Innocent sinner’s foolish confession

In the end, it was only when Lahansen fainted from exhaustion that Maxim finished explaining the situation to the others.

“Ah, I understand perfectly.”

“This bastard doesn’t understand a thing.”

In the end, Hyun-joon summarized it briefly.

“I have no intention of receiving anything, and you guys sit down one by one. But I already made an appointment with Benting, so I’m going to ask Her Highness, who is going to eat friends. Finish.”

“Hey, you’re really crazy just hearing this.”

“Even if you listen closely, you’re a crazy person.”

“Wow, that’s too much.”

Hyeonjun grumbled, but it was definitely not a normal situation.

“Go to the princess right now.”

“No, now it’s a bit…”

“Don’t talk nonsense about friends.”

“That’s not it, going suddenly is a problem.”

Hyeon-jun also has no intention of acting as if his hair is a field of flowers, wondering what to do if he really becomes friends with the princess. It was just a joke to lighten the mood, but La Hansen was more upset.

From La Hansen’s point of view, it was only natural that this idiot acted like his head was turned off again, not once or twice, but because he wondered if he had gotten sick again. It’s hard to think of a joke in a situation where Benting, the princess, and his own future, which will determine the future of the southern kingdom, are entangled.

“There’s nothing wrong with visiting tomorrow. Calm down.”

“Whoa… I’m begging you, please do it right…”

“No, look. I’m doing great.”


From noble mtl dot com

What really sucks is that Hyun-joon is actually doing well.

It’s a flaw that he promised to be a swordsmanship instructor due to his lack of knowledge about the noble family, but other than that, he’s doing really well. As long as things go as planned, Hyun-joon will be able to grasp the things he really wants. Even if it seems strange to an ordinary human being, it is the best situation for Hyeon-jun.

The truly frightening fact is that Hyeon-jun’s plans are flexible. First of all, setting a goal is the basis of a plan, and even that goal continues to change depending on the situation.

Even if the goal has changed, the plan is perfectly corrected with a slight push rather than a quick swerve. already out of the normal human category.

He made and destroyed countless plans, and showed remarkable growth in the process. Also, the plans that were destroyed were revived and used according to the situation, and a new plan was created by tracing the traces.

He was in pain, but the struggle to live in a situation where his life and future were at stake took him to a higher level. Political sense is no longer necessary to purchase at the store. It has nothing to offer Hyeon-jun unless he is going to be energetically active in politics. Because it has already transcended even that.

Hyeonjun jumped up from his seat and said.

“There’s nothing to do, so let’s train for the first time in a while. Maybe it’s better for me to do it myself.”

“Oh, damn it.”

“Get ready and come out.”

“If you’re going to do this, just climb the outer wall… .”

While everyone grumbled, they quickly began to arm themselves. La Hansen also sighed and finished arming.

Anyway, Hyun-joon is growing like crazy day by day, and if he helps him, the speed of his growth will be dazzlingly fast.


Hyeonjun sighed and moved to climb the outer wall. It was because Elizabeth had not returned after dinner. I thought he’d come at least during mealtime, but I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing.


Passing through the inner wall and heading towards the now familiar outer wall, I sighed in uneasiness.

‘Couldn’t he have gone without saying hello?’

Elizabeth is not such a heartless person, but she is a passionate priest, so I am a little uneasy. I wish I could at least say hello… .

As always, Hyeon-jun, who climbed the outer wall to kill monsters and test his magic, climbed onto the railing at the far right and laughed at what he saw in the distance.


Perhaps thanks to the power of those golden eyes, she also looked at Hyeon-joon from afar through the darkness. Then, he immediately turned his head and strode up to the top of the wall, which was far away, and started patrol. As you can see, I’m avoiding him.

‘Um, well, it’s something to be ashamed of.’

In front of Hyeon-jun in a subtle atmosphere, he hid his face with his lover’s hand and whined like a child. In addition, the conversation between Hyeon-jun and Albert, and Albert’s whispered words admonishing her. I don’t know how awkward I’ll be when we meet again tomorrow.

Hyeon-jun sprinted over the castle wall and killed the monster. And all the accumulated karma was invested in mana. Now it has a little less than 300 mana. I think I can pass the thousand if I keep going like this for ten more days, but I wonder if Turaion will come before that.

This time too, the commanding officer approached and talked to Hyeon-jun, who had nothing to do soon after. Then, as if he had suddenly remembered, he brought up the story.

“You had a close relationship with the Inquisitor.”

“Yes. I met you in Scanden.”

“Well, I heard about it today. There was a little friction with Your Highness…”

“It worked out well.”

“Then I’m glad.”

Hyunjoon looked at him for a moment. Are you worried about the princess?

“Where is the priest?”

“You treated the wounded and prayed for the dead. I’m not sure where you are now.”

“Um, that’s right.”

The commander glanced at Hyeon-jun. This is because Hyeon-jun calls Elizabeth a priest, not an interrogator.

It’s a minor difference, but who dares to call the Inquisitor of Karios just a priest? We ate together there, and we talked for a while, just the two of us. And since they even asked where they were, it was obvious that they were very close.

Inquisitors were not common people, nor were they easy to deal with. can’t lie That alone is a subject that I am afraid to even dare to talk about. All but the truly good and the children who have no opportunity to sin are secretly afraid of the Inquisitor. All human beings have things they want to hide, and they lie when dealing with others.

Hyeon-jun, who had finished his work on the outer wall without incident, hesitated on his way back to the barracks. Because Elizabeth was standing with her horse in front of the barracks.


“Brother June.”

As Hyeon-joon approached, she reached out and helped her take off the armor.

“No, I can do it alone…”


It’s kind of a strange feeling. It is a common occurrence for La Hansen to put on and take off his armor like a seed, but Elizabeth somehow… Because you treat him like a child.

Somehow, she took out the cloth and oil from the entrance to the barracks and started cleaning the armor. Hyeonjun also scratched his head and sat down next to her to clean his sword and armor.

“How long have you been waiting?”

“Not long ago.”


I don’t think so?

“I heard that the number of casualties on the front has been greatly reduced thanks to the brother.”

“Yes, well. It was only done for me.”


It wasn’t a lie. But it is also true that many lives have been saved thanks to it.

“How long will you be here?”

“I plan to leave immediately.”

“Is it tonight?”

“Yes, if I waste a day, decades of innocent lives are lost.”

“… … Have you had dinner?”

“No, we will eat later.”

How are you going to eat dinner later when you should have had it a long time ago? I’m going to ride there right away, but by what means?

Yeah, I can see why she’s so skinny. Skipping meals and walking around without a break for a day must have ended up like this. If I hadn’t had the holy power, I would have fallen ill or died.

Hyeonjun sighed deeply, left her behind, and quietly entered the barracks. Elizabeth tilted her head while wiping her armor.

Hyeon-jun skillfully brought out the utensils and the things he had piled up to eat, and lit a fire in front of the barracks with magic. Then, he raised a small pot and began to grill a lot of sausage sliced with daggers.

“Ah, oh, it’s fine…”

“I was fine too, because you helped me.”

After adding water and flour, finely chopped large pieces of cheese were added and stirred. Sausage and cheese are salty, so you don’t have to season them separately.

Hyeon-jun wiped off his armor, washed her hands with water, handed over bread, and poured stew into a bowl.

“I can’t go until I finish eating the bread.”

“Whoops, oh my, it can’t be helped.”

The two quietly started eating their late-night snack. It didn’t contain much, but it was full of the umami from grilling the sausage and the flavor from the cheese, making it a pretty decent meal. Hyeonjun said while dipping the bread into the thick stew with melted cheese.



Elizabeth couldn’t answer because her mouth was full of bread and stew. Hyeon-joon waited patiently for her to move her jaw and swallow it all.

“If you go to civil war, you kill innocent people.”


“That sin can’t be forgiven.”


Hyeon-jun watched the weakly burning flame, then dipped the bread into the stew and ate it again. Elizabeth looked at Hyeon-jun and said.

“That’s enough.”

“… … yes?”

“War is a human affair, and how do you decide who is right and who is bad among those fighting on the battlefield? We just fight for each other’s lives.”

“… I need the ball, I have to show strength. It will kill a lot of people.”

“That’s really out of the question.”

“Killing people?”

“No, you cannot be punished for it.”

Hyeonjun turned his head and looked into Elizabeth’s eyes.

“Because war is like that. It is just sad and painful. No one has sinned, no one is punished. Of course, if you point a spear at civilians who have nothing to do with war, you will have to weigh the guilt. .”

She looked into Hyun-joon’s eyes and quietly raised her hand and placed it on his head. And stroked gently and carefully.

“Brother, that is enough.”

“… … Which one?”

Elizabeth smiled sadly. That smile looked innocent like a child, and it looked sad as if he had given up everything.

“How many of you would consider that a sin?”

“… … Isn’t it a sin to kill people?”

“Me too, the other brothers and sisters, and even the Paladins kill people.”

Hyeonjun pursed his lips, but he didn’t know what to say.

“Even if they have done irreversible things, people are people. We kill people too. We live in sin all the time.”

“That’s the priests…”

“No, murder is murder, and sin is sin. Even if you rationalize it with all sorts of reasons, that doesn’t change. Even if you did it to protect yourself, even if you did it to save others, murder is a sin.”


“How many people consider it a sin…”

Elizabeth shut her mouth. Then, slowly, he lowered his hand that had been stroking Hyun-joon’s hair and carefully wiped his face.

“… No, brother, you are exaggerating.”


Hyunjoon took her hand. A slight tremor is felt. Hyunjoon really didn’t know. Why is she so sad?

“It would be nice to commit a minor sin once in a while and accept it.”

“… Isn’t it inappropriate for a priest to say?”

“Whoops, brother.”

Elizabeth stood up and gently hugged Hyeon-jun. Hyeonjun felt an unknown softness despite the texture of the hard armor.

“Come back anytime. Brother, I will weigh your sins on the scales. I will prove your innocence and punish you appropriately for your sins.”


Hyeonjun hugged her back in an unknown feeling and then pushed her away slightly.

Elizabeth calmly sat down and resumed eating the bread and stew. The two spent a lot of time like that. Soldiers who were often patrolling looked at them, but they passed by silently without saying a word.

Hyeon-Jun had already finished eating the bread and stew, but Elizabeth had a small mouth and ate so slowly that Hyeon-Jun had to finish her meal long before she could finish her meal.

“Whoa… I’m so full.”

“It will be difficult to ride, so take a day off.”

“Huh-huh, it’s a cute ploy. But if you drive slowly, you’ll be fine.”


Hyeon-jun started washing the dishes by heating the pot and running water. Elizabeth looked at it silently. After washing all the dishes, Hyeonjun picked up the tableware and armor.

“I’ll leave it behind, so please wait.”

From noble mtl dot com


Hyeon-jun moved silently past the door that Elizabeth had opened, tidied up his tableware and armor, and quickly came out. Somehow, it felt like she was about to go away. But she was quietly waiting for him at the door.

“I’ll just leave.”

“… That’s too bad.”

Until she arrived, when I heard that the interrogator was coming, I was at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

Elizabeth hugged Hyeon-jun again and said.

“You can contact us at a later date.”

“hahahaha, I see.”

“take care.”

“The priest too.”

Hyunjoon also hugged her. She smiled softly, waved her hand, and walked away. Although still within sight, there was only the sign of words, and she walked away like a ghost without a trace.

She never looked back, and Hyun-joon didn’t call her.

The small back, which had been receding in the darkness, jumped onto the horse, continued to grow smaller, and soon disappeared from view.


An unknown sense of loss filled Hyeon-jun’s chest. Hyeon-jun drew a picture of Elizabeth’s frizzy golden hair and clear brown eyes, which had already disappeared, then sighed and went into the barracks.

No matter how good your stamina is, if you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to survive.

But somehow I can’t seem to sleep well.

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