Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1532: problem


After flipping through the last page of the interview outline, Andrew? Dwight sighed lightly, his mood gradually relaxed.

This is not a live broadcast, and there is no need to do it all at once, so of course the host in the interview can pause and then look through the materials he has prepared. But as the top host of cbs, Andrew? The reason why Dwight can achieve this level is that he is super dedicated.

Especially before interviewing important people, Andrew? Dwight will memorize the outline.

Of course, just memorizing the outline of the interview is not enough to make him the top interview host in the United States and even the world. More importantly, is Andrew? Dwight can use these outlines to flexibly adjust the order of questions following the emotions and thinking of the interviewee, and dig out things that are difficult for others to discover...

This is particularly important for today's work.

Because what he has to face is the Laobai of China, an entertainment tycoon who rarely appears in TV shows. While researching the information of this Chinese man, Andrew? Dwight felt that he had simply seen an alternative! Before that, he had never imagined that a director and screenwriter in the entertainment circle would have so few public video materials!

Except for promoting his own movies, or helping to promote Chen Feifei and Luo Cheng's new albums, this guy almost never showed up.

So just two days, Andrew? Only Dwight can read all Laobai's interview.

Then he understood one thing, that is, trying to stimulate the Chinese person in front of him, or to induce him to say what he wants through language, I am afraid it is really not easy-the mentality of the person in front of him is completely different. A young man in his early thirties is like a guy in his forties or fifty.

"Mr. Dwight, can you start?"

Just in Andrew? While Dwight continued to contemplate what to do for a while, Sun Peng was a little bored over there. He dialed the globe in front of him and asked, "Also, does this globe have to be placed here? I feel a little in the way. Isn't it better to put a bottle of water?"


Two eyelids, Andrew? Dwight hurriedly smiled and said, "Mr. Sun, we prepared this globe for special purposes, so can we let it stay where it is going? Ahem, the last three minutes to prepare!


Looking at each other suspiciously, Sun Peng removed his hand from the globe.

He somewhat suspected that this globe was Andrew? Dwight deliberately used it as a prop, because Avengers Pictures is a collaboration between Hollywood and China, the two superpowers of today’s movie giants. So Sun Peng felt that holding this globe in a while, the other party would definitely ask very arrogant questions for himself to answer.


"Hmph, brother is a humble Chinese man!"

Look at Andrew again? Dwight glanced at it, and Sun Peng secretly curled his lips and thought: "This guy must set a trap for me, but... anyway, after a while, the humility is over!"

The two had their own thoughts, and soon three minutes passed.

With an order from the live director, the recording of cbs TV station began. After the customary opening, customary greetings, and a brief introduction of customary rules, Andrew? Dwight went directly to the topic: "Sun, we all know the big news last week, that is, the news of the establishment of Avengers Pictures... To be honest, I have been very curious these days, why should I call it revenge? Who? According to our news, this name was proposed by you, so here I want to ask, who do you want to use this company to avenge?"

Looking at the other party’s seemingly relaxed smile, Sun Peng also shrugged and chuckled: "Actually, this is a trade secret! But... Just two days ago, when I was interviewed by China TV, I had already gotten cooperation. With the consent of my partners, I can tell you a little bit-Avengers Pictures will have a movie named "Avengers" in the future, which is the origin of our film company's name."

"The Avengers? A very imposing name."

A look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, Andrew? Dwight continued to ask: "So, is it convenient to ask, what is the name of Avengers Pictures' first movie?"

Still with a light smile, Sun Peng nodded and said: "Of course, the first movie will be "IronMan" produced by Paramount. Our Chinese translation is Iron Man..."


"Tsk tut, it's not easy!"

"Finally it started..."

Looking through the window at Sun Peng who was being interviewed inside, Sun Ya, who had just arrived at Lao Bai's studio, sighed almost at the same time as Chen Fengzhi.

Then they simultaneously turned their heads and glanced at each other in amazement.

Then, they were happy at the same time.

"No way, the boss is too low-key."

Spreading his hands, Chen Fengzhi smiled and said: "Obviously, there is the most famous boss in China, but Laobai Studio's usual publicity can only rely on himself... If Mr. Sun can be as high-profile as Wang Chong, our company But the cow is broken."

Sun Ya has heard of Wang Chong's name, and is a "net celebrity" in the Chinese gaming circle. I used to do it, but later I specialize in games. My biggest hobby every day is to update my Weibo and post game pictures one after another. From his Weibo, players can even watch a game from the sidelines. The formation process.

So he shook his head quickly, and Sun Ya said with a light smile: "Forget it, don't think about it! And Sun Peng values ​​the game company very much, and he won't forget to help promote it at critical moments... I guess I will wait for them later. It's time to shoot your company's footage, don't you let them prepare?"

"Haha, no need."

Waved his hand, Chen Fengzhi smiled and said: "Teacher Sun also said, let them take pictures of what they usually look like, there is no need to deliberately prepare..."


"Sun, I am actually quite confused."

After another question about the Avengers was not answered, Laobai refused on the basis of trade secrets for reasons that cannot be disclosed for the time being, Andrew? Dwight frowned and asked: "You are a Chinese, and you have an unparalleled prestige in China, even far more than Liang Ren, Chen Feifei and other superstars..."

"No, no!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Sun Peng immediately interrupted him: "It is far more than Liang Ren and Chen Feifei? Is there any evidence? Or is there any agency that has made authoritative statistics?"


"So, these things can't be said nonsense."

Andrew? Dwight was taken aback for a while, and Sun Peng immediately shook his finger and said with a smile: "I'm just the screenwriter and composer behind the scenes. They are the real superstars. There is no comparison between the two. ...It is quite unwise to compare me with them, and to make a difference."


The corners of his mouth twitched twice, Andrew? Dwight's face is slightly ugly-people just say he is stupid!

But after a few quick turns in his head, Andrew? Dwight didn’t get entangled in this topic, and then asked: "Well...I mean, you have a high reputation in China, and you have very good cooperation with the Big Four! Why do you want to Pull in Paramount instead of letting several Chinese film companies independently produce the Avengers series?"

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