Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1544: critical point

According to everyone's original plan, "Spider-Man 1" should start filming when "Iron Man" is released.

This is the most inefficient, but also the safest approach.

Because no one knows what the outcome of Hollywood-style superhero movies like "Captain China" and "Spider-Man" will be produced by Huaxia. Although Sun Peng carefully selected these two films, the thoughts and worldviews of the two heroes belong to the category that the East can also accept, but after all, there are still very big risks.

So Sun Peng intends to spend more time polishing the Spider-Man script.


Zhou An of Lotus Pictures can't wait.

Sun Peng was puzzled about this, frowned and asked: "Zhou, do you know how much the investment in Spider-Man 1 is?"

"I know, of course I do!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhou An nodded vigorously and said, "If only the production costs are used, at least 600 million Chinese currency will start! If you add the publicity costs, it will cost at least 1 billion, and considering that Spider-Man is the whole Part of the series, perhaps the final number will be as high as 1.2 billion Chinese coins!"

When talking about this number, Zhou An couldn't help taking a breath.

1.2 billion Chinese coins, if according to the usual lotus film industry standards, is enough to make two or two and a half movies, and now if you invest in the "Spider-Man" movie with an uncertain future, the risk is too great.


Looking at Sun Peng’s weird expression, Zhou An took a deep breath and said solemnly: “Of course I know that if I fail, it will have a very big impact on Lianhua Pictures! But Teacher Lao Bai, compared to the film’s failure and loss , I am even more afraid that Lotus Pictures will fall behind in this war!"

"War? You said it was war?"

After blinking his eyes, Sun Peng looked blank.

Are you talking about movies? Why is it involved in the war again?

Without answering Sun Peng’s question immediately, Zhou An licked his lips, took out a document from his carry-on bag, and handed it to him: “Mr. Sun, you can take a look at this information first. A statistical data! After the establishment of Avengers Pictures, the statistics on the amount of online searches for it at home and abroad can be said to have almost rushed into the hot search list of various countries!"


After taking this information, Sun Peng did not look through it.

He already knew about this matter. Naturally, there was no need to know the specific data. Sun Peng tilted his head and asked in confusion: "Zhou, what does this have to do with the war you are talking about?"

"It's very simple, Lotus also needs this kind of attention!"

After taking a deep breath, Zhou An said solemnly, "Perhaps you haven't noticed, but in the past few years, several of our film companies in China have been frantically exploring foreign markets. Among them, the Little Wizard series of Nanhai Pictures is the best performer. Yes, let their reputation in countries around the world grow dramatically! What follows is the broadening and consolidation of distribution channels! In addition, the Forbidden City has performed very well in recent years, which means that latecomers have come first."

"Well, I know this."

After listening to Zhou An's words, Sun Peng nodded subconsciously.

In fact, it cannot be said that Nanhai is relying on the Little Wizard series to make great strides, but the strength of the film company itself has accumulated to a certain extent. The difference is an opportunity, or a heavyweight product is used as a fist, just the Little Wizard The emergence of Nanhai gave Nanhai a chance.

And fortunately, there is a brother series in the Little Wizard series, and that is the Little Wizard series!

The law of one plus one is greater than two is fully demonstrated in these two series. So with the first two movies in this series, Nanhai Pictures has gained a lot.

There is also Forbidden City Films. As the first and most cooperating film company with Sun Peng, Forbidden City Films has not only become the fourth giant alongside the original Big Three, but its influence overseas has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. , This time with the first shooting of "Captain China", another wave of enthusiasm has been set off...

Therefore, Sun Peng can understand Zhou An's remarks.

But what does this have to do with Spider-Man?

Frowning his brows, Sun Peng smiled bitterly: "Mr. Zhou, I roughly understand your concerns, but... it will take more than a year at most. Do you have to rush to make Spider-Man 1? If it fails Yes, that is an investment of more than one billion Chinese coins!"

"No, I still said that, this is a war!"

Shaking his head, Zhou An said solemnly: "Didn't you find out? In the past few years, China's domestic box office growth has almost stalled, but its overseas box office has grown rapidly! In the last five years, the annual growth rate of our overseas box office has even exceeded 30%!"

His eyes flashed, and Sun Peng looked astonished: "Huh? I really haven't noticed this!"

"A large part of it is due to you, Teacher Lao Bai!"

After a smile, Zhou An calmly slapped a flattering: "In fact, half of our overseas box office increase every year... Some years or even most of it was created by you. This is definitely a remarkable achievement. what!"

"Uh, hehe..."

With a dry laugh, Sun Peng was slightly embarrassed.

But I have to say that Sun Peng was quite happy to hear such news.

The rapid growth of the box office is naturally a manifestation of the growth of China's film influence. The bigger picture is actually a manifestation of the growth of China's political, economic and cultural influence. For Sun Peng, who has now replaced China on Earth with Huaxia, this is naturally worthy of excitement.

However, after a brief period of embarrassment and excitement, Sun Peng couldn't help but ask: "I'm sorry, even if you are telling the truth, does it have a lot to do with Spider-Man?"

"Lao Bai teacher, it's a big deal!"

Nodded vigorously, Zhou An said earnestly: "Now all companies...I mean all companies that have the strength to develop overseas are desperately expanding their influence. For example, our Lotus and the Forbidden City In the past two years, in addition to your films, you have invested heavily in creating several science fiction and action movies! Because we can all feel that everyone’s development has reached a bottleneck, or that it has reached a critical point. Need more force..."

"Critical point? A hand?"

When he heard this, Sun Peng's eyes were already narrowed.

Has this time been reached?

"Investing in a huge movie corps requires an arrow!"

While Sun Peng was still thinking about it, Zhou An went on to say: “That’s why the Forbidden City can’t wait to start the preparations for "Captain China", and it’s the top priority, and Lotus Pictures also needs a movie. My own "Captain China"......"

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