Eastern Mountain Front



Hyeon-joon ran like the wind and returned to the wall he had to protect, but met eyes with the commanding officer who was quietly watching him.

He didn’t say anything, just staring at Hyeon-jun in silence, and Hyeon-jun was shutting up.

“Haa… I’ll skip this one. But there won’t be another one.”

“… sorry.”

During the day, he is the commander who fought to put Hyeon-jun on the wall. thank god. If it was the commander who shouted for the rules, he would have been really upset.

Even from the commander’s point of view, it is difficult to punish a military force like Hyeon-jun, who climbs the wall every night. Thanks to his performance, the entire wall of the castle was stabilized. His activity is too great to hang on to something that is slightly out of the designated area.

Hyeonjun ran away from the spot as quickly as possible. Even when I heard that I was going to pass, the chilling sensation remained and my heart raced. I’d rather kill the monster to calm my alarmed heart, but Hyeon-jun sprints and kills the monster at such a high speed that no monster has climbed the wall yet.

Hyeon-jun slowed down and ran lightly, throwing a stone at the bottom of the wall.


The monster whose head was concave and flew away passed over, and another monster rushed at the corpse.


The monster was also stoned and its head lost. Hyun-joon calmed down when he saw the karma rising while killing the monster.

‘I almost got into trouble. Let’s calm down.’

Hyeonjun continued to throw stones as he ran. The soldiers looked at Hyeon-jun, who had been running like a gale, incredulously as he ran relatively lightly and threw something. It is a dance that cannot be believed without seeing it in person, and it is versatile.

Hyeonjun will do his job even if he just throws it anywhere when a battle breaks out. One-man anvil, one-man hammer, fire support, mobile strike, surprise, assassination, line collapse… . From the point of view of a field commander, if there is a guy like Hyeon-jun, he will be able to feed himself with a smile. Just throwing it where you need it will solve the problem. Its mere presence allows it to squeeze a huge tactical advantage. The sound of the Marquis licking his lips three days away could be heard clearly.

‘Sweet, sweet. It’s a complete buffet.’

Hyeonjun burst the monster’s head with pleasure as he watched his karma rise. Hopefully I can buy an endurance booster tonight. Then, just by moving like before, you can avoid the situation where your knee or ankle is smashed.

It’s completely insane to think that it was only moving while doing such a thing. Even a knight in full plate armor could not handle the momentary load on his joints as he rampaged. If he hadn’t had recovery power of 1, he would have already broken all the joints in his body and become an asshole.

‘If I climb the outer wall with the mercenaries tomorrow and climb it again at night, I’ll be able to get more than 1,000 karma.’

Hyeonjun, who fell into a serious level of karma addiction, has already put the desertion incident to a corner of his head. It was to the point where he suddenly thought about the magic he had pushed aside. If only I could pour magic on those monsters! Even if you don’t have talent, you can overcome it by pouring karma!

‘… Well, no. Let’s calm down.’

It’s been a while, but the head was broken. Fortunately, the longsword in his hand neatly sealed Hyeon-jun’s head.

If you are investing outside of body enhancement, you should invest in mana. Even if Hyeonjun invested 100,000 karma in magic, it would be weaker than if he invested 10,000 karma in physical ability and mana.

Hyeonjun’s talent for battle, and the power of Mana Knight. If you don’t lie and go straight ahead, you will be able to gain transcendental power at once.

‘Magic is blocked by magic defense after all. It’s not even very useful… .’

The magic eunuch soothed himself by attempting a mental victory.

However, the experience of feeling the fear of a wizard without magic while facing Demerian Benting in Spawn suddenly came back to reality when he suddenly raised his head and hit Hyun-joon with a fact. Even magic can kill a knight when it reaches the level. Let’s be careful… .

Hyeon-jun ran all the way to the other side of the wall, then came back and stood in the center. I beat and killed the monster so much that no one comes up anymore. If you adjust your speed appropriately, the monsters will continue to try to climb the wall, but they die too quickly, so they don’t even come close.

In the end, Hyeon-jun sat down on the ledge of the castle wall. Hyeon-jun found peace with that wide wall. The other soldiers laughed at this absurd experience and changed their helmets. Something that sometimes happens during the daytime in late summer or early fall, when food is abundant in the mountains, happened at night in late fall as winter approaches. The commander in charge of the outer wall was dumbfounded, so he walked over and stood behind Hyeon-jun.

“I have nothing to do, so I’ll take a break.”

“… Heh heh heh, do whatever you want.”

For the outer wall, the fiercest battle takes place for several hours right after sunset. But at that time, everyone had nothing to do, so they quietly stared outside the wall.

The commander shook his head and walked past Hyeon-jun to the other side. No matter how much there is no battle, if he, the commander, stays still, problems may arise. A proper commander is very strict and harsh with himself. Among the commanders of the outer wall, there is not a single one who does not.

Hyeon-jun opened his mouth while sitting on the railing and peering into the darkness.

“I’ve been curious about this before, how do you dispose of the monster’s corpse?”

“When the sun rises, I go outside and retrieve only what is of value.”

Hyeonjun nodded at the soldier’s answer. I was wondering where the money to maintain this huge wire comes from, but it seems that the material of the monster is covering it.

“They are trimmed and stored at the workshop, then moved to the rear. They are collected only in the early morning, and the workshop is a bit far away, so you may not have seen them.”

The soldier spoke in great detail. Among the soldiers who climbed the wall with Hyeon-jun, there is no one who hates him. Beyond the level of good skills, he is supporting a single wire alone. In addition, he has a good personality and treats soldiers with respect even though he is an aristocrat. Unless you’re insane, of course you have to like it.

Hyeonjun looked back at the soldier and studied his face thoroughly. I climbed the outer wall today and saw all the soldiers running at a great speed. But it’s the first time seeing a person’s face like this.

“Isn’t it difficult?”

The soldier grinned and proudly puffed out his chest.

“No one will turn their backs on Benting, in the honorable battle defending the southern kingdom. It is our pride, our pride.”


The soldiers around them also smiled and stood proudly. However, Hyeon-joon felt bitter inside.

‘… All of them are enemies to be killed to the orthodox and aristocratic factions.’

Benting is pouring tremendous energy into maintaining the southern kingdom. There is no Southern Kingdom without Benting. The southern kingdom is a huge tree that grew up by sucking Benting’s blood, and Benting is a warrior who grew up sheltering from rain and wind under the southern kingdom’s shade. However, the orthodox and the aristocrats are trying to isolate and dry such Benting to death, and Benting throws off the honor of being the guardian of the southern kingdom and establishes the princess as a queen through civil war to stand tall as a great Benting.

‘It’s like a dog. Isn’t it just a matter of making small concessions and finding an agreement?’

The pleasure of battle subsides and emptiness comes. As I sit and stare at the darkness like this, my stomach boils. He gets angry at his own situation where he has to put his head into politics and civil war. I want to kill the nobles who stabbed me with the tip of a spear and drove me into the situation. And I’m also mad at the f*cking king who basically created this situation. I just hate everything, annoyed and angry.


Hyeonjun got up, shaking them off in a sigh. Seeing through the creepy creepers in the dark, Hyeon-jun turned his sword round and round.

“Red-haired ugly Sam, where are you from and where are you going…”

It was Hyeon-jun, who ran at an invisible speed over a narrow railing and jumped up to kill the monster at once. However, Hyeon-joon, who was barely standing on top of the railing and humming a song, looked somehow dangerous, so the soldiers couldn’t take their eyes off him.

“The fallen shoes, the old cloak, there’s nowhere to lie down…”

Hyeonjun, who was spinning his sword, stopped. Hyeon-jun, who entered battle posture while watching the approaching figure in the dark, returned to being a cool-headed warrior. Without excitement or anger, I just looked at them calmly.

Hyeon-jun’s hand made a stone again, and his new model ran like the wind over the castle wall.


“Dad is here.”

“… … what… .”

Hyeonjun muttered as he entered the barracks, and Gunther, who had been sleeping, twisted his face and woke up.

“Can’t you see the kids sleeping…”

“I came from work, so I can see the faces of the kids.”


Hyunjoon whispered and moved. Fearing not to wake the others, I took off my armor outside and finished the maintenance. Hyeon-jun moved with his metal armor on, but didn’t make a single sound like a shadow. He went to his seat, put on his armor, sat down on the bed, and wrapped his cloak around himself. There is no sign like a ghost.

Gunther watched the scene in silence, then stood up with a deep sigh. As Hyeon-jun looked at him, Gunther gestured and went outside. Hyeon-joon looked down for a moment before getting up and following him outside.



Gunther didn’t say anything to Hyeonjun, he just stood there and quietly looked up at the sky. Hyeon-jun also looked at the sky. The stars in the sky are f*cking beautiful. Hyeonjun suddenly thought about how long it had been since he looked up at the sky.

‘Was it the last time you saw him talking to Glenn in Red Forest Village?’

Hyunjoon lowered his head again and looked at his hand. The now familiar, beautiful hand without a single scar suddenly felt strange. Somehow I felt sick to my stomach. Suddenly feeling dizzy, I closed my eyes and leaned my back against the wall. Gunther looked back at Hyeonjun and said.

“Jun, you call La Hansen a kid, but to me you are no different than a kid.”

“… … okay.”

Gunther doesn’t know his age. However, I’m guessing it will be in the mid-thirties. To him, the 23-year-old Hyeon-jun is a very young man. Even Hyun-jun is the youngest among the entire mercenary group, excluding La Hansen. Ga-in, the youngest member of the mercenary group, is also older than Hyeon-jun. Everyone has a lot of experience and age as they have strong skills.

After saying that, Gunther didn’t say anything again. Hyeonjun smiled at the clumsy and awkward, but warm words.

“You’re really clumsy even at that age.”

“Don’t be mean.”

Hyunjoon opened his eyes again. Gunther’s back is visible in the clearer field of view. Hyeonjun looked at that broad back for a moment, then sighed and said.

“I don’t know. They’re all dogs. I just want to throw them all away. I don’t know what I did wrong to be like this. Was it my fault that I saved the children in Scanden? Was it my fault that I killed Tantares in the Red Forest Village? Damn it, even if I saved people. That’s it.”

Gunther listened to the scream-like murmur and silently looked at Hyeonjun. Hyeonjun stayed like that for a while, then sighed again and said.


“No, what.”

Gunther swung his fist and punched Hyeonjun in the face. Hyeonjun was hit without avoiding it. Before returning to the military camp, I bought a durability booster, and now I didn’t budge even when I was hit by Gunther’s fist. Even Gunther knew that he couldn’t hit Hyeon-jun no matter whether he punched him or kicked him. Rather, Gunther’s fist tingles as if he had hit a rock.

“What is it, let’s open a match?”

“No, cheer up, you idiot.”

“You really look like a face.”

“Don’t f*ck with your face.”

Hyeonjun looked into Gunther’s eyes and couldn’t hold back his sudden burst of laughter, giggling and burying his face in his hands.

“You crazy bastard, now you’re laughing and f*cking again.”

“Keuhehehehe. You’re really ugly.”

“This son of a b*tch is really…”

From noble mtl dot com

Hyunjoon continued to laugh. All of a sudden it all felt like nothing. Seeing Hyun-joon like that, Gunther sighed and punched Hyun-joon in the chest.

“Crazy bastard, hurry up and go to sleep.”

“Yes, yes.”

As Hyeon-Jun suppressed his laughter and entered the barracks, the mercenaries turned around and desperately pretended to be asleep. Hyeonjun strode forward and sat down on his bed.

“I felt like I was in a bad mood, so we talked. Sorry for waking you up.”

“… Big hum. No, well, maybe.”

“Yes, people get angry as they live, just, huh?”

The mercenaries stood up rustling and talking gibberish.

They woke up to a familiar voice and found Hyun-Jun and Gunther missing. Just as he was about to wake up, he heard Hyun-jun and Gunther talking outside and stopped and listened quietly.

The mercenaries were taken aback by the fact that Hyeon-jun spoke weakly. Even though Hyeon-jun joked around and said silly things, he had never really lost control of himself and surrendered to his emotions in front of them.

Except for when he was joking around with them, Hyeon-jun was always a cool-headed and rational judge. Even if it seems to be random, he constantly spins his head and makes plans, and removes or creates variables to create the picture he wants.

The fact that Hyeon-jun couldn’t control his emotions felt a little strange to them. At the same time, I felt relieved in a corner of my heart at the thought that Hyeon-jun was also human.

It’s because Hyun-Jun is too perfect, except when he’s joking around or when he’s too good and makes mistakes.

He’s handsome and has good skills. Also, he is so smart that he catches things that other people couldn’t even imagine, and he doesn’t boast about it. In addition, he does not hesitate to shed blood while drawing his sword without hesitation for his comrades.

No one thought that a guy like that would really exist in real life.

“You must have been tired lately, so take a day off.”

“No, seeing Gunther, I thought that this kind of guy lives hard, but I shouldn’t complain.”

“You son of a b*tch!”

Hyeonjun giggled while avoiding Gunther’s fist. Everyone was relieved at that laugh and laughed at each other. Lahansen looked at it and sighed.

“We’ll be put into the outer wall tomorrow morning. It doesn’t matter if the two captains have a secret relationship or not, we have to go to sleep.”

“You damn kid.”

“I’m behind, it’s perfect.”

“Now, wait…!”

Leaving behind La Hansen’s screams, Hyeon-jun lay down on the bed and closed his eyes in the tidy barracks.


Hyeonjun laughed and quickly fell asleep.

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