Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1565: Chinese New Year premiere

Sun Peng just said it casually, not taking it too seriously.

After all, a theme park invested in tens of billions, where is it so easy to raise funds? Not to mention that the scale involves the acquisition of land, the construction of supporting roads and other infrastructure, and the long-term planning of the city. Even if China's economy in this world is strong, and Sun Peng's name is enough, it is already very satisfying to be able to build one.

In fact, Sun Peng was even ready to spend his own money.

Selling the last 10% of Jiapeng Game Company's shares actually means planning for this matter. Just before Sun Peng's own money was raised, the second sister brought him the news that the intended funds were all alive.

Sun Ya, who listened to his words, naturally wouldn't mind it.

But after all, I left an impression in my heart, so that when I was negotiating with the representatives of the three cities, Sun Ya and my brother said something in a joking tone...


Near the Spring Festival, "Monster Company" and "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" are still being released in China. Their box office has surpassed the 3 billion Chinese currency mark. They are as good as Lao Bai's previous movies, but they are still not at the top level.

Sun Peng had been mentally prepared for this, and he was rather helpless in his heart.

Although Huaxia in this world has movies with a box office of over 4 billion every year, sometimes even more than one, but without exception, they are the most outstanding or most topical movies of the year. Although the films that Sun Peng transported from the earth are also excellent, it will never be easy for the "indigenous" who want to overcome this world!

Even if I moved Avatar over, it was still nothing.

After all, Avatar’s box office has a special background, and in an era when 3D, big screen and other elements have matured, it is really difficult to break the box office record with technology.

So what Sun Peng can look forward to is only a sequel movie.

But at least "Han Bo and the Prisoner of Haci", in Sun Peng's view, there is no hope. Even in China, its level of expectations is obvious as a small magician of the Yuan Dynasty, and some organizations even predict that its box office is likely to exceed 4 billion Chinese currency, but it is estimated that it is impossible.

Fortunately, Sun Peng is not very ambitious, and he is calm about this.

Therefore, after Lao Bai continued to top this year's list of the richest writers in the world and the top of the entertainment power list, "Han Bo and the Prisoner of Haci" ushered in the premiere day...


Magic City, Galaxy Studios.

"Wow, your plane is so popular these days!"

When meeting Sun Peng, Chen Feifei, who came to attend the premiere, couldn't help but said with envy: "But don't you need to spend money if you fly around every day? And... why don't you keep a low profile this time? "

Chen Feifei was quite envious of Sun Peng's new private jet.

Although she also has this stuff, it is the same as the case of private jets, just as cars are divided into countless levels from tens of thousands to tens of millions. Naturally, she can't compare with Sun Peng's after spending less than 200 million. . And these days, Sun Peng's planes are also frequently going to the sky, turning around airports with huge flow of people, which can be said to have earned enough attention.

"Low-key? What am I still low-key?"

Taking a look at Chen Tianhou, Sun Peng smiled indifferently: "It's just a plane! And I'm on the rich list and the power list now. Does anyone think I'm just a small screenwriter or a small director now?"


After a pause, Chen Feifei was also happy.

If he was low-key behind the scenes a few years ago, now with Lao Bai and Laobai in the world, the so-called low-key has no meaning. And she also knew that the purpose of the plane flying around was nothing more than to promote the upcoming third installment of Little Wizard.

In fact, the effect is really good!

The two went through the red carpet while chatting. After absently answering some questions from the host, Sun Peng and Chen Feifei went to the big lounge in the theater together, and then saw Luo Cheng, Ma Boyuan and Hu Tian who had arrived early. Many people haven't seen Sun Peng for a long time, and immediately surrounded him when they saw him come in.

After some greetings, Ma Boyuan patted Sun Peng on the shoulder and smiled: "To be honest, I won't be surprised at what your film scores now. Haha, with such a high box office, whether he can What's the prize, right?"


Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng was speechless.

However, he also knew that Ma Boyuan was kind, and while warming his heart, he raised **** and said with a smile: "Two things, first, these are not my movies, I am just the original author; second, I really I don’t care about the statements on the Internet...really! If I really care about the awards, I will always write scripts like "The World of Truman" and "The Enchanter" instead of planning for the Avengers. "

Seeing Sun Peng's confirmation, Ma Boyuan nodded, with a smile on his face.

Don't look at some sunspots who are always holding on to Sun Peng and have not won the grand prize, but everyone in the film industry knows that this kid can definitely write the kind of script that major awards like.


As long as Lao Bai’s cartoons are released, aren’t they all the strongest competitors for the best animated feature film?

After walking around in several lounges, Sun Peng quickly found someone he wanted to meet today, and walked over to pat Ye Xing's shoulder, who was chatting with others: "Brothers, what are you talking about? What?"

"Oh, teacher Sun is here?"

"Lao Bai teacher, good afternoon!"

"It's been a long time, Teacher Sun."


Amidst the greetings, Sun Peng chatted with everyone, then smiled at Ye Xing and said, "Is there time? Let's have a chat?"

"Of course, let's go."

After Ye Xing nodded, Sun Peng and several others smiled apologetically, and then walked to a lounge specially prepared for him with Ye Xing.

As soon as the two went out, the female star who just said hello whispered with envy, "Wow, it seems that Ye Xing and Teacher Lao Bai have a very good relationship!"

"Hehe, he was brought in by Teacher Lao Bai."

A middle-aged male star obviously knew something, and laughed in a low voice: "Furthermore, Ye Xing's agency appointment is under the company name of Lao Bai's sister. Can you think the relationship can be bad?"

"But, I haven't seen it in recent years..."

"Just waiting for the opportunity, sooner or later."

Glancing at the female star, the middle-aged male star smiled and said: "I heard that this time in the Avengers series, Mr. Bai recommended him to play one of the male protagonists. That is a super big production with at least one billion Chinese coins invested. ..."

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