Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 134 You need to take medicine for a cold.

By Monday, the second attack had already spread among the students, and countless rumors began to spread in the school, among which the news about the secret room was the most widely spread and believed by the most students.

They told each other the stories about the secret room they heard when they were young, and they believed in the existence of the secret room even more amidst the exclamation of the audience.

Until the end, most of the students believed that the attack was the reason for the Chamber of Secrets. The Chamber of Secrets was opened, and the monsters that Slytherin placed in the Chamber of Secrets were released, and they were looking for wizards from Muggle families.

The amulets became popular quietly, and although they were not sure if they were useful, the frightened students bought a lot of them, causing owls to fly around in the restaurant during this time.

Guan Qiong also accidentally received a string of amulets, which were made of shells and some strangely shaped stones, with strange symbols on them.

Still, it's pretty nice.

Guan Qiong put the amulet on his left hand and put it together with Nuo Tong's bracelet.

In any case, it was Luna's wish, so it should not be wasted.

And, it's really pretty.

In Myrtle's bathroom, Hermione first saw the extra bracelet in Guan Qiong's hand, but was then attracted by the materials in his hand.

It was a bag of off-white powder and a piece of green dry bark.

But Hermione knew that it was the snake skin of the African tree snakes. The tree snakes turned their skin into this shape to sneak up on the birds that perched on the trees.

"Cool, Joan, how did you do it?" Ron looked at the material in Guan Qiong's hand in amazement.

When the Potions class was over just now, Guan Qiong asked them to come here first, and he left with Snape.

Unexpectedly, he got the materials in just such a short while.

"Professor Snape's, I paid for it." Guan Qiong handed the materials to Hermione for her to handle.

These two materials are still quite expensive, one is four Galleons and the other is three Galleons. Fortunately, he is considered to be wealthy now, so it is not a big problem for him.

Ron fell silent and scratched his head.

Hermione threw the two ingredients into the cauldron, and then started to stir it. Seeing that the color of the soup inside seemed to slowly change, she became excited.

"Looking at the current situation, it will probably be over by Christmas. I hope Malfoy doesn't go back, so that we can act just in time for Christmas."

"That's one month away and hopefully there won't be another attack during that time," Harry said.

"Probably not." Guan Qiong looked at the decoction in the crucible, and there seemed to be little fluorescent lights in his dark eyes.


A week passed quickly, and Hermione was taking care of Compound Potion, so Guan Qiong didn't need to worry about it, so he could focus more on magic exercises and reading books.

Of course, occasionally try to find clues to Voldemort's memory.

"No, there is no 'Tom' in my notebook anymore." Ginny looked at the words made up of light dots on Guan Qiong's hand and shook her head.

Her complexion was much better than before, her face was no longer pale but had a healthy flush, and her eyes were brighter than before.

Guan Qiong opened the magic perspective and looked at Ginny.

The life circuit in Ginny's body also returned to its original thickness, and was no longer as thin as before, so thin that it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

It seems to be true.

Guan Qiong thought in her heart and felt relieved.

After taking away the second diary last time, Guan Qiong has been worried that the third diary will appear in Ginny's hands. According to the previous situation, Ginny is not vigilant at all, and she is easily caught by the diary. Voldemort's memory to deceive.

So during this period of time, every few days, Guan Qiong would come to care about Ginny, and take a look at the situation of her life circuit from the perspective of magic power.

At present, it seems that Ginny really got rid of Voldemort's memory. It seems that because of Guan Qiong's insertion, Voldemort's memory gave up Ginny.

"If you encounter any strange situation, remember to tell me, don't try to solve it alone." Guan Qiong reminded Ginny again.

Ginny nodded, her long red hair dancing like flames.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and said with some confusion, "Percy, he's been lately."

But she suddenly stopped again, not knowing how to continue talking.


Guan Qiong looked at Ginny, thinking about what could happen to Percy. Isn't he in love with a Ravenclaw prefect? ​​It seems that his name is Penelope Clearwater, who was also petrified with Hermione that person.

This matter was mentioned in the original book, and he remembered it clearly.

Wait a minute, do you want to talk about Percy and that prefect secretly kissing in the classroom, forget it, I don't want to hear about it.

Guan Qiong slandered.

At this time, Guan Qiong watched Luna walking by in front of her. She seemed to have just finished class and was following behind the Ravenclaw first-year students, her footsteps seemed to be dancing strangely.

"I know about Percy. It's normal. You'll understand it when you reach a certain age." Guan Qiong let the dot of light appear in front of Ginny, and nodded to her.

"I still have something to do, let's go first."

Without waiting for Ginny's response, Guan Qiong walked towards Luna and came to her side before she disappeared into the corner aisle.

"Hello, Guan Qiong, it's another beautiful Tuesday, how does the amulet work?" When she saw Guan Qiong, Luna had a smile on her face, and when she saw Guan Qiong wearing the bracelet she made , the smile became brighter.

"It's pretty good, at least I haven't caught a cold yet." Guan Qiong gave a thumbs up.

Probably because the weather is getting colder and colder, more and more people are catching colds, which makes Ms. Pomfrey a little distressed. Fortunately, the effect of her refreshing potion is still good, although there is a side effect of smoke in the ears.

Guan Qiong has observed the effect of refreshing agents, and it feels like stimulating people's life circuits, thereby enhancing people's ability to resist and fight back against diseases, so as to restore them.

But because Guan Qiong has been eating rock cakes to strengthen his physique, he doesn't need those things, and he hasn't had a cold so far.

"That's good." Luna nodded, almost shaking the wand from her ear.

"I have something I want to ask you." Guan Qiong shot out a light spot, which hovered in front of Luna.

"You say." Luna blinked her eyes, and also shot out a light spot, which was suspended under Guan Qiong's light spot.

It's just different from Guan Qiong's silver-white light spots, Luna's light spots are colorful and flickering.

Silent casting? !

Guan Qiong stared at the light spots flying out of Luna waving her wand, and was taken aback for a moment, but soon recovered.

He knows Luna's talent, and it's not unusual to be able to achieve this level now.

"Have you met, maybe seen, a diary that can chat and answer questions." Guan Qiong asked Luna.

"I've seen it." Luna nodded.

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