Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1569: March 1st

March 1st, nine o'clock in the morning.

Karen? Miller came to the door of the bookstore early to find his good friend Shania? Fein and Haili? Quint. But when she found her good friend, she was shocked: "God, when did you arrive?"

"At half past eight, Karen."

Take a look at your good friend, Shania? Fein said helplessly: "But unfortunately, there were already so many people by the time I arrived... I heard that someone started taking pictures right at seven o'clock."

He shook his head, the same Haili who had just arrived? Quint said incomprehensibly: "I really don't understand, why did they come so early? They queued for two hours to buy a book... and we can even sit at home without moving, just on the Internet. Can be purchased!"

"Buying online, you have to wait at least three days!"

At the same time, he glanced at Haili, Karen and Shania's expressions were absolutely the same at this time, that was disdain!

Well, in fact, both of them can understand.

After all, in the good friend trio, Karen and Shania are **** little wizard fans, and now they are also the most loyal little wizard fans, but for Haili? For Quint, although he also likes these two series of novels, he is definitely not obsessed with it. This can be seen from the usual discussions.

So Haili's thoughts are naturally understandable.


Looking at the team of forty or fifty people in front, the girls were in distress at the same time.

Does this small bookstore have so many new books for sale?

You know, there are forty or fifty people in front of the queue, which definitely does not mean that they will only buy one copy, just like the three of them, they actually have to buy for friends, a total of at least ten copies! And does such a small corner bookstore really have so much inventory?

"Or... shall we go to a bigger bookstore?"

"Farewell, the same."

Rolling his eyes, Karen said angrily: "I passed a big bookstore when I just came here, and there are more people in line than here! If you can't buy it here, I'm afraid it won't work there."

"Oh, why are there so many people?"

After listening to Karen's words, Shania's face was obviously very troubled.

"Very simple, because of those two movies!"

After blinking her eyes, Haili said with a smile: "In the past two months or so, the box office of the two films has exceeded 2 billion U.S. dollars. How many fans do you think these two series of novels have? And don't forget There are still a lot of people who have curiosity after seeing the news. I am afraid that the number of these people is also quite large, right?"

As teenage girls, they know too much about the power of following the trend.

Perhaps none of the three of them can tell what the psychology is, but until everyone in the class is watching the same book and the same movie, it has become a topic of discussion every day, and even make-up on Halloween There will be a lot of costumes in movies during the dance, if you don't follow it, you will be completely out of date!

So after sighing secretly, Haili? Quint went on to say: "Girls, this is still in continental Europe. If you look at England and the United States...and the news in Australia and New Zealand, you will know that it is much more exaggerated than here! More than 5 million books will be sold a day, and the two books combined will even exceed 8 million books!"

"Eight million? Oh!"

After hearing Haili's words, Karen and Shania opened their mouths wide at the same time.

For those who were born and grew up in a small European town, and seldom go out, this unit rarely came into contact with them during the first ten years of their lives, let alone eight million!

But after a short shock, Karen quickly became excited: "I knew, haha! Harry Potter and Han Bo are amazing, they are the best novels in the world!"

"No, I think Harry Potter is better!"

After listening to her, Shania? Fein obviously had different opinions: "Although I also like Han Bo, it is obvious that magicians are the best, and Chinese wizards always make me feel strange!"

"I'm the opposite of you, and I prefer Chinese wizards."

"Oh no, Karen, you are a European!"

"So what? God, Shania, what age is this, do you still think Europe is the center of the world? Wake up, Britain is now a second-rate country at best, and the United States and China are superpowers! "

"Yes, I admit this, but it doesn't prevent me from preferring magicians. That's what Europeans do!"

"Girls, girls, be quiet!"

Watching two good friends start arguing about this eternal topic again, Haili? Quint reluctantly persuaded: "We are in public now, can you go back and quarrel again? And the content of these two novels is almost the same. They are also sitting works. What's so controversial?"

After saying these things, Haili, who has a gentle personality? Quinte couldn't help but secretly added: "Of course, I also like little wizards more, sorry Shania!"

After listening to her, the two girls finally stopped.

And at this moment, as if to ease their embarrassment, a small commotion suddenly broke out at the gate of the bookstore. The three girls quickly looked up and found that the staff inside was ready to open the door.

As if the bell rang for class, the fans waiting at the gate stood up, and the originally loose team instantly became tidy...


Like Haili? As Quint said, it is not only the young readers from the European continent who line up in advance for the two new books.

On March 1, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" and "Han Bo and the Order of the Phoenix" were released on the same day.

Dozens of countries around the world started selling them almost simultaneously, which is not an easy task for Guanglun Publishing and Poster Publishing. Fortunately, they both have very powerful and broad distribution channels, coupled with the concerted efforts of the two sides, so that the propaganda position covers the European continent to the British Isles, from China, Japan and South Korea to Southeast Asia, from Australia, New Zealand to North America and the United States. And Canada, wherever there is a huge market and fan base, the publicity of the two publishing houses is in full swing, and the momentum is huge!

Especially in the United States, the home base of Haggs Pictures, the first-day sales of 5 million are not just talking.

So just when Karen and the others poured into the bookstore, in distant Asia and North America, countless small fans or parents like them also moved. It’s just that people from some countries, such as European countries, habitually go to bookstores to line up, while some countries, such as China, prefer to place orders on the Internet, waiting for super-efficient couriers to deliver them to your door...

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