Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 993: New Year's Eve

"After winning the Oscar, Lao Bai returned to China with a low profile yesterday for the New Year."

"Oscar for best soundtrack and best animated feature film again, Lao Bai became the fourth Chinese to win Oscars twice!"

"Two best animated feature films, how far can Lao Bai go in animation?"


"Tsk tsk, these reporters are really dedicated!"

In the warm and comfortable living room, shook the newspaper in his hand, and the retired branch chief said disdainfully: "The New Year's Eve still cares about your news, don’t they need to go home for the New Year? Besides, these two There is so much snow outside, someone is really blocking you at the airport...Look, this picture is quite clear!"

After retiring, the old man ordered more than a dozen newspapers in one go.

Zheng Tianliang's age is a bit older, and his thinking is more stubborn, so he can't accept the so-called online news, he prefers the feeling of holding a newspaper in his hand. And because of the son-in-law at home, the old man also specially ordered several entertainment newspapers-if you want to put it aside, people will not even bother to look at this kind of gossip.

"Why not? But there must be someone on duty!"

While listening with a stethoscope on Zheng Jia's belly, Sun Peng said casually.

In fact, after returning from the United States in a hurry, everything about the New Year is empty. Zheng Jia and the child in her belly are what Sun Peng is most concerned about. Even if he knew that Zheng Jia had been living in his natal family during this period, his parents would definitely serve them with all their energies, Sun Peng couldn't help but wonder, right?

"Ouch, are you still listening?"

At this moment, the mother-in-law, who had been busy preparing dinner, walked out of the kitchen and couldn't help but smile when she saw Sun Peng's serious face: "It's not a doctor, what can you hear? Hurry up. Serve me!"

"Okay, here it is!"

Sun Peng stood up quickly and quickly helped move the chair and set the plate.

The old man Zheng Tianliang is the one who never goes to the kitchen. He basically knows nothing except eating and drinking; Zheng Jia is pregnant now, and that is everyone’s key protection object. Usually, the mother-in-law uses water for fear that the cold will irritate her. That is, Sun Peng can help a little bit. But because he just flew back to the capital, people said that he would not be allowed to interfere in the New Year's Eve dinner...

"Huh? There seems to be a voice!"

At this moment, the family suddenly heard something outside, and Sun Peng hurried out to take a look and immediately became happy: "Brother, why are you back at this point?"

The brother-in-law Zheng Shun walked in with a tired look.

"This is New Year's Eve, so let's not rest!"

Twisting a somewhat stiff neck, Zheng Shun glanced at Sun Peng: "Your kid is finally back? I thought you were celebrating the New Year in the United States!"

I have been busy on duty for the past two days, and Zheng Shun has not seen Sun Peng who has returned.

"Like you, always come back during the New Year!"

Casually, Sun Peng quickly took the leather bag in Zheng Shun's hand, and smiled as he walked inside: "Just right, the New Year's Eve dinner has just been prepared..."

Sun Peng ate the New Year’s Eve dinner at the old Zheng’s house.

Not only eating New Year's Eve dinner at my wife’s house, but even tonight...including for a long time in the future, both Sun Peng and them will live here. The reason is of course that Zheng Jia is pregnant. The mother-in-law is deeply suspicious of Sun Peng's ability to take care of her wife, so she strongly urges her daughter to live at home to facilitate her care. Sun Peng is alone here, so naturally there is no reason to oppose, so he just stayed with him.


Sun Peng can even predict that when the child is born in the future, he might continue to live.

The two old people were not used to living in their villas, and they said they would not leave the ancestral courtyard at all, but they were worried about letting the nanny take care of their daughters and children. They could only sacrifice Sun Peng and the others... Of course, sacrifices were not counted. Above, after all, the conditions of the old Zheng family are also good, and the place is large, and it is worry-free in terms of safety!

Sun Peng is not repulsive of living here for a long time.

Zheng Shun, who thought he would continue to work overtime on the New Year’s Eve, came back, giving the family a little surprise, and the New Year’s Eve dinner was happier. Everyone was eating and chatting, and by the way, watching the Chinese Spring Festival Gala—the world also has the so-called Spring Festival Gala, but it’s basically a large variety show held by various TV stations. In terms of influence, it’s true on earth. Of course, the Spring Festival Gala is incomparable.

But just turn on the TV and listen to it, no one cares too much.

And after everyone had finished eating, the old man took out two bottles of good wine from his treasure chest and took his son and son-in-law to drink together, the house became more and more lively...

After drinking half a bottle, Zheng Tianliang just put down the wine glass in his hand and suddenly asked, "Xiao Peng, I heard Jiajia said that Xiao Chen from the branch was looking for you?"

"Little Chen? Who?"

Sun Peng, who had a moderate amount of alcohol, was busy eating vegetables, and asked casually.

Seeing him indifferently and seemingly not caring too much, Zheng Jia next to him hurriedly pushed him: "My dad is talking about Chen Guangrong, Director Chen!"

"Director Chen, why is Chief Chen looking for him?"

Before Sun Peng remembered what Director Chen looked like, Zheng Shun asked in surprise.

"Oh, yes, I remember!"

Suddenly, Sun Peng smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, I did meet him when I went to the branch the other day, and he took me to the office to chat for a while, as if it was... well, I wanted me Write a script related to the police!"

"Script? Is it a TV show again?"

Hearing what Sun Peng said, Zheng Shun's pair of bulb eyes lit up instantly!

Since I started working as a consultant for "Criminal Minds", how much extra money I earn is a trivial matter, but for Zheng Shun, letting his name appear on the TV screen is so cool! Let’s not talk about anything else, the little girls in the game looked different in their eyes, watery and comfortable...

"No, it's a movie."

Shaking his head, Sun Peng poured the wine glasses of the old man and brother-in-law first, and then smiled: "I don't know what happened that day. Director Chen Guangrong suddenly asked me to work together and asked me to write a movie promoting the police. Haha, he Why is a small branch director worried about this? It must be the boss of which film company is a friend with him, so... uh, dad, I didn't mean that!"

Suddenly seeing Zheng Tianliang's darkened face, Sun Peng quickly changed his tone.

It's broken, the wrong thing is said!

Sun Peng was so quick that he forgot that Zhang Ren was also a sub-director before he retired, and that it was the position of Chen Guangrong!

"Hehe, what do you think?"

With a sneer, Zheng Tianliang's sharp eyes floated over.


Cold all over, Sun Peng sensed Zheng Jia’s little hand that was secretly pinched, and quickly nodded: "That's not enough? Dad, that's where you used to work. Even if I don’t know Director Chen, why? I also want to give you face! Write, you must write a good script for them to promote the glorious image of the police!"

"Well, it's almost the same!"

Hearing what Sun Peng said, Zheng Tianliang nodded in satisfaction.


In just a few seconds, Lao Zheng's expression changed, and he continued: "But, it's still your own business after all! Ahem, I had something in the game that day, and I met Xiao Chen, he and I mentioned that... if your side is busy, just forget it, anyway, he really shouldn't be worrying about this kind of thing."

With a somewhat embarrassed expression, Lao Zheng said that he might have just figured it out.


The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Sun Peng was speechless.

The co-author just thought that I looked down on the position of this sub-director, and it was you who expressed dissatisfaction. Now he said that it was indeed not something he was worried about, and it was you who made me not to do it...

"Okay, Xiaopeng, don't worry about it!"

At this moment, the mother-in-law came out in time to get out of the siege and glared at the old man and said, "Well, why is he a sub-director worrying about this? Someone must be looking for a relationship with him! Just ignore him, and you'll be fine. So many, who has the time to write scripts for the police?"

"This one……"

With a dry laugh, Sun Peng didn't know how to answer for a while.

To be honest, he really forgot about this matter, but now that the old man mentioned it, he definitely can't fail to remember it. Although it seems that Lao Zheng suddenly wanted to understand the whole story, Sun Peng pondered it for a while and smiled: "It's not too much trouble. Anyway, I have already saved an idea for the script, and I just need to spend a few days to write it out. ..."

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