Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 The Magical Tarentella Dance

At this time, they also came to the classroom of the charm class and started the first spell class of the school year.

Professor Flitwick, who was surprisingly small, had been waiting in front of the podium for a long time, and he only spoke after all the students were seated.

"Today's content is dancing spells. Students turn to the seventh page of "Standard Spells: Level 2", and we start class."

Guan Qiong flipped through the contents of the previous catalog and opened to the page of the dance spell. The dance spell is a very commonly used offensive magic. Its spell is Tarantella dance, and the effect is to make people's legs uncontrollable Twitching, as if dancing.

To be honest, Guan Qiong is not very interested in this kind of magic. In his opinion, this kind of magic should appear in the little jinxes that students learn daily, rather than serious magic teaching.

After all, its function is full of funny taste, not like serious magic.

However, Guan Qiong's eyes widened after seeing Professor Flitwick demonstrate using magic to a magic puppet.

The magic puppet seemed to be equipped with springs, and its two feet kept twitching, making crackling sounds on the ground.

Professor Flitwick was waving his wand beside him, and at the same time explained the key points of casting, "The gesture of the wand must be accurate, you have to swing it again and again, and the last point must be fast, otherwise this magic cannot be cast."

"Of course, after casting, you can still exercise some control over this spell." Because he was a second-year student, Professor Flitwick gave a deeper teaching. He waved his wand, and the magic puppet The footsteps became faster, and even produced a little afterimage, which made people worry that it would throw its own feet out.

Then Professor Flitwick flicked his wand again, and the magic puppet's footsteps slowed down. It was no longer a jig like before, but an elegant dance like tango.

"We can use magic to control the speed of the dancing spell's effect, but this is a relatively advanced usage. If you practice regularly, you will probably be able to master this skill by this time next year." Professor Flitwick said.

After demonstrating the wand movements and explaining the key points of the spell, Professor Flitwick let the students below start practicing.

Of course, it was impossible to use it directly at the beginning, so I just practiced the wand movement and the speaking speed and rhythm when chanting incantations, and then let Professor Flitwick make corrections.

After about two or three classes, Professor Flitwick will let the students divide into groups for practical use training.

Although Guan Qiong was unable to speak and recite spells, she kept waving her wand and practiced the wand movements.

For a moment, the cracking sound of the wand whistling and swinging sounded in the classroom, continuously, one after another, like a piece of music, mixed with Professor Flitwick's guiding voice from time to time.

The time in the Charms class passed quickly. When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students stopped their tired hands and gently rubbed them with the other hand to relieve the sore muscles.

Today's classes are all over, and the rest is free time for the students. Of course, the homework assigned by the professors still needs to be completed.

Guan Qiong stopped, but the light in his eyes became brighter. He snapped his fingers, and the books and quills in front of him were automatically suspended and sorted out. Then he took these things and walked directly outside.

He is going to the Room of Requirement. Today's magic is extremely interesting.

After Hermione finished packing her things, she walked towards the library. She decided to finish all of today's homework first, then preview tomorrow's course content, and then look at other books.

She will have a busy and fulfilling evening today.

Harry and Ron hugged their things casually and ran directly to the Gryffindor lounge. They had a day of class today, but they were exhausted, and they needed to lie down.

Then go to the restaurant to eat, and then go back to the lounge to lie down, and play at most two games of wizard chess. As for other activities, there is no extra energy at all.

When I came to the House of Requirement on the eighth floor, I walked up three times as usual, thinking in my heart that I wanted a room where I could practice magic.

There must be a magic puppet in it.

Sure enough, after entering, a magic puppet appeared in the middle of the huge room. It was simpler than Professor Flitwick used in class, but it also had a human figure.

Guan Qiong walked up to the magic puppet, took out her wand, waved and flicked it at the magic puppet in front of her, and at the same time controlled the flow of magic power to form a magic power loop.

It was a human-shaped magic power circuit, like a simple stickman, but there were some circular magic power circuits wrapped around the joints of the whole body.

Like a shackle.

Guan Qiong, who became more proficient in controlling magic power, successfully built a magic circuit just once, and let it fall under the magic puppet in front of him.

In the next second, the magic puppet's feet began to twitch, dancing unknown dance steps.

Guan Qiong flicked his wand lightly, and the speed of the dance steps became faster, and he flicked it again, and the speed of the dance steps slowed down.

Guan Qiong laughed. Compared with other little wizards, he spent too much time practicing spells. It can be said that he spent most of the free time of the day on it. An ordinary person's talent, this kind of uncomplicated magic spell, is no longer a challenge for him.

Just like those little curses, most of them can be learned by just looking at them.

But today's practice is more than that, Guan Qiong looked at the magic puppet in front of her with seriousness in her eyes.

He stretched out his wand lightly, stabilizing his magic power output, and at the same time pointed the wand on a ring shackle of the humanoid magic power circuit.

He controlled the ring shackle, and slowly dismantled the magic power in it, just like what he did to those magic props during the summer vacation, trying to separate it from the human-shaped magic power circuit.

Just when there was a gap in the magic power circuit of the loop, the magic power circuit of the dancing spell fluctuated for a while, a silver light appeared in Guan Qiong's eyes, and the magic power gushed out violently, trying to stabilize, but it was too late.

The humanoid magic power circuit flickered a few times before dissipating in front of Guan Qiong, turning into magic power in the air.

Guan Qiong withdrew her wand, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes, but she was not discouraged.

He swung his wand again, and another dancing spell appeared and fell on the magic puppet, causing the puppet to dance.

He stared closely at the position of the magic puppet's legs. The circular magic power circuit there dissipated automatically when it came into contact with the magic puppet. Then the magic power circuit on the legs connected to the magic puppet's legs, controlling it to twitch.

Everything seems to be set up.

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