
The June & Gunter mercenaries are camped out again. Although they came under the influence of the innovative faction, they couldn’t move at high speed carrying Hyeon-jun, who was unconscious due to injury, so the speed slowed down, so he couldn’t enter the village or city.

“Come to think of it, what kind of territory is this? Venting from here?”

“It’s the Suppon Territory. It’s a barony, and it’s the estate of the Marquis of Benting.”

La Hansen answered Hyeon-jun’s question. Lahansen is taking it lightly, but just being able to tell the information about nobles and territories like this is doing a good job in the mercenary corps.

The Marquess of Benting owns not only the Benting estate but also the surrounding estates as a privilege of a Marquess. In this case, the Marquis is the Marquis of Benting and at the same time becomes the Baron of Suppon. He must also be a baron of some other domain. Hyeon-jun still felt strange that a nobleman could hold multiple titles at the same time. A marquis and a baron, isn’t the gap too big?

It was a problem that arose because the aristocratic system was perceived as just vertical. Even if you are a baron, you can scrape in money with a large estate, and even if you are a count, you may not have any estate while working in the royal family. The baron is also a high-ranking aristocrat, and there is absolutely nothing to lose.

“It’ll be fine if it’s the Marquis’ estate. If there’s a village on the way, I’ll stop by, and if not, I’ll go straight to the city.”

Everyone nodded at Hyunjoon’s words. Enter Schupon as soon as possible and wait for the Marquis to contact you. If there is no response, he will have to go to the Benting Mansion, but Hyun-jun is thinking that the Marquis will not neglect him.

Even if Hyeon-joon came alone with an empty can, he would snatch it for a good reason to wield it, but he came with a small but powerful mercenary group, and even killed a knight to bring the full plate armor. Furthermore, there is even a trump number called La Hansen.

Surprisingly, among them, La Hansen is the second most valuable person next to Hyeon-jun himself. I don’t know if Lahansen hasn’t reached that point yet, or if it’s an escape from reality due to stress, but he doesn’t mention it. However, Hyeon-jun was well aware of La Hansen’s true value.

‘An assassin who belonged to an orthodox family and came to assassinate me.’

With Lahansen, no amount of sh*t on Situban could cover the fact that he attempted an assassination. There is really no turning back now. He killed the knight and took all of his armor as evidence.

Assassination with knights. It won’t end with just political wounds. Even if he survives, all nobles will turn their backs on him. The attempted assassination is not the problem. The assassination failed, and the knights were not even mobilized to fix it. There is no reason to hold hands with an asshole.

‘I’m not the only ember of the civil war.’

Because of this, Hyeon-jun must protect La Hansen, and no matter what happens, hold him tight in his arms and never let go. Even if Hyeonjun is alone, it becomes a great cause, and even if La Hansen is alone, it becomes a great cause. In other words, if you hold one in your hand, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the other. One is enough. If one of the two bothers you, it’s a good enough justification to kill or throw it away.

Of course, if you have both, you will have great synergy. If the Marquis gives Hyeon-Jun a noble title and publicizes the case, he will get the nobleman who was about to be assassinated and his witnesses at once.

It doesn’t matter that Hyun-joon isn’t a noble now. Because he was assigned anyway. No idiot would not know that this was an excuse for a civil war.

The overall picture would look like this.

Hyeonjun Kang, a vassal of the Marquis of Benting, was attacked by the orthodox faction, and captured and persuaded the assassin to head to the Benting estate together. On the way, he again battles with the knights sent by the orthodox faction and wins. A nobleman or a knight Kang Hyeon-jun asks his master, the Marquis Benting, to protect his right, the marquis. The Marquis makes a weighty decision based on the testimony of a turned assassin brought along by his vassal. In order to fulfill his obligation to protect his vassal, the Marquis eventually left behind the heavy duty of defending the front line of the Eastern Mountain Range and raised his heavy body to draw out his sword.

‘It can be made to fit tightly like in the picture.’

Renovators who want a civil war cannot afford to miss this perfect opportunity. However, it is not yet known whether Hyun-jun will be given a title right away. The cause is important. But even within the innovators there is politics. Making a commoner with only a small mercenary base as a nobleman or giving him a knighthood could cause a huge backlash. That is a separate issue from civil war. This is because if they become nobles and knights easily without any credit or foundation, their authority will be damaged.

‘It depends on the Marquis’ judgment.’

Hyeonjun sighed as he looked at the campfire. As I left Scanden, I thought I was saying goodbye to these troublesome things, but on the contrary, they became more closely intertwined. My head is pounding. I want to eat something sweet, but I can’t get it because it’s a luxury item.

Hyeon-jun said after organizing his thoughts on complicated things.

“There are two things I learned from this battle.”

“To fight until that point and only get two… .”

Gunther clicked his tongue and Hyeonjun splashed water on him. Of course, I didn’t do much, just enough to make me feel bad. Now that the days are definitely getting colder, you might catch a cold if you pour water on it like before.

“Bastard! Stop doing this!”

“One is that there is no way to penetrate full plate armor.”

Swords and magic are blocked. Even the overwhelming power exerted by the Mana Knights was too short to be usable. If Hyeonjun hadn’t persistently drained the mana of Jerdu’s armor, he wouldn’t have been able to complete it even after entering the mount at the last moment. If you have to fight for close to 30 minutes, doing that sh*t every time you fight a single knight, it’s better to just avoid the fight. However, Hyeon-jun is not in a position to fight over everything.

“The other is that you need a proper swordsmanship to spread while standing on the ground.”

In the battle against Jerdu, Hyun-Jun was able to continue to endure and drag him into a war of attrition because the battlefield was a forest. It ran in all directions, moved three-dimensionally, and recovered by hiding behind a tree. Had they collided head-on on flat ground, it would have been difficult to sustain even a minute.

“Lahansen, you will have to suffer a little before you learn or steal proper swordsmanship.”

“It is what I wish for.”

Hyeon-jun decided to stop what he was doing and study ‘gentle’ movements by sparring with La Hansen. The things he is currently researching are all things he organized while fighting a large number of gnolls in the forest. It is a movement in a place where there are a lot of obstacles such as trees, and it is a movement in a situation where even the enemy can use it as an obstacle. Also, it was created while dealing with those who could not receive his sword. It’s of little use in fighting a single powerful being on the plains.

La Hansen was also welcome to it. Hyeon-jun’s irregular and splendid movements were not something that could be imitated by learning, and he could hardly be used in real combat. I can’t even guess how many years it will take before I can do crazy things like running at full speed, stopping, lowering my stance, spinning around, and then shooting out again. Spurring obstacles and swinging a sword through the air? Will that work?

“It’s a pity that I couldn’t steal Jerdu’s swordsmanship.”

“It’s weirder to steal like that.”

I couldn’t properly check my swordsmanship because I tried my best to avoid sword strikes from the front more than twice at a time. In addition, Jerdu’s movement was not very helpful as it was an armored swordsmanship performed while wearing full plate armor. Armored swordsmanship is a swordsmanship created considering not only the armor’s defense power, but also the movements limited by the armor. There is no reason for Hyun-jun, who has a flexible and resilient body, to do it when he is not even wearing full plate armor.

‘If you think about it that way, wearing full plate armor makes it difficult to use my strengths.’

Hyeonjun, realizing that fact, let out a sigh. You will be restricted in your movements and at the same time you will not be able to move quietly. Hyeonjun also knows what his strengths are. To be precise, he confirmed his strength in the battle with Yerdu.

Three-dimensional and irregular movements, and a silent surprise attack from a blind spot without sound. That is currently Hyun-jun’s strong point. It’s not something that can be said to be hard work, and it’s not at the level of being supported by natural talent, but it’s possible to just hold on to your collar and run with all your might.

‘The current armament is perfect. No, this is too much.’

Hyeonjun sighed and stroked the folds and tassettes connected to the breastplate. Even just that, the sound of the metal hitting it resonated loudly. If you have this, you can’t do anything that greatly bends your back. A normal human would be able to show his maximum potential even wearing armor. Because it was made with that in mind. However, Hyeon-jun’s potential is excessive, so wearing hard plate armor will greatly restrict his movement.

‘Damn it, I can’t use it because other people don’t have it, but I can’t use it even if I do.’

Hyeon-joon grumbled and ate the grilled sausage to make up for the day’s quota.


Hyeon-joon, who was riding a horse, was rolling his eyes wide open. Even after being driven to the brink of death, thanks to his resilience, he was fully recovered in just two days and was able to mount the horse again.

‘I’ll have to buy some magic.’

Hyeonjun looked around at the magic. I already have over 400 karma. Killing the thieves before, killing Jerdu, and even the soldiers killed by the mercenaries. Enough amount to learn magic.

‘I’ll have to buy soil magic.’

Hyeon-joon didn’t worry, he spent 100 karma to purchase the earth attribute, and looked around the magic all the way. Then he found a magic that caused thorns to rise from the ground and stopped.

‘300 Karma… .’

There is as much karma as you can afford. Hyeonjun thought of Burgel. Although Burgel himself was an idiot, the magic he used was threatening. Earth magic, which deals with mass, was very difficult for Hyeon-jun, who was a warrior by default. Earth and rocks do not disappear even if you block them with magic defense. It can shock the opponent or hinder their movement. In addition to that, if you consume a lot of mana, you will be able to build numerous obstacles within a small range. like a forest.

‘Anyway, that’s a waste.’

Hyeonjun immediately purchased magic. And without thinking, he cast a spell on the side of the road as a test.



“It’s an enemy raid!”

Gunther, who was riding, was startled, and Lahansen jumped up to announce the threat. In an instant, mercenaries poured out of the wagon and formed a formation, and La Hansen stood in the center of the formation to counter the magic.


Seeing Hyeon-jun sitting alone on a horse, Gunther exclaimed. Hyunjoon smiled and said.

“Sorry, I did it.”

“… … what?”

While the mercenaries were lost, Hyeon-jun made the thorn rise again. Lahansen, who was watching this, trembled and rushed at Hyeonjun.

“You crazy bastard!”

“Oh, now you’ve grown up cursing too.”

Hyeon-jun jumped off his horse and quickly ran away. The mercenaries also came to their senses and rushed at Hyeon-jun using a pickaxe. However, he couldn’t keep up with Hyeon-joon, who had already fully recovered, so he was exhausted and fell out one by one while chasing him.

Hyunjoon stopped and said.


“Kuaaa! Son of a b*tch!”

Gunther gasped and screamed, but Hyeon-joon opened the distance again with a calm face.

“Whoa… Let’s go back to the carriage for now.”


When the mercenaries eventually gave up, Hyeon-jun nodded and went back to the carriage. When Hyeon-Jun came closer, several of them tried to run at him, but there was no way Hyeon-Jun would be caught. When everyone was exhausted and gave up completely, Hyeon-jun approached the horse with light steps and quickly mounted it.

“Let’s talk as we go.”

Everyone was shaking, but there was nothing they could do. The carriage moved again, and the mercenaries asked what had happened.

“I just got to do it.”

“Again bullsh*t.”

La Hansen clicked his tongue. Then he secretly looked into the eyes of the mercenaries. Could it be that you also have a natural talent for magic?

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