Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 103 Mandela Ginseng Fruit

"The second question is that while the mandrake is an excellent antidote, it is also very dangerous. Can anyone tell me the reason?" Professor Sprout continued to ask.

Hermione's hand swished up again, as quickly as if she hadn't put it down.

"Miss Granger."

"Because the crying of the Mandrake can kill people." Hermione's answer was still accurate, exactly as in the textbook.

"Great, exactly right, Gryffindor College will add ten points." Professor Sprout said, looking at the little wizards below, she spoke seriously and seriously.

"I hope you can realize the danger and caution of this matter, but fortunately our current mandrakes are still very young and will not kill people. At most, they are only in a coma for a few hours." Professor Sprout pointed out Looking at a row of deep-bottomed plates, there are about a hundred greenish-purple seedlings lined up there.

"Now, everyone gets a pair of earmuffs, and we're ready to start." After Professor Sprout finished speaking, the little wizards began to scramble for a new earmuff with a better color.

Guan Qiong didn't move, just snapped his fingers, and two pairs of earmuffs flew out and came to him.

He gave one to Hermione just as Harry and Ron were returning.

Ron was the fastest. He rushed out as soon as Professor Sprout finished speaking. He also snatched one for Harry, but it was pink. In a hurry, Ron didn't pay much attention.

"Just make do with it," Ron said to Harry.

Harry held the pink fluffy earmuffs in his hand and turned to look at Hermione.

For girls, it should be more suitable to wear this.

However, Hermione tightly held the earmuffs that Guan Qiong brought her, and turned her head away, apparently not planning to change them with Harry.

Harry sighed helplessly and had to hold on to the pink earmuffs.

"When I ask you to put on the earmuffs, be sure to put on the ears tightly without any gaps. I will give you two thumbs up when it is safe to put them down." Professor Sprout said, "OK , now put on earmuffs."

All the students put on the earmuffs, and Guan Qiong did the same. He only felt that the moment he put them on, he couldn't hear all the surrounding sounds, but he was not surprised.

The earmuffs are also magical, and he just looked at them from the perspective of magic power.

After seeing everyone put on earmuffs, Professor Sprout put on a pair of earmuffs for himself, and then started the demonstration.

She rolled up her sleeves, then grabbed the grass blades of the seedlings, and pulled them up vigorously.

What came out of the soil was not grass roots, but a very ugly baby, like the one just born, the leaves on the head are their baby hair, but unlike ordinary babies, their skin is light green, It also has spots on it.

Looking at the struggling Mandrake held by Professor Sprout, Guan Qiong thought of an emoji she saw in her previous life, but said that except for the wrong color, everything else was almost exactly the same.

Professor Sprout took a large planter from under the table, stuffed the mandrakes in it, and spread it with damp, dark compost until only the leaves remained.

Then she gave two thumbs up, and the students started removing the earmuffs.

"Okay, next group of four, the flowerpot is under here, and the compost is in the bag over there. There are a lot of them. You follow what I just did. Let's try it. Don't worry too much. The earmuffs have magic, as long as If you put your earmuffs on, you won't have any problems."

The students nodded. Guan Qiong was naturally in a group with Hermione, Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron were visibly relieved when they heard that they were forming a team of four.

Sure enough, with Guan Qiong around, the task of their group is very easy, they only need to put compost in the flowerpots, and as for changing the pots, Guan Qiong can do it alone.

The mandrake looks small, but the strength of the struggle is great. Some students nearby didn't pay attention for a while, but were thrown directly to the ground by the struggling mandrake.

But Guan Qiong's strength is greater. Compared with his peers, the effect of eating rock cakes last year is reflected. When he holds the mandrake with his hands, it is like holding a doll. It had no effect at all, and Guan Qiong even took it closer to observe, seeming very interested.

Guan Qiong was really interested in them. He hadn't paid attention to them just now. When he looked at them from the perspective of magic power, he found that there was no magic power in the body of the mandrake in front of him, let alone a magic power circuit.

From Guan Qiong's perspective, the mandrake's body actually carries life circuits, and it is very full and strong, just like its entire body, very strong.

If this level of life circuit can be replenished in the body, it may prolong life.

Guan Qiong thought in her heart that whether the life circuit is thick or not is positively related to a person's vitality. This is a certain thing, and it is normal for people with stronger vitality to live longer.

From this point of view, if the thing in front of me were placed in the mysterious east, it would not be called ginseng fruit.

Guan Qiong thought of many things, but immediately put them aside. That thing grows on a tree, and it melts when it touches the soil. It is completely different from this thing.

However, if this thing is eaten into the body, it is certain that it can replenish the life circuit, but I don't know why it can become a powerful recovery agent for deformed people and people who have been cursed.

Can't understand.

Guan Qiong didn't think too much about it anymore, and stuffed the mandrake in her hand into a flower pot, and then covered it with compost.

There is still a certain difference between the life circuit in this thing's body and the real life circuit.

The life circuit in a normal organism, whether it is a human or other creature, a giant monster or a fire dragon, has a main core, the heart.

The intertwining point of life circuits must be at the heart, where the life circuits are also the thickest.

But Guan Qiong has just observed that the life circuit of this mandrake has no heart interweaving point at all. The life circuit in its body is not so much a circuit as a bunch of vitality, and it does not form an organized circuit framework at all. It's just that it seems to be like that between the intermingling.

Moreover, Guan Qiong also observed their eyes just now. Although they have the same appearance as babies, there is nothingness in their eyes, and there is no aura at all. That is to say, they have no such thing as consciousness at all, so they cannot be called life.

As for those struggling reactions, they are probably the same as nerve reflexes, just unconscious body twitches.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise Guan Qiong would have to doubt whether he was going to Hogwarts or Azkaban.

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