Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 150 Guan Qiong panicked

Guan Qiong followed Hermione to Myrtle's bathroom, met many students along the way, and everyone seemed to love learning, holding notebooks in their hands, and writing something on them from time to time .

The feeling that something was wrong was getting stronger and stronger, but Guan Qiong's reaction was too slow at this time, and she didn't want to understand what was going on with that feeling for a while.

All the way to the bathroom, Myrtle was in her private room as always, Hermione took Guan Qiong to another private room, where there was a crucible, and the red liquid inside was constantly boiling and rolling, spitting out with Bubbles of hot air.

"Joan, come and take a look, it's almost there." Hermione happily showed her results.

Guan Qiong observed the potion, smelled the smell escaping from the air, and felt her heart beat faster, and at the same time, it seemed that something was gushing from the heart and was about to be spit out from her mouth.

But the feeling wasn't too strong, Guan Qiong just shook her head and suppressed it.

"It's indeed a sensitizer. You just need to wait until it turns pink." Guan Qiong waved her wand to make the light spots appear.

Hermione laughed, "Thanks to Tom's help, with it, many things just need to be asked, and it also provides some herbal alternatives, which is really very convenient."

She flipped through a small wooden box next to her, and she could see that there were quite a few books in it, all about potions. Hermione probably brewed them while flipping through the books.


Guan Qiong felt that she should think of something, but her mind was like being trapped in a wall, she couldn't think of that thing even though it was right in front of her.

Hermione took out a notebook from the box and showed it to Guan Qiong excitedly.

"Tom is an elf. It exists in the notebook and can answer many questions. If there are some things that I can't remember, I will ask it. It is very useful."

"But it says that only students who are smart and love to learn can see it. If I expose its existence to students who don't like to learn, it will leave."

"But Joan, you certainly won't have this problem, you love studying as much as I do," Hermione said.

"I asked Tom to remember Ni's name so it would show up in your notebook, and believe me, it works really well."

Hermione opened the notebook and wrote in it with a quill.

"Tom, are you there?"

"I am here."

The black ink seemed to seep from the paper, showing a line of words on the notebook.

The handwriting was neat and precise, but it was clearly not Hermione's handwriting, it belonged to another person, or another soul.


Guan Qiong watched this scene, her eyes widened, her mouth opened in surprise, and at the same time, she stepped back a few steps and reached the door of the toilet.

Tom? Tom!

That name kept ringing in his heart like thunder, setting off a violent tsunami in his heart.

In such a scene, he couldn't figure out the problem that made him feel that something was wrong all the time.

Tom, Tom Riddle, Voldemort's real name, and the so-called elf that appeared in the notebook is exactly Voldemort's memory, or a part of his soul.

"Joan, what's wrong with you?" Hermione looked at Joan in surprise and asked aloud.

Guan Qiong didn't answer, he looked at the notebook, no longer caring about his own state, waved his wand, activated the levitation spell, let it fly from Hermione's hand, and then flew across the private room to another private room.

After doing all this, Guan Qiong only felt that his headache was about to burst. He covered his head while panting heavily.

"Joan, are you okay?" Hermione was confused at first, and then stepped forward to support Guan Qiong's body worriedly.

Guan Qiong's body stiffened for a moment. He raised his head, looked at Hermione, and remembered Harry and Ron in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, as well as Lockhart and other students. There was a trace of panic, but then his expression changed Seriously, he waved his wand and asked Hermione.

"When did that thing show up? I mean, you found a talking thing in your notebook."

Seeing Guan Qiong's tense and serious look, Hermione felt a little confused, but she always believed in Guan Qiong, so she thought about it and replied, "It was the period after you were hospitalized, around the beginning of January."

Is it January? In other words, it has been a month since now.

Guan Qiong thought back to the students she saw on the road, about half of them had notebooks in their hands, if all of them were affected by Voldemort's memory

Guan Qiong felt his heart skip a beat, and a sense of powerlessness that he had never felt before appeared in him.

"What's the matter, Joan, is there a problem with that Tom?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, that's not an elf, but the soul of a dark wizard. The previous Chamber of Secrets is also related to it. I've been looking for it before."

Guan Qiong selectively revealed some information, mainly about the Horcruxes and Voldemort, it would take a long time to explain. The current situation is urgent, and he needs to respond quickly.

Guan Qiong thought for a while, and let out a long breath before the pain in his brain.

Sure enough, I can only go to the professors, preferably Dumbledore. Voldemort's memory seems to have affected most of the students in the school. Now he is struggling to even cast a levitation spell.

Hermione opened her eyes in surprise when she saw Guan Qiong's words, "So that's the case, I also had some doubts, so I didn't take it with me, but put it in the bathroom, but it's really useful, especially It is used to look up some information, I have never used such a useful thing.”

"And it's very smart, and said that only smart people can use it, I just thought," Hermione explained.

Guan Qiong was silent for a while, "That black wizard is indeed a very smart person, but he took the wrong path."

"So what do we do now? Burn that notebook? Or give it to the professor?" Hermione asked.

"No, I already burned a notebook, and it didn't work." Guan Qiong shook her head.

He made a mistake before. He always thought that Voldemort could only appear in one notebook at a time and affect one person, so he wasn't too nervous. Even if he couldn't find Voldemort's memory, he didn't think the problem was that big.

"Let's go to Dumbledore or other professors first, and tell them these things. This is beyond what we can handle."

Guan Qiong was about to open the door to leave, when there was a knock on the door from outside.

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