
Robbie fell into a chilling silence. The mercenaries didn’t even know what to say. It’s too far for them, and they don’t have the ability to find their way through a head-splitting complex story.

“It won’t be easy to establish a ball in the Eastern Mountains. Not only the difficulty of the battle, but also the fact that you might see it.”

“What do you mean?”

Hyeonjun said while stroking his clean-shaven chin.

“For Benting, he wants to devour me when I’m small. And for other families, it would be inconvenient for me to take credit for it.”

Devan had said that Hyeon-jun’s value was as high as a family with a strong foundation. However, no matter how high Hyeon-Jun’s value is, in reality Hyeon-Jun’s base is a small mercenary group. Before you grow up properly, if the nobles play tricks, you have to shut up and punish them.

“Also, if you enter the mountain range and die just because you are making a contribution, the position of the innovator will be difficult.”

The great justification is to walk like an idiot to the mountains and die by oneself. No one except orthodox would welcome it. In particular, it is a dream for innovators who want a civil war.

“So… that’s…”

“I’m going to threaten you.”


Gunther opened his mouth and tried to say something, but he couldn’t say anything.

The Benting Territory is actually a small kingdom in the northeast of the Southern Kingdom. Hyeon-jun confidently said that he would threaten the monarch now. That too, in front of the monarch’s eyes and ears!

“If there is no response, I will make a cause for myself. I will spread the story of the assassination everywhere and set fire to the chaotic situation in the southern kingdom. Well, don’t worry. ”

“… … I, I don’t know.”

Gunther barely opened his mouth. Gunther, whose voice cracked and drank some tea, looked straight into Hyeonjun’s eyes.

“Are you really thinking carefully?”

“Gunther, nothing has changed.”

Hyeon-jun sighed as he buried himself in the chair and sighed.

“I get the biggest thing I can get. If I fall down, I die. What’s different from the beginning?”

“At that time, there was a way to fix it.”

“No, no. Worries and fears make it look that way. Even then, I was heading towards the innovation group to make the most of my values, and if I failed, I would have died. I died, but what will I fix?”

“You… are you really the Jun I know?”

At that question, Hyunjoon quietly closed his eyes.

And when he opened his eyes, a little sad, resentful look passed by.

“How can I stay the same when the circumstances are shaking me?”


Hyun-joon doesn’t want to stick his head into such a headache and tingling back of the head. He just wanted to build a career as an adventurer, rise to the point where he wouldn’t be ignored, and collect karma while crouching to gain strength.

nobility? droughty? He had never, arguably, never wished for it. Even now he hated being a nobleman, raising a family, and being knighted. It’s not that it’s annoying, irritating, or whatever, it’s that I didn’t like it. Because it’s not what he wanted.

It wasn’t something he decided on his own will and got into his hands, it was just that this was the place where he fled through an escape route after being driven into a corner by thrusting and pushing spears. If it had been before, I would have clenched my fists in gratitude for that. But not now. Playing into the hands of others is a no-brainer.

I want to stand on my own will. It takes strength to do that. I don’t have the strength right now, so I have no choice but to be hit. He can’t even fight a single knight head-on.

However, if I truly gain strength, then I will throw off this cramped cage.

“If you don’t have any more questions, take a break. I need to cool my head.”

Hyunjoon said that and got up and went into the room. The remaining mercenaries stayed in the lobby to organize their thoughts. But there is nothing they can do about this. Gunther sighed and got up.

“We should do what we can. Aren’t mercenaries working with words and brains?”


The mercenaries also got up and entered their rooms. As they all entered, a maid trotted out of the lobby in silence.


Hyeonjun woke up in the morning, washed and warmed up when he heard a knock.

“Come in.”

When Hyeon-jun spoke, the maid quietly opened the door and entered.

It was condescending because he knew it was a maid just by hearing the footsteps.

“The deputy lord is looking for you.”

“i get it.”

Hyeon-joon followed her into Jeon’s room. This time, Demerian and the knight were in the room. Demerian looked into Hyeonjun’s eyes, sighed deeply, and shook his head.

“You’re much bigger than I thought.”

“thank you.”

Following Demerian’s gesture, Hyeon-joon sat down on a chair and faced him with calm eyes. The knight drew his sword as before and stood aside. No, the momentum is sharper than before. If I had to, I really intend to swing my sword at Hyeon-jun. However, Hyeon-joon did not pay a glance even when his sharp momentum pricked him. Negotiating with Benting, does it matter whether the knight draws his sword or radiates momentum?

From noble mtl dot com

“Didn’t you rather talk to me face to face?”

“I just put my thoughts together on the way back.”

“Ha, I guess.”

Demerian did not hide her displeasure. Hearing what he had heard from the maid the day before, Demerian couldn’t help but be furious. A mediocre adventurer would dare to threaten Benting.

What Hyeon-jun will do now is up to Hyeon-jun himself. He doesn’t belong to a faction, so no matter what he does, who will say anything?

But in fact, all of this is a one-on-one negotiation between Benting and Hyunjun. It is also in a situation where each other is looking into each other’s hand, and each other desperately wants each other. However, Hyeon-joon is saying that he will smash the negotiating table if necessary.

Even if I take damage, I will f*ck my opponent. The basis of the tactic is not to give the opponent what he wants, and Hyun-jun looks stupid at first glance, but has a strong chance of digging into the opponent’s vitals. The easiest way to sway an opponent in a negotiation is to anger them. In that sense, the move Hyeon-jun showed was a truly effective one.

‘If I say one wrong word, I’ll kill you.’

The momentum of the knight was the same, but the flow of mana seen by Demerian was unusual. If before, it was moving slowly but magnificently, as if breathing, now it spews out sharply, spreads out, and then goes back in again. He is contemplating whether to kill him or not.

Hyunjoon saw it and smiled inwardly. No matter how the deal with Benting went, the deal with Demerian is his victory. purple. Against the guy who came in naked without a sword or armor, an outstanding knight pulled out a sword and looked at the liver, and a wizard was moving mana. If I could have killed it, I would have killed it. I don’t do it because I can’t.

“How is it?”


Demerian put his hand on his forehead and collected mana. Didn’t I say that I had no political insights at all? I want to kill him right away, but seeing that I can’t kill him, I think he will be very good at politics.

“His Excellency has given you a chance. Go to the heart of Benting. His Excellency has personally invited you.”

“It’s thanks to Demerian-sama that I get this glorious opportunity.”


I really want to kill you. The knight’s sword kept swaying slightly, and he took the right position. Following Hyeonjun’s breath, he precisely changes his position. It is a movement to cut the neck. Demerian also spurted out the mana he had subdued and wrapped himself around Hyeon-jun. If she puts her mind to it, killing Hyeon-jun is not a job. It is different from the magic eunuch who can only spread magic centered on his body in a combat situation like Hyeon-jun.



Hyeon-jun waited for the servant to open the door this time, bowed extremely politely, and left the door. It’s perfect etiquette, but from Demerian’s point of view, it makes me want to kill him even more. There’s no way there was a madman who dared to do that sh*t in front of Benting’s bloodline. At the first bullying, Demerian closed her eyes. Anyway, Hyeon-joon got out of her hands. There is nothing she can do.

Upon returning, Hyeon-jun saw the mercenaries sitting in the lobby and talking.

“I’m leaving right away. Get ready.”

At that, Gunther smiled.

“I prepared everything except you.”

In fact, all of the mercenaries were armed and carrying luggage. Hyunjoon smiled and entered the room. This time a maid came along and helped him put on the armor. After arming himself, he left the mansion, returned his weapon from the gate, and walked out of the castle without hesitation.

no one saw them off. As the guest left, at least one of the attendants had to come out and say hello, but all the servants returned were weapons, wagons, and horses.

“The Marquis invited us.”

Hyeonjun said as he walked the streets of Shupon. They are now trying to purchase food to go to Benting. And there are things to dispose of while entering the city.

“Is it good?”

“Of course it’s good.”

Hyeonjun said as he loaded food onto the wagon.

“Think of it as negotiating with a henchman. What authority does he have to tell you what he will give me?”

“You crazy bastard, you’re still in the city.”

Gunther, taken aback by the verbal abuse that called Demerian Benting a pawn, whispered, but Hyeonjun spoke casually.

“Isn’t it just a metaphor? You’re overreacting. And don’t come near me. It’s disgusting.”

“You son of a b*tch… .”

When Hyeon-jun distanced himself from Gunther, who smelled of flowers, Gunther gnashed his teeth. However, I am still a Suppon, and I have eyes and ears, so I cannot act recklessly.

After loading the food, I went to the jewelry store and sold the silver necklace and silver ring I got from the bandit boss, and even the ring I had from the guy I killed in the underground waterworks of Scanden. Then I went to the forge and bought a halberd for Hyeonjun to use.

A long sword is a great weapon, but depending on the situation, you can use a long weapon, a halberd, and above all, it’s good to use it yourself to teach mercenaries. I didn’t buy spears and shields because I didn’t sell everything I had before and had extras. You never know when something will happen, but you have to keep a backup weapon.

“If you really go out, you’ve searched all over. Just tell me.”

“You crazy bastard…”

The mercenaries turned pale at what Hyeonjun said as he stroked the halberd. You will have to train hard until you really fall behind.

“La Hansen.”


Hyeonjun stroked La Hansen’s hair roughly. Lahansen waved his hand, but he had no energy after the conversation the day before, so he couldn’t even lift Hyun-joon’s hand.

“Cheer up. Because it will be fine.”

“Isn’t that a story that can be told so easily?”

Hyunjoon smiled. Haven’t we had this conversation before?

“Then should I say it hard?”

La Hansen also smiled as if he recalled the story they had shared before. Hyeonjun patted La Hansen on the shoulder and jumped on the horse.

“Anyway, I have to go to the venting first.”


La Hansen sighed and moved on. Still, I definitely feel more energetic than before.

“Hey, do you really think that if I do well, you’ll even order me a knight?”

At Hyeonjun’s words, La Hansen nodded. But I kept my mouth shut. I guess there is a lot to think about. Hyeonjun shrugged his shoulders and drove off.

Hyeonjun said as he left Shupon and headed northeast.

“Because it is the land of Benting, there will be no threat from orthodox or aristocratic factions. Dalian will be played in two shifts from today.”

“I’m going to pass out going back and forth in shift 2. Very.”

Although the mercenaries grumbled, they made up their minds. If they show a lethargic appearance, even the basic condition of the negotiations, ‘I will jump on a limb to build a ball in the eastern mountains’, is not established. The Eastern Mountains are not a good place, and even halfway guys can’t find a body when they enter. It’s not like there’s a Marquess guarding the Eastern Mountains for nothing. If the eastern mountains were good enough, they would have pushed away the mountains and shared with the empire, or a war would have broken out.

“Then what shall I do?”

Hyeonjun smiled softly at La Hansen’s question. Lahansen felt goosebumps rising.

“You have to do it whenever you have time. I’m going to make it hard, so follow the tempo.”


Lahansen barely nodded with a pale face. Anyway, Hyeonjun wouldn’t kill him through training, and the more he practiced, the faster his swordsmanship would be perfected. In the meantime, La Hansen should bear in mind.

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