Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 113 A Tale of Three Books

Returning to Hermione's side with three books, Guan Qiong sat down, flipped through the books in her hands with Hermione, and picked up the ring at the same time, observing its details from time to time, taking a look at the ring in the book. Are there any similarities or similarities?

Among the three books, "The Catalog of Gemstones of the Seventh Century" records gemstone-related events that occurred around the world in the seventh century, such as the disappearance of the emerald opal of the imperial concubine Tang in the eastern country, and the last one in the palace. All eyes have become opals.

Another example is the yellow dry gem of the Arab Empire. It is said that whoever owns it can master the power of yellow sand and destroy the entire empire, but it was dug out by a small slave, and finally set off a rebellion.

There is also the willow spring moon stone in Japan, which can attract the goddess of the sky. Maya's skull is bright diamond, use it to replace your own head, you can control the power of life and death.

There are many other very interesting gems and stories, which were included in this book by this author, and these stories happened magically at this point in the seventh century, which made the author of this book think that there must be hidden secrets behind it. with a larger jewel story.

It can't be the meteorite across the sky, bringing the mysterious four-dimensional space.

Guan Qiong made a complaint in her heart, and then closed the book. I have to say that this book is very interesting if you read it as a story, especially the folklore of some other countries in it, which makes people addicted Among them, it is easy to spend a lot of time without knowing it if you are not careful.

But unfortunately, in the story of this book, there is no information related to the gem on the ring.

The second book "Records of Special Minerals: The Birth of the Land of Gems" is a very popular science book, which records the process of producing most of the stones on the entire earth and their characteristics, and uses very anthropomorphic language They are endowed with one character after another and form a story, which makes people feel that the kingdom of gems seems to really exist.

But Guan Qiong turned to the author of the book, Gregory Ponte.

This is a very famous ore lover and master of transfiguration. At the same time, he also likes portraits very much. Whether it is the terracotta warriors in the East or the Tikka goddess dolls in the West, he has contacted and studied them.

Guan Qiong felt that the things recorded in this book might be true. He probably really created a kingdom of gems, but he didn't know where and what kind of identity he was in it.

But it is a pity that there is still no information Guan Qiong wants to find in this book.

He also put away "Records of Special Minerals: The Birth of the Kingdom of Gems", and brought the third book in front of him.

The Tale of the Stone Man, The Story of the Eternal Path

The content of this book is more similar to a fairy tale than a fact of existence. It is written that there is an island three thousand kilometers further north in Greenland, called Exa Island.

The environment of Exa Island is peaceful and warm. There is a group of stone men living on the island. They have hard stones and eternal life, and they are the overlords of the entire island.

But they are not happy about it, or rather, they are not happy about it.

They are creatures with self-will, but they have no self-awareness, they cannot experience cold and heat, and they cannot have the emotions, joy and pain, sorrow and regret of other living bodies.

They are not so much alive as they are not yet dead. They are stone men, but they are just a pile of stones that can move.

And sadly, they don't understand it, or even feel the pain of it.

Everything continues in this way forever, just like the sun in the sky, it rises in the east and sets in the west forever, without any change.

But one day, an outside wizard came to this island.

"Oh, mighty and strong stone people, how pathetic you are. With such great power, you can't enjoy all the good things in this world." The wizard said to the stone people.

"We... can understand." A stone man said.

"No, you guys can't understand, you see, he is stronger than you, shouldn't you be jealous?"

"There are so many beautiful gems growing on him, don't you want to have them?"

"There are so many delicious fruits here, don't you want to taste it?"

Following the wizard's words, the stone people began to react. Before anyone explained everything, they thought that everything was normal, but after someone said it, everything became abnormal again.

So the stone people's war began, they fought and fought, because of various reasons, because of various factors, they never felt so vividly alive, before they died.

It wasn't until the last stone man embraced everything by his side that the war stopped, and the remaining stone man had everything, the most beautiful, strongest, and most touching , the most likable, everything belongs to it.

But the sorcerer made a move at this time. He brutally killed the stone man, and dug out its heart, the heart of the stone man.

Stone people originally had no heart, they only had the brain to decide their thoughts, and they didn't have the heart to perceive all emotions.

But this stone man has grown a heart, which is a grey-white heart, which holds the eternal life collection of the stone man.

The wizard frantically dug out his heart and put that heart into it. This is an ancient ritual. Through this ritual, he wants to obtain eternal life for himself, just like those stone men.

But in the end he died, because he only had an eternal heart, but no soul that could carry the eternal heart.

Only a dead, numb, and unwavering will soul can become eternal life.

Guan Qiong turned to the end and found that "The Story of the Eternal Road" is actually a series. This is just another book. At the end of this book, there are several other books listed, namely "Legend of Nightmare" "Legend of Changing Ghost", "Legend of Horcrux" and so on.

But this has little to do with Guan Qiong, he just read "Legend of Horcruxes" a few more times, closed the book, and held the ring in front of him.

If he was not mistaken, this thing is the heart of the stone man recorded in this book, or in other words, the fragments of the heart of the stone man.

After all, according to the records in the book, the stone man's heart is as big as two hearts, and the one in front of him is only half the size of a fingernail, and it seems to be scraps knocked off from that one.

However, what can this thing be used for?

Guan Qiong looked at the ring in her hand and thought about it.

Recommend a book from a group of friends, "The Birth of the Hogwarts God of Magic" written by Sister Shishi, about Eastern Phoenix VS Western Magic, you can read it if you are interested.

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