Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1514: Short animation

"Help! Help me! Can help!"

As Sun Peng's voice sounded like a bullet from a machine gun, Xiaobai's live broadcast room was suddenly rolling like a waterfall, a joyous atmosphere.

"Down, down again!"

"Haha, I announce that the dancer Lao Bai is officially online!"

"I inexplicably feel that Xiaobai and the shooter are very pitiful. There is no game experience in this game."

"Two oil bottles, and two oil bottles that you can't ignore. After a game, you keep falling to the ground for help. It's strange to have a game experience!"


What about the barrage in the live broadcast between Xiaobai and the shooter, Sun Peng is naturally not interested in caring, his attention now is all focused on the game-what's the fear? Isn't this someone rescued?

Let’s not say that Xiaobai has been playing the Jedi for so many years, and he is online for more than six hours a day. He has long been a real veteran. Besides, there is a retired Jedi God of War shooter. Where can he fail so easily?

After playing two games, Sun Peng became more interested.

It has to be said that the current Jedi and the first Jedi are completely the feeling of two games.

When the Jedi first came out, because it was made according to Sun Peng's memory, it was actually quite perfect. But after years of unremitting efforts of tt games, the picture has been improved several times, and the details have also been refined, and the play is quite interesting.

And under the strict anti-cheat measures of tt game, the plug-in has almost disappeared.

What can really stop novice players is actually the bad experience of landing into a box. But this has almost no effect on Sun Peng. After all, there are two masters who protect him, and they both landed in the jungle at the beginning, and were killed not so quickly.

Picking up things, licking the bag behind the master, occasionally making a cold shot, calling for help or something, full of fun.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After being Voldemort for a long time and finally dying of someone, Sun Peng smiled with satisfaction.

The game experience of Xiaobai and the shooter?

who cares!

Anyway, as long as Sun Peng and cousin play with them, the number of people in the live broadcast room will skyrocket several times, and various gifts will ring like fireworks. Do they care about their gaming experience?


Sun Peng was taken away by a sniper bullet because he had exposed his position, but it was useless to call for help this time. The rapid drop in blood volume after six falls made Xiaobai and the others have no time to save. And they are not allowed to save in the finals.

So when Xiaobai and the shooter couldn't resist the bullets from all directions, and finally ranked third, Sun Peng couldn't help but slap his thigh and shouted: "Oh, third... It's a pity! If I didn't die early, maybe Let's eat chicken this time!"


As Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh out loud, the barrage began to swipe the screen frantically.

"Hahaha, this is what Old Bai can say!"

"You can eat chicken? Did you touch your conscience before saying this?"

", Liu's family said this. I'm going to believe it, right?"


"Tsk tusk, can you make a face?"

Others can only laugh at the barrage, but Lin Lin can directly open her mouth and glance at her cousin next to her contemptuously: "Even if you are still alive, besides dragging Xiaobai and the shooter, you tell me you still have What's the use? Humph, in fact, if you weren't rescued once before, maybe we can really eat chicken this time!"

"Nonsense! How could it be possible?!"

It is naturally impossible for Sun Peng to admit his cousin's ridicule.

At this moment, the shooter hurriedly stood up and asked with a smile, "Lao Bai teacher, shall we continue?"

"Go on, of course continue!"

Without even thinking about it, Sun Peng simply nodded and said: "I have been pouring and pouring today, and I haven't eaten a handful of chicken... When did I eat chicken, and when will I go offline."

While chatting, everyone continued the game.

However, while waiting for the start, Xiao Bai suddenly remembered something: "Lao Bai, when will "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography 2" be finished? I have played the first part several times, but not recently What good martial arts game..."

Since the "Lao Bai Qun Xia Chuan 1" was launched, martial arts games have naturally come into the eyes of game practitioners.

After all, there are a large number of martial arts fans, and everyone is looking forward to more games to play. In the past, those adapted from Sun Peng's novels were of average quality and it was difficult to attract enough interest. However, the success of "The Legend of the Old White Knights" immediately let the game company see the direction of production-a completely different direction from the current mainstream action rpg.

It just takes time to make fine products, and players can only wait anxiously.

So as a loyal fan of martial arts and a game expert, Xiaobai can only pass the time by reviewing "Old White Heroes 1".

"The second part? Then you have to wait!"

After listening to Xiaobai's words, Sun Peng was immediately happy, and said with a smile: "Although Lao Bai Studio has invested a lot of manpower, "Lao Bai Qun Xia Zhuan 2" is a truly open world after all, so..."

"Open world? Really?"

Before Sun Peng finished speaking, Xiao Bai had already cried out in surprise and joy.


Sun Peng was stunned for a moment, and asked in a puzzled way: "Is this weird? Since "The Legend of Old White Knights 1" is so supported by everyone, we will naturally do a better job for the second part! So make an open I think it’s normal for a game world like this...Huh? Didn’t Laobai Studio ever promote this?"

"No, at least I don't remember it!"

After listening to Xiaobai’s words, Sun Peng’s face suddenly turned dark, and after a while he said, “Well, I will remind them of the following. "Old White Knights 2" is not only an open world of martial arts, but there are also many in the first place. There is no ability, or there is no time to realize the function! Believe me, it is not a concept work at all!"

"Oh, it's so exciting."

After listening to Sun Peng's remarks, the shooter also hurriedly came out to brush up on his presence.

No way, after he retired, he was a full-time anchor, and he would usually play other games for the fans, and this time there was a noisy discussion of "Old White Knights 2" in the live broadcast room. Naturally, the shooter could not violate the fans. Willingness.

However, Xiao Bai was obviously a little dissatisfied. Seeing that the game started immediately, he hurriedly asked: "Bai Da, when will I be able to come out?"

"The fastest, it will be the end of next year."

After thinking for a while, Sun Peng said helplessly: "After all, the map this time is several times that of the first one, and the plot of the game is even bigger, not so fast. But I will let them make a preview first... , How about I take a screenshot of the plot and show you a short animation?"

Rubbing his chin, Sun Peng laughed because of his whim.

"Really? That's great!"

"Haha, of course it's true, let them do it when I'm free for a while..."

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