Innocent sinner’s foolish confession



Neither Hyeon-jun nor La Hansen said anything. After walking like that for a while, Hyeonjun said.

“Unexpectedly, Albert takes the lead.”

“…Does it matter?”

“No, something… .”

It’s like watching a romance movie!

“… No, no.”

“Rather than that, how about swordsmanship? Isn’t Turaion’s swordsmanship no longer necessary?”

“It would be nice to have.”

Hyeonjun has the physical ability to deal with knights. In addition, he stole the princess’ movements in the name of teaching her, and even tested Grace. Hyeonjun has already created a swordsmanship to kill the knight.

Even so, the more knightly swordsmanship is learned, the better. It’s because you don’t know what’s new, and you can easily kill your opponent as much as you know.

“Ah! I was right, right?”


“What is your reaction like?”

“Yeah, great.”

La Hansen said bluntly to Hyeon-jun without realizing it.

Hyeonjun raised his eyebrows at La Hansen’s sudden strange reaction and put his arm on his shoulder.

“What, what’s wrong? Are you mad?”


“You look upset?”

“Didn’t you say no?”



When La Hansen glared at him quietly, Hyeonjun grinned and tousled his hair.

“I don’t know what it is, but I’m relieved.”

“… I get it.”

Returning to the barracks, the mercenaries said to Hyeon-jun.

“Lord Gallion’s squire came and went.”

“what? What do you say?”

“They came right away.”

“ha… .”

Hyunjoon buried his face in his hands. comes out of a sigh La Hansen also let out a small sigh. Because he has to follow.

“It comes and goes.”


“Oh, what about the armor?”

“I ordered.”


Hyunjoon moved without strength. La Hansen tapped Hyeon-jun on the side.

“Do the right thing.”


Hyeonjun stood up straight and walked confidently. Lahansen nodded.

“What’s going on?”

“If it’s something light, it should be passed on through seeds.”

Hyeonjun grumbled as if whispering to La Hansen and headed for Gallion’s barracks. In the barracks, Gallion’s servants were waiting for him.

“Eat it inside.”

“Thank you.”

Following his guidance, we headed to Gallion’s room.

“Sit down.”


At Gallion’s words, Hyeon-jun sat down across from him. And La Hansen also stood behind Hyeon-jun.

From noble mtl dot com

But this time, they didn’t serve tea or greet each other as before.

Hyeon-jun noticed Galion’s hardened face and noticed that this was not an ordinary situation.

“Jun-gong, in three days, Karios’ interrogator will come.”


Hyunjoon flinched slightly.

“His Excellency told me that he hoped there would be no problems.”

“… yes.”

Hyunjoon barely answered and closed his mouth.

Gallion looked closely at Hyeon-jun’s face with a stiff face. However, Hyeonjun had already erased his expression and was looking at Gallion with a cold face.

There was agitation, but it passed by in a very brief moment. But the seasoned Gallion did not miss it.

“That’s all.”


“How are you? Is there a problem?”

“doesn’t exist.”

Gallion nodded slowly. A chilly air flowed.

“Okay. I have to climb the outer wall soon, but I can’t hold on to it for long. Now, go ahead.”


Hyeon-jun took a bow and strode out of the barracks.

Lahansen almost ran halfway, unable to follow Hyeon-jun’s steps.

“Wait, Jun.”

Only then did Hyeon-jun slow down and walk side by side with La Hansen.

“Why are you doing that?”


Hyunjoon pursed his lips, but couldn’t say anything. La Hansen carefully examined Hyeon-jun’s face.

“Is there a problem?”

“… … okay.”


“That, um, I don’t know.”

Lahansen sighed and touched his forehead. Also, I wonder what Hyeonjun alone is thinking and rolling his head.

“Shouldn’t we be prepared if we also talk to you?”

“No, it’s personal. …probably.”

“Is it related to that necklace?”

“… … okay.”

Hyeonjun carefully touched the string of the necklace engraved with the Karios pattern. This is because it is covered by the breastplate and Gambison and cannot be directly touched.

“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine.”



Hyunjoon took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. The steps are heavy. To be honest, I was more afraid than when I first met the princess, more afraid than when I met the marquis.

Inquisitor, is Elizabeth coming? What will she say when she sees herself now? Lies don’t work in front of her. If you decide and push yourself, you won’t be able to hide your inner feelings.

‘You’re a coward.’

After telling the truth to Bahanus and delivering the letter to the temple of Karios in Scanden, he knew he could be proud of himself.

But no. Even now, like a child, he is afraid to face them face to face.

‘Uh… … . No, I would rather have Elizabeth come. Let’s be honest and ask for forgiveness.’

Hyun-joon was so determined. You can’t treat them with lies forever. Let’s hit this opportunity honestly and build a new relationship.

‘Still, it’s scary.’

Hyunjoon smiled bitterly and moved on.


Hyeon-jun, who climbed the outer wall in the afternoon, circled around to see what he was thinking and then stared blankly at the outside of the wall.

The soldiers newly assigned to them quietly kept their positions, but the mercenaries watched Hyeon-jun carefully.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“…No, I have something to think about.”

Hyeonjun gave a rough answer to Gunter’s words. Gunther looked back at Lahansen, but Lahansen shook his head quietly. It would be nice to talk separately later.

Hyeon-jun stood there blankly like that, then circled the wall, stood still, then circled the wall.

It’s usually like that, but it’s still strange to be blank like this without saying anything. But he didn’t say anything, so I couldn’t ask more.

Eventually, after some time, he came down the outer wall, and when the sun went down after the meal, Hyeon-jun climbed the outer wall again.

“Whoa… .”

Hyeonjun sighed and slapped the wart-like monster’s neck. Then, while shooting out elastically, it burrowed between Bachum’s legs and decapitated it, and while avoiding Bachum’s attack, it lifted the neck on the other side and cut it.


His head was full of Karios’ interrogators and he sighed, but his body was butchering monsters as a habit. After going all the way to the end of the wall, Hyeon-joon, who returned with a stone to blow off the head of the monster under the wall, ran to the opposite wall and repeated it.

Hyeonjun, who had returned to the center, sat down on the railing and let out a deep sigh. The soldiers glanced at him.

In the end, after sighing more than 5 times in less than a minute, a soldier opened his mouth.

“Is something going on?”

“Um, it’s just… a little bit of that. I’m sorry to bother you.”


Hyeon-Jun, with his elbows on his knees and his chin resting, watched the monster wriggling in the dark, then suddenly came to his senses and opened the shop.

‘…It’s over.’

Before I knew it, my karma was over 3,000.

Hyeonjun immediately bought Mana Affinity 2. Still couldn’t feel any difference. Hyeonjun made a large stone from his hand and threw it into the darkness.


The monster, barely surviving because it wasn’t thrown so hard, ran away in a hurry.

Hyeonjun stood up helplessly and washed his body. Mana consumption was reduced. You should also try strengthening your body.


Hyeonjun sighed again and powerlessly turned his sword. And in an instant, it was fired like a cannonball.

‘quite… .’

There were no monsters to kill, and there was no need to spend mana to figure out how much efficiency had risen. Mana efficiency almost doubled.

In other words, Hyunjun can now strengthen his body for about 16 to 17 seconds.

‘If it’s a normal knight, it’s time to kill about five.’

If you use it constantly, you won’t use it much, but if you cut it off and use it only as needed, it’s enough.

Now let’s raise mana. 3 mana affinity? Suddenly, the price skyrocketed to 10,000. I can’t even dream for a while.

Hyeon-jun went around the entire wall without monsters and returned to the center to sit down.

A passing commander saw him and raised his eyebrows, but seeing him sitting helplessly, he passed by. He was just sitting there doing his own thing and seemed to need time alone, so he just quietly passed by.

‘The speed of mana charging has also increased.’

That was the end of my appreciation for Mana Affinity 2. Normally, I would have laughed while running up the wall in excitement, but now my head was full of Karios’s Inquisitor, and that was all.

‘Will Elizabeth come? Or what? Ah, I wish another interrogator would come… . No, I still have to talk to myself… .’

Hyeonjun lowered his head at that complex head and sighed again.

The soldiers were now looking at Hyeon-jun with concern.

Most of the soldiers are older than Hyeonjun. It takes a lot of time to become an elite. Because of this, some people are worried that Hyeon-jun, who is much younger than them, can’t come to his senses while sighing heavily like that.

“Jun-nim, if there’s any problem, tell me.”

A soldier who looked to be in his 40s said so. He couldn’t just look at Hyeon-jun, who was his son’s age. I knew that Hyeonjun was an aristocrat, but I was able to bring it up because I knew that he treated them very politely and got along well with mercenaries.

“Um, well, it looks like an acquaintance is coming.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“hahahaha… I have something to apologize for…”

The soldier nodded and spoke quietly.

“Can’t you apologize?”

“If it were easier said than done, I wouldn’t be acting like… an idiot.”

“Do you think that acquaintance will not forgive you?”

“hmm… … . No, I think I will forgive you.”

“Then why don’t you sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness?”

“ha ha ha….”

Hyeonjun’s bitter smile made the soldier breathe heavily.

“Don’t be too scared.”

“Does it look frightened?”


“… Yes, that’s correct.”

Hyunjoon stood up and took a deep breath.

yeah i’m scared By any chance, what would that good Elizabeth do if the temple people did not forgive her?

“The human heart is more frightening than the monster.”

“That’s how it was.”

The elderly soldier smiled softly at Hyeon-jun and said. Hyunjoon smiled and bowed his head.

“Thank you.”


Thanks to Hyeon-jun, this gigantic wire is being kept incredibly strong. Besides, doesn’t he behave politely even to the common people? no one hates him

Hyeon-joon made a stone out of his hand and made up his mind again. They said it would take three days. Until then, organize your mind and let’s be honest. It’s a bit selfish to say, but they will understand. Bahanus also said that, so it must be so, well.

…or what?


The next morning, Hyeon-jun, who came from the outer wall, went to visit Wilhelmina with La Hansen after having lunch.

Then, with a sudden thought, I told La Hansen.

“I don’t have much time to watch swordsmanship these days. I’m sorry.”

“No, that’s okay. I have more important things to do.”

Although he was watching swordsmanship from time to time, he couldn’t do it for hours like before. But La Hansen is no child at all. Hyeon-jun fights twice a day on the outer wall and even serves as the princess’s swordsmanship teacher, but he can’t be fooled.

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And as Hyeon-jun began to master the system of swordsmanship, there was no need to waste time recklessly like before.

Hyeon-jun shows the pose and movement once, and La Hansen practices it alone. And it’s enough for Hyeon-jun to fix his posture whenever he has time.

In fact, that’s how common articles teach seeds.

Upon arriving at Wilhelmina’s barracks, the waiting Grace paused for a moment.


“What’s going on?”

“… No, come with me.”

Maybe he noticed the change after buying Mana Affinity 2. Even Hyunjoon himself can’t feel it, but it’s amazing.

Of course, since Hyeon-jun has no talent for mana, he just doesn’t feel it very well, and others can feel the change in Hyeon-jun’s mana movement, although it’s subtle.

“… … majesty… .”

“Why are you doing this? Come on in.”

Grace looked at Wilhelmina and Albert and said like a sigh, but Wilhelmina spoke lightly. Hyunjoon raised his eyebrows slightly. Wilhelmina was wrapped around Albert’s arms in his arms.

‘This house is good at romance.’

Even from the audience’s point of view, it’s sweet enough that sugar is about to pour out of their mouths. So when are you getting married? Oh, I’ll do it when the civil war is over.

Hyeonjun, who suffered from his own spoiler, gave an example and prepared. Wilhelmina also held Albert’s hand tightly, lifted her head, whispered to him, and came forward.

‘Oh, no matter how bad it is.’

It’s definitely overkill. My whole body is itching.

Wilhelmina drew out her training sword and stood facing her.



They looked at each other awkwardly. What I was so excited about yesterday, looking back now, is a little… . Yes. Hyeonjun, who turned his wrist shyly, said.

“Can I start?”

“Hmm, hmm. Okay, let’s start.”

Both of them vowed not to get excited like yesterday. Damn, in less than 5 minutes, like yesterday, like crazy people, they were digging into swordsmanship.

“What do you do like this?”

“I was going to do that later, but we can continue like this.”

“Why do you do that? It’s better this way.”

“Then your head will break.”


Now Albert was sitting on the other side, looking fondly at his beloved. I guess it was well talked about. Lahansen also followed Grace’s gesture and sat in the corner to watch it. It is the movement of geniuses that cannot be seen even with a thousand gold. You can’t miss this opportunity.

“No, why do you keep asking me to take it outside?”

“There is no reason to dig inside, is there?”

“You have to dig in to kill the enemy!”

“If you go into wrestling, Your Highness is at a disadvantage!”

“I am also a Mana Knight!”

“Then grab your back or side and get into wrestling when you’re sure!”

“Tsk tsk…”

Lahansen clicked his tongue and shook his head. He was also excited and chattering at Her Highness at random. Grace and Albert also shook their heads, but didn’t stop. Anyway, he was teaching well, and Wilhelmina had no complaints.

Moreover, this relationship is not bad for Wilhelmina either. Aside from politics or complicated stories like that. So if you look at it from a distance… A little bit, it seems that a friend of the same age is quarreling. There was no way that Her Highness would act like that, and it was the first relationship the princess had ever had. As a result of Grace and Albert talking behind Wilhelmina’s back, they agreed to acquiesce unless they cross the line.

“I’m really going to break my head like that! Don’t you know!”

“Then try it!”

Has this crossed the line? Didn’t it go over the edge? Lahansen watched with a nervous feeling, but as time passed, he just gave up neatly. I don’t know. cut the belly If you want to kill me, kill me. Let’s see swordsmanship. There’s nothing he can do anyway.

In the end, in an overheated atmosphere, Albert sneaked up and hugged Wilhelmina from behind, and Hyun-jun stepped back.


“What, something.”

Hyeon-joon made a sound without even realizing it, and Wilhelmina held Albert’s arm tightly and stuttered.



Wilhelmina didn’t say anything, perhaps a little embarrassed. Then there was an awkward air. Until just now, they were screaming at each other and chatting, but when they came to their senses, no, Albert and Wilhelmina set a romantic atmosphere, so they both turned their heads away and were busy doing other things awkwardly.

“I-I can just leave.”

“… Yes, Your Highness.”

When Hyeon-jun raised his bow, La Hansen quickly stood behind him.

And before Grace could guide them, they both retreated as if they were running away.

“I’m begging you, can’t you cover up your words?”


“Keep your spirits up.”

“But wouldn’t it be okay to see that you don’t say anything?”

“Ugh… .”

La Hansen sighed and slapped Hyeon-jun on the side. Hyunjoon shrugged and walked away. ok what

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