Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 843: Good grades and miracles

On the night of July 1st, in a villa in Los Angeles.

Liang Ren walked around the room with a look of excitement, turning his head from time to time to look at the agent Ye Tian sitting next to him, as if he wanted to open his mouth to say something, but every time he opened his mouth halfway and closed it again, then Walking around the house again...

"Relax, my friend!"

Compared to Liang Ren's impatience, Richard at this time? Feynman seemed particularly calm.

Taking a sip of the smoking pipe he usually uses to pretend, the Hollywood producer spit out a thick eye circle and smiled calmly: "There is still one minute to midnight... Since you have decided to wait until twelve Click again, why not sit down and enjoy this feeling of expectation?"


The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Liang Ren really didn't bother to take care of this pretending guy.

In essence, Liang Ren's expectations for "Sixth Sense" and Richard? Feynman is completely different!

For this American, "Sixth Sense" is a film project, at most the investment is not low, and because of the addition of Liang Ren, the big brother of the Chinese film industry, its profit prospects are optimistic-not to mention No matter from which point of view, "Sixth Sense" is a rhythm to make a lot of money!

But for Liang Ren, the meaning of "Sixth Sense" is extraordinary!

In the past two years, the decline of the giant costume system has become more and more obvious. The audience who have been tired of it no longer buy it, and the country has already lost two consecutive movies. As the master of the blockbuster costume film, Liang Ren was lured by the high pay and dividends and took the next "Xuanwumen" not long ago, but deep down he was already quite anxious about his future.

The movie people of China, maybe they will shoot this type alive!

The original super-large production of "Heavy Oil Red Sauce", released every year or every two years, will definitely become a hot spot in the film market, and it will also make China's movie genre become internationally sought-after. But the problem is that the development of Huaxia Movies has surpassed a lot on the earth, and the strong national power and mature market have also made the capitals no longer satisfied with the domestic market and eagerly want to go out!

The result is that the rhythm of at least two blockbuster films a year has quickly spawned a large number of elite directors and actors of period blockbuster films, and at the same time, this genre has quickly gone to death.

There are already many such examples on earth.

As the biggest beneficiary of this phenomenon, Liang Ren had no right to complain, but he could plan for his future early-he was only in his forties, and he was far from the time to wait for death by mixing up with seniority. Liang Ren still has greater ambitions and expectations!

Therefore, Liang Ren cannot afford to lose in the movie "The Sixth Sense"!

Otherwise, with his status and status as China's number one movie star, would he work hard to build a small screenwriter who has just entered the industry for two years? It's not because there are only a few people in China that can write scripts that Europe and the United States recognize, and only Sun Peng has the highest success rate!

As for directly participating in European and American movies...

After spending so many years in the circle, Liang Ren knew exactly what the group of people were thinking about. It was nothing more than allowing himself to help develop the Chinese market. Even so, it may be because I look down on the Chinese filmmakers from the bottom of my heart, or it may be because I am deeply afraid of this country with endless potential. In short, after two cooperations, Liang Ren found that it is difficult to get a truly significant role from the Yankee. , Or in other words, it is impossible to appear in that heavyweight work at all!

Under such circumstances, Lao Bai naturally became the best choice...

Pulled away.

In a word, the success of "Sixth Sense" and the ultimate height it can reach will not only determine Liang Ren's attitude towards cooperation with Lao Bai in the future, but may also determine Liang Ren's future development direction-if If such a wonderful script as "Sixth Sense" will fail, then the road of transformation may be even more difficult...

"Haha, awesome!"

Just as Liang Ren pondered, and the steps under his feet gradually slowed down, the agent who had been watching the box office numbers suddenly shouted with excitement.

"Are there any results? How many on the first day?!"

Liang Ren hasn't reacted from his thoughts, Richard who has been sitting steadily? Feynman bounced up instantly and asked anxiously.


The corners of his mouth twitched again, and Liang Ren looked at Richard? Feynman's eyes were full of contempt. This guy looked so calm just now, looks like he was pretending?

Rubbing his hands, Ye Tian exclaimed excitedly: "The first day is $6.4 million, ranking first in the new film!"

"Second in the new movie? What about the overall ranking?"

Liang Ren's heart burst, and he asked quickly.

The result of 6.4 million US dollars was expected, so Liang Ren did not delve into it at all. Although he is China’s No. 1 movie star and is well-known in Europe and America, just like the big brother Cheng on earth, not all movies can attract attention and get a lot of box office, so for a foreign star For "low-cost" thrillers, a box office of 6.4 million is enough to satisfy people.

You know this is the summer vacation, and blockbusters are showing almost every week.

"The Heart of the Brave", which was released at the same time as "Sixth Sense," a movie about American wars abroad is a big production this week, and the starring is Julian of Hollywood's 20 million club? Carter, Liang Ren never thought from the beginning that he could beat his opponent, and it would be great to be second.

The issue is……

The argument that the new film ranks second makes Liang Ren a little flustered.

Why should it be emphasized that it is the second in the new film?

Ye Tian understands it well, so he immediately explained: "The science fiction movie "The Heart of the Brave" was released last week. The decline this week was only 35 percent, and it won today's box office runner-up position... …But don’t worry too much, they are just over one million more at the box office than "Sixth Sense." If we have a good reputation, we can definitely go ahead.

""The Heart of the Brave", one of Harris' priorities this year!"

After listening to Ye Tian's words, Richard? Feynman smiled for granted: "The cost of the announcement alone exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars. It is not surprising to get such a box office in the second week... Haha, 6.4 million U.S. dollars, this result is already very good. Great! Congratulations, Liang, you have achieved another success!"

"……Thank you."

A smile was barely squeezed out of his face, Liang Ren nodded and said.

Richard? Feynman certainly has reasons to be happy, because with a box office of more than 6 million on the first day, as long as the word-of-mouth is not bad, the first weekend of 30 million should be no problem, and then the total box office may be able to rush to 100 million US dollars. Then, with Liang Ren's huge influence in Asia...especially in the super market of China, the global box office of 500 million US dollars must be stable. From the perspective of costs and benefits, there is no doubt that the film of Sixth Sense can make a fortune.


"$6.4 million, only less than a million more than "Kill Bill"?"

Don't manage Chad? Feynman and his agent were so excited, but Liang Ren felt uncomfortable in his heart at this moment.

How many years did it take him to establish his current status and popularity in North America, and how many years did the old white rise? And it's also a movie starring a foreigner, but there are countless white and black faces in "Sixth Sense", and then this result?

So even if this result is the result of the previous evaluation, Liang Ren is still disappointed after hearing it.

"Huh? Amazing!"

Just as Liang Ren sighed secretly, the agent Ye Tian continued to look at the phone and suddenly called out in surprise.

"Huh? What's so great? Which movie?"

Facing Richard? With Feynman's question, Ye Tian bit his lip and exclaimed again and again: "It's not a movie, but another heavenly king in China...Luo Cheng, do you know Richard?"

"Of course, one of China's most famous singers...I know!"

Halfway through, Richard? Feynman suddenly realized it.

During this period of time, he didn't miss the news from China, and naturally it was clear that compared to the release of "Sixth Sense", the release of the new album of Luo Cheng and Lao Bai was the most interesting news!

So after thinking about it, Richard? Feynman's heart moved: "Ye, could it be said that his new album has a good record?"

"Very good? No, no, it shouldn't be said to be very good!"

Quickly waved his hand, Ye Tian sighed with a complicated expression, "At least in my opinion, this achievement can be called a miracle..."

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