Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1497: trouble

For a DreamWorks, how much did Sun Peng spend?

Chen Muchen is definitely the clearest, but Sun Peng, as the boss, can't remember. He only knew that in the past few years, whenever it was the beginning of the year, or when DreamWorks wanted to open a new project, or needed to introduce a piece of software or commission others to develop a large-scale software, he would spend a fortune in it.

Sometimes tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions.

Until the release of "Mulan", DreamWorks received hundreds of millions of box office shares, and the subsequent peripheral and copyright dividends continued to flow, this kind of money-smashing behavior was considered to have stopped, until this time it became a shareholder. Lan animation. If you want to get 22% of Qinglan Animation's shares, DreamWorks does not have so much spare money. So Sun Peng invested in DreamWorks again and took out the money.

Animation companies are basically the same as game companies. The bulk of the cost lies in personnel salaries.

How much does it cost for rent, water and electricity? You may purchase more equipment and software, but tens of millions of dollars a year? The real cost is the employees whose average annual salary exceeds 600,000!

DreamWorks now has more than 500 employees, and annual salary expenses exceed 300 million Chinese currency!

Although most of them are ordinary painters with an annual salary of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan, there are many elites with an annual salary of 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, and even more than one million. Those who Chen Muchen's high salaries dig from Japan and the United States have an average annual salary. million! And this is exactly what they can do to make "Mulan", and at the same time to further their confidence in "Kung Fu Panda"!

Compared with the powerful DreamWorks, although Qinglan Animation has more than 260 employees, in Sun Peng's view, it is definitely far from enough.

And it's not just about recruiting aggressively, but also optimizing the portfolio.

Therefore, Sun Peng not only transferred more than 20 elites from DreamWorks, but also included deputies from various departments to support the skeleton of Qinglan Animation. At the same time, he also brought in his brother-in-law Zheng Hui. Although he doesn't know much about animation, Zheng Hui has worked in the personnel of DreamWorks for several years and he is the best at this aspect.


"Brother-in-law, it's not that simple."

During dinner together in the evening, Zheng Hui drank a glass of beer and said with a wry smile: "The merger of the two companies originally had the problem of overlapping positions of heads of various departments. It would take a lot of work to solve it. DreamWorks brought more than twenty elites...trouble!"

Hearing what Zheng Hui said, Sun Peng's eyes flashed and smiled: "Hehe, you mean they will fight for the positions of supervisors?"

"Yes, that's it."

After taking a deep breath, Zheng Hui said helplessly, “It’s nothing more than fighting among the heads of various departments. As long as high-level orders are suppressed, one group will take up the post, one will resign, and the other one will accept their fate. Not big, but now they are, the three companies are merged, and each has its own old subordinates or friends. It’s really not that simple to sort things out."

When he said these words, Zheng Hui looked helpless.

He knew that this job was not easy to do.

Is DreamWorks great? The progress and production quality of "Kung Fu Panda" Zheng Hui also pays close attention to from time to time. It is clear that this animation has almost caught up with the production level of the previous "Frozen"! Although it is the production level of Hollywood a few years ago, it definitely stands out in the country.

But as powerful as DreamWorks, there are still three factions inside.

Especially the final two big figures, Chen Muchen and Xia Qingqing, after experiencing the first few years of cooperation, now they are also faintly beginning to have contradictions. Chen Muchen hopes that DreamWorks will be stable and steady, and a movie will move forward one step at a time. However, Xia Qingqing is not satisfied that he can only produce one animation, and wants to expand the scale of DreamWorks by half and produce two movies at the same time.

Below them, two groups of people gathered naturally.

And besides them, there are a large number of people who hold the idea that no one supports them and that no one can be guilty, and just silently do their own things.

It's just that these contradictions do not affect the operation of the company, and any company is inevitable, so Sun Peng didn't bother to bother about it.

However, Qinglan Animation is a new company, which can be regarded as "a hundred waste", these contradictions have to be dealt with. Because if these three factions are allowed to fight, let alone an animation like DreamWorks, the company may be as lively as the vegetable market every day!

As the deputy general manager in charge of personnel and finance, Zheng Hui is naturally Alexander.

According to the task assigned by Sun Peng to Zheng Hui, it is to assist the newly appointed general manager to get the heads of various departments in half a year, to retire those who should leave their posts, and those who dig people. This is not just an offense.

Sun Peng also understood this, patted Zheng Hui on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't worry, take your time! After two days after the new general manager of Qinglan Animation comes, you only have to cooperate with him to reorganize. I gave him three months. You can take a good look at the company, who is suitable to be a supervisor, who is suitable to work, and who else is messing around, just open your eyes and see clearly!"

The general manager of Qinglan Animation did not come from the animation companies of Benma or Lotus.

In fact, Sun Peng had high expectations for Qinglan Animation, so after consulting Chen Muchen, he hired a real elite who had been in Hollywood. It's just that the general manager named Zhang Chun is still in the original company and will not be able to take up his post until half a month later.


When he heard this, Zheng Hui suddenly took a breath, and the look in Sun Peng's eyes was not right.

There was also Zheng Jia whose expression was also wrong. She gave Sun Peng a blank look and said angrily: "Aren't you let Xiaohui be a villain? Wouldn't his reputation in the company be ruined in the future?"

"Wicked? Fame?"

After looking at his wife and then at Zheng Hui, Sun Peng suddenly smiled: "He is a deputy general manager and is also in charge of personnel. If he is afraid of offending people, just don't do it? A worth billions of dollars. Animation company, is it so easy to be deputy general manager?"


As soon as Sun Peng said these words, Zheng Jia and Zheng Hui said nothing.

Zheng Hui is not very old, and he is only about 30 years old now. He is indeed very young. Everyone knows what he depends on if he can be the deputy general manager of Qinglan Animation at his age.

But even with the background of Lao Bai, you always have to show your value when you sit in a high position?

Otherwise, let's not say that the employees of Qinglan Animation are dissatisfied. Even Sun Peng, who is the brother-in-law, will not be willing. After all, that is the position of deputy general manager. In addition to the annual salary, there may be shares or dividends in the future.

So after pondering for a while, Zheng Hui's expression became straight and he nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother-in-law, I will do it well. It's just that...even if there is no problem with me, Zhang Chun will be a polished commander after he comes. In the future, if we want to fully develop the Qinglan animation, I am afraid there will be a lot of resistance!"

"Well, I understand this too."

With a faint smile, Sun Peng said faintly: "So after Zhang Chun comes, you cooperate with him in digging, and his old subordinates will be allowed to dig them as long as they have the ability! Besides, didn’t I say? Give you three months, three months After the "Martian Rescue" is also finished, I will personally go to Qinglan Animation to sit for a few days..."

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