Playing "The Legend of Old White Knights 2" on the computer screen and watching "The Legend of Old White Knights 2" on the big screen at the booth are completely different feelings!

Amazing on the big screen, shock on the small screen!

When Fang Zhijie controlled the protagonist of the game and walked on the streets of Luoyang City, especially when he switched to the first perspective and carefully looked at everything on both sides of the street and around him, the shocking feeling came like a tide, making him For a while, I felt a little incoherent: "Guys, this is definitely the best rpg game in China...No, no, I think even if you get it internationally, it should not be bad, right? Is it a first-class level?! "

As a game host, Fang Zhijie is not a host who has never seen the world.

In fact, he has to play dozens of games at least one year, and the 3a masterpiece will buy a set of all types, and then play a wave in his live broadcast room. So the world's top games, whether it is the top quality, the top plot, or even the top gameplay, Fang Zhijie can be considered to have seen it.

So after watching "Old White Heroes 2", he was so shocked!

It's not that the picture quality of this game, or the various details of Luoyang City really surpassed those world-class 3a masterpieces and reached the point where no one can beat it, but...

Can domestic games do this too?

Just a few minutes before sitting at the computer, Fang Zhijie was still thinking that as long as he can surpass "Old White Heroes 1", he would be satisfied. He did not expect that Lao Bai Studio gave him a big surprise-no matter the quality of the picture or the passersby. The ai, or the details of the city, the progress of "Old White Heroes 2" is leapfrog!

Not surpassing the predecessor, but far behind!

So after walking around in Luoyang for a few minutes, Fang Zhijie couldn't help it: "Brothers, this street is enough for shopping, right? I want to find some houses to check in!"

"Go! Go!"

"Yes, hurry up and see those houses, can you go in!"

"Lao Fang, pick the houses on the street one by one! Don't run around!"

"Go to the brothel! Go to the brothel! Go to the brothel!"

"Just now I saw that there seems to be a painting boat in the river. Go up and stroll around! There must be many young ladies!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was obviously also a little impatient, and all kinds of bullet screens came up to make suggestions. It's just that most of them were swept away by Fang Zhijie, but a few made him feel tangled!


He is also going!

Although you know that the game like "Old White Knights 2" can't really have that kind of naked scenes, but entering the brothel to see the beautiful young lady, imagine it is also very enjoyable?

But Fang Zhijie knew that at least during the live broadcast, it would definitely not be possible to go, because that would inevitably offend a large number of female fans in the live broadcast room-don't underestimate these women, many of them are the main force of "consumption" here!

But don't go...

The male fans are going to riot!

So Zhijie also had a flash of inspiration at the bottom of his desperate situation. He smiled and said, "Okay, let's walk down this street and walk around every house! Then, I saw a river at the end. There should be a painting on the side, let's go up and take a look...Time should be almost there!"

When Fang Zhijie wants to come, at least some literature and art on the painting boat, right?

That's all!

So ignoring the "brooch! Brooch!" in the live broadcast room, Fang Zhijie controlled the characters and started walking forward on the street, and then when he saw a house, he looked for a door to enter!

"This is a silk shop. You can buy silk... Huh? You can even make custom-made clothes? Wow, many styles can be made to order?"

"Rouge gouache shop...Does this mean you can put makeup on the character? The beauties in the live broadcast room, you can show your skills in the future!"

"Liquor shop! It seems that the alcohol content in ancient times was very low. Under normal circumstances, it was about the same as beer, or lower than beer, so Xiao Feng could drink that way..."

"It's closed? Alas, there is a closing notice posted at the door... The boss wants to transfer this small restaurant? Sis... Brothers, I suddenly had a bold idea! Do you think players can still play in the game? Buy a shop and start your own shop? If you can, that would be really awesome!"

"The blacksmith shop should be the place to build equipment..."


Walking from the middle of the street all the way to the river, Fang Zhijie didn't even bother to play a small mission open to players by Lao Bai's studio, but just went in and watched the shops.

The speed was very fast and did not stop.

There is not much time left for each lucky player at the exhibition, and Fang Zhijie wants to go to the gallery after a while, so it naturally speeds up.


When Fang Zhijie passed a stall on the side of the road, he suddenly stopped.

"Huh? Blind?"

After standing in front of the booth, Fang Zhijie was obviously a little curious: "Can blind people also play musical instruments? And this thing... is it an erhu?"

"Cut, why can't blind people play musical instruments? Not all people are born blind."

"It doesn't matter if you are born blind, as long as you are willing to work hard. I have a cousin who is born born, and now she plays the piano very well!"

"Hurry up, time is flying!"

"Go to the gallery, don't spend time here!"


Originally, I wanted to continue walking quickly, but I didn't know what happened. Fang Zhijie suddenly had an urge to listen to him playing a song!

Looking at his package, there were silver and copper plates presented by Lao Bai's studio. Fang Zhijie bit his lip and threw ten copper plates into the bowl of the blind artist.

"Don't worry, let's listen to a tune first!"

Taking a deep breath, Fang Zhijie began to appease the fans in the live studio who were anxious to draw the boat, and said with a smile: "Guys, don't forget, this is "The Legend of the Old White Group 2"! It was planned and produced by Bai Da himself. The game, and most of the music in this artist may play Erhu in white capitals, don’t you want to listen to it?"

"Yes, that is indeed worth listening to!"

"Not interested, hurry up and draw a boat, the time is almost here!"

"Bai Da still knows erhu? Don't be funny! Can you imagine someone writing "firework" playing erhu?"

"Hehe, never think of Bai Da in your mortal way of thinking! Have you heard of "Best of Love"?"


"Okay, stop arguing, it's going to start!"

Seeing that the blind artist had already posed, Fang Zhijie hurriedly persuaded: "If it sounds good, let's listen, if it doesn't sound, let's go right away. It won't waste much time..."

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