Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1541: Unstoppable role

Sun Ya may have a real boyfriend, and he can still talk about marriage. This incident makes Sun Peng particularly excited.

It's almost forty, can he not be in a hurry?

Anyway, both the uncle and the uncle were going crazy, so they called Sun Peng two days later, asking him to pay attention to his sister's life-long events. As the boss of the second sister, Sun Peng is also responsible for this matter, but it is a pity that Sun Ya, who is mature in mind, can't be influenced casually.

Over the years, Sun Ya has no idea how many boyfriends she has changed.

But in Sun Pen's memory, how long did the one with the second sister last? One year? Or is it longer?

Anyway, the end result was a peaceful breakup, one shot and two breaks up.

Especially in recent years, as Sun Peng’s “business volume” has increased, Sun Ya seems to have no interest in finding a boyfriend. She is indulged in interesting and fulfilling work every day, while Lao Bai’s copyright income can be earned every year. The timely arrival of the account is naturally the reason why my agent is so powerful...

So now I hear my elder sister say that Sun Ya may have a real boyfriend, so Sun Peng is so excited.

Not easy!

If you can't get married again, do you really have to die alone?

Even if you have yourself in the future, as well as Sun Wenyao and her unborn brother or sister, Sun Peng also hopes that the second sister will have her own children to take care of when she gets old, instead of living alone in the cold big house, only her niece and niece. Visit her from time to time.

So finally seeing the second sister take it seriously, Sun Peng naturally attached great importance to it.


"Xiaopeng, don't interfere!"

Knowing the weight of the two words Lao Bai, Sun Jing immediately warned: "This time your second sister is serious, and promised to take people home after a while... You give me honestly, Do nothing!"

"Ah, what can I do?"

Hearing what the elder sister said, Sun Peng suddenly became unhappy.

"No matter what you can do, don't even think about it!"

Where did Sun Jing listen to his grievances, and immediately went to the highest threat: "I can tell you, although my dad does not know about this matter yet, if you disturb this matter because of you, I think he must I will talk to you for three days and three nights!"


Sun Peng shuddered at the thought of the uncle's serious face, and immediately dispelled all some careful thoughts.

let it go.

After putting down the phone with some excitement, Sun Peng was stunned for a while and began to focus on his work again.

The post-production of "The Martian" is still in progress.

Sun Peng is not in a hurry to edit, because he hopes that most of the special effects will start after the production is completed, so the efficiency will be higher. After all, the whole movie is in his head, and the editing work is not difficult for him. On the contrary, the production of special effects is really interesting.

The only helpless thing is that the production of special effects takes too much time.

Each special effects shot takes a long time, and Sun Peng must wait patiently for the technical staff to finish before he can propose amendments or express satisfaction.

So most of his time is devoted to writing scripts and novels.

At the end of this year, Sun Peng's film was released again. During the Christmas period, Kaboka Animation’s new work "Monster Company" is released, and there is also "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", which can be said to have assembled the strongest animation and little magician theme under the name of Lao Bai . And the Lunar New Year file more than a month later, the magically modified little wizard of "Han Bo and the Prisoner of Hell" appeared on the big screen, harvesting the most attractive box office in China...

The second and third parts were shot continuously, which was made long ago.

Although the fourth book of Little Wizard and Little Wizard will not be released in two years, as the original author, Sun Peng must start preparing for the fifth novel. It's best to take advantage of the release period after the fourth film is released to catch up with this wave of heat.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" don't have to worry about it, it can be moved in a few days, but "Han Bo and the Order of the Phoenix" can be more troublesome. Sun Peng is no longer satisfied with the changes made by the small fights, and plans to have a complete major operation, and at his current level, it will take at least two or three months.

In addition, the promised "A Wonderful Night at the Museum" and "Captain of China" also take time to complete.

Fortunately, the former Sun Peng was planning to engage in a duel between the Han cavalry and the Roman phalanx, and it took no time at all. And if "Captain America" ​​were to be changed to "Captain China", Sun Peng found that it didn't require much work, because the American superhero had a very positive outlook, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with putting it directly on the head of China...


When Sun Peng was busy, his friends Lang Chen and Ye Xing were also not idle.

Especially for the former, they don’t have the capital and resources of Ye Xing’s agent, Sun Ya, and they can directly contact the senior executives of Avengers Pictures. What Lang Chen can get is only a recommendation call from Lao Bai and revenge. It’s just an audition notice from Zhe Pictures.

Said it is the Avengers, it is actually the Forbidden City Pictures.

After taking the shooting rights of all the Chinese heroes, the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures also divided the labor. The final result was the first Chinese hero in the Avengers series "Captain China" was handed over to the Forbidden City, and they also got "Eagle Eye", and Lotus got the "Spider-Man" trilogy.

Everyone is quite satisfied with this result.

The series of movies are of course more profitable, but as the opening hero of "Captain China", it will also be particularly eye-catching, so the weaker Forbidden City Pictures is satisfied enough.

Of course, everyone will mix something in each other's movies and continue the close cooperation between the two parties...

However, Hawkeye and Spiderman are all follow-up work, and the most important thing at the moment is "Captain China"! Especially after Paramount had already started preparing for "Iron Man" and announced that it would start shooting in December, the Forbidden City and Lotus couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Iron Man" is the pioneering work of the entire Avengers series, and its important significance is self-evident, but for the two Chinese giants, the more important thing is "Captain China"!

Because even if "Iron Man" succeeds, it is a Hollywood movie.

Isn’t it a matter of course that Hollywood’s superhero movies are a big success at the box office? But you are a Chinese superhero movie...

Anyway, Fang Lanshen and Zhou An are very cautious, they need "Captain China" as pathfinders.

Chinese superheroes and Hollywood superheroes are different things. And this time, Sun Peng's plan is to create a Hollywood-style Chinese superhero. How can they relax?

So characters like Hawkeye can take their time, but Captain Huaxia can't play with it...

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