Others are fine, you can find them with a little ability.

Only, the members of the brigade were from Meteor Street, which made them all more vigilant.

And Noel knew such a secret, and at the same time made the members of the brigade murderous.

The members of the brigade were about to move, and Chrollo Rusilu hurriedly stopped them, telling them not to rush.

"You specifically investigated us?"

"Are you worthy of me to investigate?"

Noel smiled disdainfully and asked rhetorically.

The provocation is full of meaning, and several members of the brigade who heard it couldn't help but do it.

"Captain, let's kill him."

"Since he knows so much, it's hard to guarantee that he won't know more confidential things. It's safer to kill him."

"I agree with the proposal."

"I also agreed to kill this person so that our identities would not be exposed."

The members of the brigade glared at Noel fiercely, and proposed through gritted teeth.

If it wasn't for Chrollo Rusilu to stop him, it is estimated that they would have rushed up to fight Noel long ago.

Chrollo Rusilu was able to bear it, completely unmoved by Noel's provocation, and even maintained a smile on his face.

"You should know one of our reasons for coming here, otherwise you wouldn't purposely stop us on the way."

"Apart from BB corn, do you have other goals?"

Noel was a little surprised, but more curious.

The members of the Phantom Troupe were a little stunned, and looked at Chrollo Rusilu in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about.

Apparently, the members of the Phantom Troupe are also not clear about another purpose other than BB corn.

It can even be said that this is the first time Chrollo Rusilu mentioned this, otherwise the members of the brigade would not have reacted in this way.

Observing that the other party was different, Noel's curiosity became heavier.

Ignoring the puzzled members, Chrollo Lucile stretched out his right hand to Noel.

"In the name of the leader, I invite you to join the Phantom Troupe."


Noel hasn't said whether Jia will join or not, and the members of the Phantom Troupe called out excitedly.

I've thought about many possibilities, but I didn't think of this one.

Obviously, it was originally to snatch BB corn, and by the way, the person Noel was solved.

Now it has become, inviting Noel to join the Phantom Brigade, which is a big turning point.

Let the members of the Phantom Troupe be surprised or not.

What's more, he didn't want Noel to join the Phantom Brigade, and he was very resistant to it.

Not to mention the members of the Phantom Troupe, Noel was a little confused when he heard the invitation.

I can be [-]% sure that this is the first time I have met Chrollo Rusilu, and there is no communication whatsoever.

Invite someone you meet for the first time and don't know anything about.

It's hard not to feel like there's some conspiracy.

Who would invite someone who doesn't know well to join their painstakingly managed team, which is likely to ruin the entire team.

The only thing that can be determined is what purpose Chrollo Rusilu has.

It's just what the purpose is, Noel can't think of what it is for the time being, and he really doesn't bother to think about what it is.


"I disagree!"

Before Noel could finish his words, Nobunaga Khachama objected.

Afterwards, the knight also stood up.

"Captain, this doesn't seem to meet the conditions for joining the group, and I don't agree."

"According to the conditions of joining the group, he did not kill any of us, and we did not die for other reasons. There is no need to add new members, so I also do not agree with him to join the brigade."

"Yes, we have no shortage of people."

"You can't break the rules, or you'll be in chaos in the future, Captain."

Two people have already taken the lead, and other members of the brigade have also spoken out and disagreed with Noel joining.

Noel felt very speechless, as if he didn't say he wanted to join.

I really don't understand, those people are so excited.

Turning his head slowly, Chrollo Rusilu smiled at the team members and asked them in a soft voice.

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