Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1523: All have

"Okay, so be it."

After ordering, Lang Chen put the menu in his hand into the waiter's hand and said with a smile: "Let's just order these. As for Teacher Lao Bai...hehe, you should know what he likes? Help us order Just add two dishes."

Ordering is a technical task and it's quite annoying.

If only he and his agent are the only ones, you can just order some what you like to eat, but there are Ye Xing and his agent beside him. You are kind to me, and I have to say some kind words in the middle. The time can be a lot.

"Okay, I will let them prepare right away!"

The manager on duty at the palace mansion smiled, and naturally he agreed.

Although few people know it, it is a fact that Teacher Lao Bai likes to come to the palace for dinner. Basically, as long as it is a meal organized by Sun Peng, he must call the palace in advance to book a private room. As the duty manager, he knows it well, and like all other experiences in the palace, he also knows the tastes and preferences of Teacher Lao Bai. It is naturally simple to help order two dishes.

"By the way, let them do it directly, Teacher Sun should be here soon."

"No problem, I will give orders now."

After the on-duty manager went out and closed the door, Lang Chen picked up the teacup and drank, then smiled and looked at Ye Xing next to him: "Brother Ye, do you know why Dapeng is looking for us today?"

If left two or three years ago, this "Ye Ge" Lang Chen would definitely not be called out.

But since "Hero" was released and won a super high box office, Ye Xing, as the lead actor, became the biggest winner. Not only was he squeezed into the ranks of first-line celebrities instantly with a movie, but he also ushered in countless movie appointments. Ye Xing has truly become a domestic first-class action star after the box office of two consecutive movies exceeded one billion Chinese coins.

Of course, Lang Chen himself is not bad.

He was originally a traffic star, and he has appeared in films such as "The Matrix" and "Assassin Alliance", and has gained a firm foothold in the film industry. And the most commendable is the acting skills that Lang Chen slowly honed, which finally gained the recognition of most people in the circle, in a sense, and the little fairies who eat with their faces and figures. Thoroughly draw the line.

Simply put, both of them are now rising stars in the movie circle.

Therefore, Lang Chen also intends to make friends with Ye Xing around him, and his attitude is quite enthusiastic. On the opposite side of them, their agent was chatting lively, looking like seeing each other late. Ye Xing’s agent is a woman in her thirties, Feng Hua, who is also an elite of Sun Ya’s brokerage company. This identity makes Lang Chen’s agent dare not neglect. The two of them are holding their mobile phones and wondering. What...

Regarding Lang Chen’s question, Ye Xing smiled without hesitation and replied: “What else can you do? Movies, otherwise we won’t let us bring the agent over.”

Lang Chen was not surprised by this answer, after all, he thought so too, and when he thought that Sun Peng called him and Ye Xing at the same time, Lang Chen smiled and said, "This time he intends to let us play together. A movie? It should only be an action movie, right?"

"I don't think it is necessarily."

At this moment, Feng Hua suddenly intervened, and his face was obviously surprised and happy: "Have you never thought of it before? Today at Yuanfan Hotel, there was a press conference that attracted people's attention."

"You mean..."

After listening to Feng Hua's words, the eyes of Ye Xing and Lang Chen lit up at the same time.

Lang Chen’s agent, Wang Hai, was not to be outdone, and shook the phone in his hand and said excitedly: “In fact, you can see the news now! The Forbidden City, Lotus, Paramount and Teacher Lao Bai have invested in the formation of a film company and prepared Create a series of movies...Lao Bai made it clear at the press conference that this will be a superhero movie series!"

"Superhero movie? Series?"

Ye Xing and Lang Chen looked at each other, Lang Chen couldn't help but asked in surprise: "You mean, Dapeng intends to let us play superheroes? No?"

They are certainly no strangers to superhero movies.

Although the types of superheroes in this world are not very powerful, Hollywood has shot a lot in the past, and some of them are also very good at the box office, but use Chinese people as the protagonist? It's rare in Hollywood movies, let alone superhero movies.

"Not a Hollywood movie, but a Chinese movie!"

As soon as they looked at the expressions of the two of them, he guessed what they were thinking. Feng Hua immediately beamed his eyes and said, “So I suggest you read the fresh report yourself. This time it’s Paramount’s leadership. The giants participated in the assistance, but the three jointly developed this super series!"

At the press conference that ended half an hour ago, news was flying all over the Internet.

Some reporters with fast hands even used crazy code words below when the press conference was held, just for a quick word. Even less than ten minutes after the press conference, their reports were uploaded to their respective media platforms-this The super fast pace made Feng Hua and the others see the news for the first time.

"Gudong" swallowed and spit, Ye Xing shook his head and asked: "You mean, this is a superhero series movie, and we might play important roles in it, might be our own. Independent movie?"

"Haha, that's right!"

Just when the agents were about to answer, the box was suddenly pushed aside from the outside, and Sun Peng said as he walked in.

"Teacher Sun!"



"Sorry everyone, there was a slight delay on the road."

After greeting everyone, Sun Peng waved his hand quickly: "Okay, don't be polite to me, sit down quickly...Is there any water? I'm so thirsty."

Feng Hua hurriedly opened a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Sun Peng. However, Sun Peng changed his hand and handed it to Liu Chang next to him, and then he took the bottle in Lang Chen's hand again, and then drank the small bottle with his neck up.

The slightly dry throat just now became moisturized.

After he put down the mineral water bottle in his hand, Lang Chen seized the opportunity to ask: "Dapeng, what did you mean by good?"

Glancing at Lang Chen, Sun Peng laughed and said, "What do you mean? Haven't you all guessed it?"

The moment Lang Chen and Ye Xing heard this, both Lang Chen and Ye Xing were a little dry.

Quickly picked up the cup and took a sip of water, shocked, Lang Chen snatched up in front of Ye Xing and asked: "Should we play an important role, or should we there our independent movie?"

"Little wolf, can you be bolder?"

Patting Lang Chen on the shoulder, Sun Peng held back a smile and said, "Don't always give me this, or give me that. At this point in time, I will invite you two to dinner, and there are other things? Of course, I have them all!"

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