Eastern Mountain Front




A mercenary clung to the ballista to reload. When I grabbed the lever connected to the pulley and started to turn it vigorously, the bowstring pulled slowly and stopped. Another mercenary filled a leather bag with a stone and finished loading. In the meantime, Hyeonjun threw a rock and smashed the other monster’s skull. Again, Hyeonjun raised his halberd and aimed it at the darkness.


Stones flew again, and screams were heard in the darkness. The soldiers looked at the scene, then nodded and went down the wall. I was worried about the small number, but it shouldn’t be a problem at all. There will be no guys who can come through the darkness, and even if you climb the outer wall, Hyeon-jun will take care of it.

In less than a minute, Hyeon-jun gained the trust of the Eastern Mountain Front soldiers. Of course. It’s inferior to troll-like guys, but it kills the medium-sized monster Bachum in one blow, sees through the darkness, and orders pretending to aim. Even idiots will do their part if they follow his back, but his mercenaries are elite. There will be no breaking through here.

“Um… I want to go down and kill him.”

Hyeonjun muttered and looked under the outer wall. There are a lot of little guys crowding around and clamoring. The height of the outer wall is about 8m, and even among medium-sized monsters, those who can move three-dimensionally like the long-legged Bachum cannot climb up. In fact, under it, a medium-sized monster with a height of up to 3m is grabbing and devouring the little ones as if they came from a buffet.

“Hey, that’s how the ecosystem is maintained.”


Asked by the mercenaries who couldn’t see underneath it, hidden in the darkness, Hyeon-joon emitted flames with magic to illuminate the bottom. The monsters were startled and retreated. But it couldn’t blow the flames down for a long time, so it didn’t do any damage. Even the thorns do not reach due to the distance.

“It’s disgusting, really.”

The mercenaries grumbled and went back to their seats. The monsters who looked up at the flames were fighting among themselves again, consuming them and giving a damn. After several more ballista attacks, no other monsters came to where they stood guarded. This is because Hyeon-jun’s aim drove out those who could climb the wall. From the monster’s point of view, the other walls are clearly exposed, but there is no reason to enter the place where the head is broken and continues to be attacked.

Thanks to this, only the medium-sized monsters who couldn’t climb the wall moved to another wall after enjoying their dinner with excitement. Soon, while the entire outer wall rang loudly, only the wall they stood guarded found peace.

“I’m bored. No, I have to set up a ball.”

“Others would try to kill me if they heard.”

Lahansen said a prickly word. Hyeon-jun climbed up the high railing of the wall where the ballista was mounted and looked around. It was the highest place on the outer wall, and at first glance it looked too precarious. However, Hyeon-joon stood upright without faltering.

“Um… Gunther, can you survive without me?”

“Yes. But you better come soon. We don’t know how to use iron nets, and we’re not good at using ballistas.”

“Yes. I believe.”

“Get the ball right.”

“Do you know how to do it well?”

Hyeonjun came down and jumped out as it was. Then, on the top of the wall, he circled and charged at Bachum, who was tied with iron nets and harpoons, and in one fell swoop struck and cut off one of his legs, then turned his body wide and split his head with an ax blade.


Leaving the panicked soldiers behind, Hyeon-jun climbed lightly on the high wall again and scanned the surroundings.

The soldiers tried to say something, but Hyeon-jun lightly flew away again. It is a light movement that seems to have no weight. However, as soon as their feet hit the ground, they were shot with great force and moved like a cannonball.

‘It’s good to strengthen my muscles.’

Hyeon-jun, while spinning the halberd with one hand, grabbed Bachum by the chin and cut off Bachum’s leg as he was about to climb the wall. Then, running precariously over the railing, he split the other guy’s head.

The soldiers were more startled than the monsters. It was because it appeared with almost no sound, killed the monster, and ran away again like the wind.

Hyeon-jun stood on top of the castle wall again and glanced over at his son-in-law.

‘If I keep running like this, I’ll be able to kill more monsters, but it’s going to be a problem if I deviate too much.’

Hyeonjun started to go back to where he came from.

This time even the soldiers could see him clearly. Everyone laughed when they saw him carrying a halberd over his shoulder and running like the wind over a narrow railing with light steps. article… I don’t think it was, but anyway, a guy with skills entered the front line.

The guys who were hiding inside the inner wall gave a damn to Hyeon-jun. However, strength is the most important value on the outer wall, the forefront of the eastern mountain range, and Hyeon-jun has already proven his worth.

There was no one who wouldn’t like him. As Hyeon-jun ran like the wind, some of the soldiers patted their shields and greeted him with a sound.

Hyeonjun grinned and turned the halberd in response, then jumped up on the narrow railing and split the other monster’s head.


Someone whistled and raised a weapon. Everywhere he passed, morale soared like fire. Not even a few articles could do that. Physical strength is also a problem, but it is impossible to run over a narrow railing wearing full plate armor and jump over the guys on the wall to kill them. It is impossible to do without perfect control of the body with innate senses.

Hyeon-jun returned to the wall he had to defend and stopped.

“Oh, you killed one?”

“hehehe, it was simple.”

Looking at the dead long-legged Bachum, Hyeon-jun grinned. Its forelimbs are muddy and twisted, and its head is smashed and pinned to the floor. Hyeonjun looked around at the mercenaries and said.

“Is anyone hurt?”

“I fell down a little because I blocked my arm, but I’m fine.”

“Then it’s done. Uh… One more guy is coming.”

“Uh, I’d rather kill it than kill it. It’ll be hard to wind the pulley.”

Even so, he tightened the boat, wound the pulley, and started loading. When the protest was pulled, another guy loaded the stone, and the one in charge of aiming and firing with the greatest sucker fired the ballista leisurely.

“I’m coming to see the other side as well.”

“Yes. Don’t go too far.”


Hyeon-jun was shot out again, and Gunther stroked his chin and said to La Hansen.

“Has that guy become strangely strong again?”


Although he had excellent physical abilities before, he could not move like that. Right now Hyunjun is moving explosively like a knight in full plate armor. Of course, it fell short of that, but it suddenly became stronger.

“Still, if Jun gets stronger, it’s good for us.”

“It doesn’t.”

At La Hansen’s words, Gunther grinned.

He hides a lot, but Hyun-joon is their colleague and leader who trusted each other and entrusted their lives to each other. Just think of him as a bit of an oddball.

Anyway, Jun is Jun.

From far away, where Hyeon-jun disappeared, the sound of a shield being pounded can be heard. Now it runs all the way along the wall. Their captain instantly won the trust of the soldiers here. They can’t be left behind either.

“Here comes one!”

“Ah, give me a shift!”

“Still, those who have done it are good at it. You do that until the end of today.”

Hearing the pulley winder’s grumbling, everyone raised their weapons.



Hyeon-joon ran up the wall, then leaped and spun in the air, striking the halberd. In one blow, Bachum’s legs fell off, and with that force, he spun around and cut Bachum’s side. The skin and ribs were split, and the intestines were ripped apart.

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The halberd got stuck in the middle because of the spikes, so Hyeon-joon swung the spear and twisted it out in one go, then tried to run past the collapsing Bachum.

“Where are you going?”

Hyunjoon stopped and looked back. It is the knight who stood at the forefront when he first came to the outer wall. Hyeonjun swung the halberd to shake off the blood and put it on his shoulder.

“I’m going to kill the monster.”

“Keep your place.”

“I’m holding my place well.”

Hyeonjun saw the driver grinning through his visor. Hyunjoon also smiled.

“It’s Handuruk’s gas plate.”

“This is Jun from Turaion.”

Gaspan nodded and spoke calmly.

“If you keep the place you need to protect, I won’t say anything. But if you fail to keep it, you will have to take responsibility.

“Of course. Sir Gaspan.”

Hyeon-joon gracefully bowed on top of the narrow railing, then leapt without a sound and disappeared out of sight.

The gas plate smiled and started moving again. He must command the entire city wall. No matter how good the soldiers are, problems will arise if there is no commander. Gaspan has a lot of work to do, and he can’t run around and kill monsters like that.

Before I knew it, I heard a knock on my shield from far away. that’s fast Gaspan took a long sword and strode over the castle wall.


“Dad is here.”

“Don’t be mean.”

Jun & Gunter Gunter frowned at Hyun-jun’s words as he sat down lightly in the place guarded by the mercenary corps.

“Mom and Dad are here.”



When a mercenary said while looking at Maxim, both Hyeon-jun and Maxim reacted coldly.

The mercenaries kept their positions while giggling. Even as the medium-sized monster climbed the wall and suddenly hit its head, everyone was full of composure. I don’t think about anything and just kill the monster, so my mind is at ease even though my body is a little tired.

I’d rather fight monsters than be in a civil war with nobles, knights, and princesses in a military camp within the inner wall.

“Has Sir Gaspan come?”

“I don’t know the name, but if it was a knight, it passed.”

“What do you say?”

“I thought you were just leaving?”

It must mean you are doing well. Hyeonjun thought for a while and decided to stay. After a while, when the monsters crowd the walls, let’s move again. Now, as Hyeon-joon sweeps through the walls, everyone has found some time to spare. Also, the morale of the soldiers who were originally high was soaring. Move only when the situation is bad, let’s observe the situation for now.

‘I don’t think the gas panel will think badly of me either.’

From now on, Hyeon-jun plans to work on the outer wall and gain the trust of the soldiers and commanders, who are the actual strength of the Eastern Mountain Front.

Even if the guys inside the inner wall say sh*t, if you win the hearts of those fighting on the outer wall, you won’t have anything to fear. And earn karma too.

Hyunjoon smiled and glared at the darkness. Hyeonjun has already purchased Mental Enhancement 2. I’ve been living, buying, and putting it off, but I finally bought it. Of course, I couldn’t feel the change. Still, there won’t be any burns and floundering in trauma.

Even if you buy Mental Enhancement 2, you still have 200 Karma left. Hyeonjun quickly earned 800 karma while running along the outer wall. It wasn’t just killing the monster, it was adding up to saving the soldiers, and karma poured in.

‘I keep collecting the remaining karma. I will buy Mana Affinity 2.’

You can buy it for 3,000 karma. It’s an absurdly large amount, but it could be earned in just a few days of fighting on the outer wall. Buying Mana Affinity 2 also increases mana regeneration speed and efficiency. You might be able to escape the 8 second Mana Knight. Or it would be better to keep investing in mana.

‘The princess and the marquis, don’t be grateful for giving me a chance.’

Hyeonjun laughed happily and turned the halberd around. The princess called Hyeon-jun here, and the Marquis hired him as a mercenary and was able to come to the outer wall. Of course, the Marquis would have sent it to set up a suitable ball. Well, no one would have expected it. It means that Hyun-joon is getting something other than money and balls.

‘I wish every day was like today.’

Hyeonjun picked up a stone again and threw it with all his might, killing a monster and staring at the darkness. You can see the wriggling figures hidden in the trees. Those are all things that will become his karma. How can you not laugh?

“Why are you splitting the thread?”

“It’s strange that he doesn’t smile when he gets the ball so easily.”

“Well, it’s not like that.”

“A Bachum is coming. What do you want to do?”

“Wouldn’t it look better if there were some corpses on the wall?”

“hahahahaha! That’s right. Let’s let it come up.”

Everyone else pretended to be scared when they heard it. Hyunjoon thought for a moment and then stepped back.

“Let’s see you fight.”

“Are you going to give a very high evaluation?”

“If I evaluate you, you will be eliminated the moment I see your face.”

“You son of a b*tch! Don’t give a damn about what you look like!”

Hyeon-jun looked through the darkness and pointed out the place where Bachum would come up. In an instant, a wall of spears and shields appeared in front, and those holding halberds stood on the sides. Lahansen was waiting quietly behind right.

Bachum’s hand gripped the slightly protruding part of the wall and strode up, then grabbed the railing of the wall with his chin, bounced vigorously, and jumped up the wall.



Those holding spears and shields rushed from the front, blocked the front of Bahum, who had just climbed the wall, and threw out spears.



Then, he swung his halberd from both sides and cut off Bachum’s front leg. Lahansen charged from the outside a bit, twisted his body wide, hit the joints of his hind legs with his longsword, and immediately retreated.


“Sounds like a real dog.”

Bachum had one leg mangled, but the other leg was not seriously injured, so he jumped up and swung his front leg.




The halberd soldiers retreated, and the shield soldiers firmly supported each other and successfully blocked the attack. The one who blocked the front bounced off and rolled on the floor, but the others blocked it thoroughly and bought time.

But there was no need. One of Bachum’s forelegs was mangled, and the other suffered great damage. And for each hind leg, La Hansen hit the joint with a longsword. But since he jumped up on his hind legs and swung his messy front legs, there was no way he could keep his balance.


One of his hind legs gave way, and mercenaries rushed at him as he stumbled, mercilessly striking his head and torso with halberds and spears.

Bachum, who had been twitching his legs, soon became limp and his legs trembled intermittently.

“you’re good.”

“hehehehe, we’re not going to get caught somewhere either.”

Hyeonjun and the mercenaries looked at each other and smiled.

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