think of this question at the first time. Later, Hermione had already petrified again.

As for Guan Qiong, he has never been able to find a chance. Guan Qiong is elusive and disappears without paying attention.

Ron nodded, panic flashed across his face, he looked around to make sure no one heard him, and then whispered.

"It's a basilisk!"

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