Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 982: Gambling agreement

After slept in the hotel, Sun Peng and the second sister who had arrived earlier quickly entered the state of work.

Don't worry about meeting with Capoca, you can wait until after Oscar.

After all, the box office results are there, everyone knows. And if "The Lion King" wins a few more awards at the Oscars, it will undoubtedly be Sun Peng's extra points, which will more or less have some effect.

So before the Oscars, what I want to meet is actually two other waves-Haggs Pictures and Hymens Pictures, two Hollywood giants!

If Kaboka is considered to be a strong Lionsgate and New Line on earth, then Haggs and Hymens are at the level of Warner, Universal or Disney. Perhaps in North America, this gap is not too big, but once the arena is placed on a global scale, the gap between the two levels of influence and distribution capabilities is so big that it is hopeless.

Therefore, Sun Peng would only give them movies like "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".


The words that the shop bullied the customers were not just casual talk.

Even if I have been looking forward to Laobai's script for a long time, I almost look like a drooling movie, but when the two Hollywood giants started to contact Sun Ya, they put on a high posture-certainly not an attitude , But momentum.

Of course, they also have this capital!

It's like a hacker or a true lie. If it is filmed and released on the Hollywood giant's side, the box office plus two or three billion dollars is just like a play. After all, although China's film companies have achieved remarkable results in their overseas strategy in recent years, they are still far from Hollywood. Perhaps China’s domestic box office will not rise but fall, but in some areas in North America, Europe, South America, and even Asia, the box office will definitely increase dramatically!

The increase in this part of the box office is the confidence of the two Hollywood giants in the negotiations.

As for laobai...

With Sun Ya's shrewdness and experience accumulated over the past few years, of course, what is more important is Sun Peng's brilliant achievements in recent years. Compared with the Hollywood giants, the confidence is definitely not much different. So in the long negotiation, everyone talks and talks, you come and me, it can be said that you will meet a good talent!


Sun Peng, who had been unable to wait for the results, was finally impatient!

The little wizard has a dystocia, now even "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is so dystocia? If it keeps dragging on like this, like some director’s film preparation for several years or even more than ten years, will his plan be implemented? Do you want to continue to build the ip of Little Wizard?

So after meeting the person in charge of Haggs Pictures, Sun Peng said straightforwardly: "Mr. Pierce, first of all, let me express my attitude: I can accept a reduction in the share of the movie box office and the surrounding share. There is no problem, but the investment in the film must not be reduced! If your company feels that the risk is too great, I can invest in the film in full, and then your company will be responsible for the distribution in North America and Europe!"

Sun Peng has more confidence in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" than anyone.

As long as you don't die and shoot the second or third part, if you just take the first part, it will look good enough even if you take the original, let alone the finished product after shooting with the new technology of this era.


After listening to Sun Peng's words, Eric of Haggs Pictures? Mr. Pierce was in a dilemma for a while.

Since it is willing to negotiate with Sun Ya for so long, Haggs Pictures is of course very interested in the adaptation rights of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". First, this set of picture books has sold millions of sets all over the world, and already has a good fan base; second, after looking at the script written by Laobai, as a senior Hollywood expert, he can of course also see this movie. Great potential.

It's just that when it comes to making a decision, everyone is still a little nervous.

After all, although Haggs has a big business, the performance of the movies in the past two years has been mediocre. It hastily invested one or two billion US dollars to make a Western fantasy movie written by Chinese people. Even if the other party is this laobai, it still can’t let people. rest assured.

So the best way is of course to reduce the cost of shooting.

And this is what Sun Peng is most dissatisfied with. He wants to ensure the best results. As for the second sister's persistent unwillingness to reduce the copyright fees and subsequent dividends, Sun Peng doesn't care too much-one or two points more, one or two points less, may mean a large number, but Sun Peng What Peng feels more distressed is the loss of time!

So facing the people of Haggs Pictures, Sun Peng did not waste time.

It’s just that he’s happy here, but Eric? Pierce was embarrassed, frowning and said: "Mr. Bai, in fact, after our detailed evaluation, in fact, there is no need to make the details so perfect. At least 40 million US dollars in production costs can be saved..."

"No, no!"

Before the other party was finished, Sun Peng interrupted him swiftly and shook his head. "Mr. Pierce, although we have been talking for a long time, you may not understand it! My movie can't make a living, nor Need to make a living, because the final box office is enough to make up for the huge cost of production!"


After listening to Sun Peng's words, Eric? Pierce instantly Alexander.

If there is another person sitting in front of you at this moment, even the top screenwriter in Hollywood, Eric? Pierce also gave the opponent a sharp look, and immediately regained the advantage in the momentum-who would dare to speak such big words?

But the other party is Laobai, he really doesn't know how to refute.

Counting with your fingers, people have never failed!

And it’s not because of the small number of works. In fact, in the past few years, three cartoons, two special agent series, as well as The Matrix and Hold Talk, and of course the two films he directed, all made money. Yes, and it's still a big profit! Even TV series, music and novels...


Not dare to think about Eric? Pierce gasped.

No matter how many times he tried to calculate the talent of this Mr. Laobai, he felt that this guy was nothing like a person!

But just when he opened his mouth and just wanted to say something, Eric? When Pierce saw Laobai's eyes suddenly lit up, he was very excited and said: "Yes! Since you always think that the risk is a little too high, or the investment is too high, then I just invest part of it... for example, that Forty million, let me make up! As for the later dividends, we can also use the more popular gambling agreements in recent years. For example, if the global box office is less than 500 million, I only need to invest in the share, and no longer receive script dividends. What……"

"A gambling agreement?"

After listening to Sun Peng, Eric? Pilston was stunned. Sun Ya next to him slapped his forehead, showing helplessness...

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