Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1488: Super large series

"After finishing "Terminator 2", I will rest for half a year. You can find me at any time!"

After the last sentence, Wei Xiaolin left in a hurry. He was of course full of curiosity about what Sun Peng called "things that are too dynamic", and he was still curious like thousands of ants crawling in his heart, but Wei Xiaolin also knew that if Sun Peng was unwilling to say something No matter how he asks, it makes no sense.

So just don't ask, just leave him a half-year schedule.

With the addition of the few months before the completion of "Terminator 2", there is a full year, which should be enough for Sun Peng to think through things clearly. And Wei Xiaolin can just change the plan, take advantage of this period of time to take a good rest and make adjustments, and let's talk about it when he has enough energy.

After sending off Wei Xiaolin, Sun Peng also smiled with satisfaction.

If Ma Boyuan is the best friend in his circle, then Wei Xiaolin is his most trusted director. It's not that Wei Xiaolin's abilities are so powerful, but this guy can always trust and support Sun Peng without reservation.


After sitting back on the sofa, Sun Peng began to rub his chin vigorously: "Would you like to do this big series of "The Avengers"?"

In the entire Marvel series of movies, Sun Peng actually only saw Thor 3, and never had a chance to watch the following content. As for the content of the comics, he has no interest and has never explored it. So if you want to take it out, it is actually just sixteen or seven...

"No, you can't count it like that!"

When thinking of this, Sun Peng tilted his head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Don't forget, although there is only one "Spider-Man: Homecoming", there is another version of the "Spider-Man" trilogy before it! And since there is no Marvel and DC in this world, can "Wonder Woman" be included? Is it possible for the classic "Batman" trilogy? ! There is even the X-Men series...

If you make a rough calculation, it would be a big series of 20 parts!

As for the timeline issue and the issue of the incompatible style of Marvel and DC movies, Sun Peng felt that there was no need to think about it too much for the time being. Just look back and find a few people to help him study.


After pondering for a long time, Sun Peng suddenly thought: "I can do the Women's Federation 2. Don't you just hand over the rest? The movie people in this world are not worse than those on earth, maybe they can still Do it better? There are those like Spider-Man and Batman. Let them move outside the Women’s Federation and make a separate series. It is enough to make some easter eggs in the middle, and the latter will make them headache..."

When thinking of this, Sun Peng tapped the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, subconsciously muttering to himself: "So the remaining question is, how should those roles be assigned? Captain, it must be China Captain is good, this movie must be Huaxia; the temper and character of "Iron Man" are naturally American; Thor's words will be given to Europe, if it is replaced by our Thunder God, it will be difficult to find a **** of tricks Now, and when I think of China's Heavenly Court is a high-tech empire..."

Yes, Sun Peng's biggest headache is the nationality distribution of superheroes.

This thing is more troublesome than the huge investment required for the entire series, as well as the larger production and distribution capabilities. Because Sun Peng knew very well that the women's federation on the earth could be so successful, in addition to the charm of the movie series itself, the power of Hollywood must be indispensable!

But the Chinese movies of this world and this era do not have that ability.

Therefore, in addition to the Chinese people who cannot be photographed and must be handed over to Hollywood to return to the Americans, Sun Peng must also "unite everything that can be united", just like the Little Mage series made the British crazy, and let more Countries join the Women’s Federation!

Anyway, the comic characters on the earth can now allow Sun Peng to toss casually.

What he has to deal with now is the six veterans of the Women's Federation. The Captain of China, Thor, and Iron Man have already been set. The remaining black widow Sun Peng has already made arrangements, and the rest is the Hulk and Eagle Eye.

After thinking about it, he felt that the role of Hulk could only be Yankee.

Regardless of the character's character, the content of the story, or the style of the movie, I am afraid that only the Americans can shape this character. For China, only a major operation is required. So what really tangled Sun Peng was actually an eagle eye...

No, it should be said that it is a character similar to an eagle eye!


After pondering, Sun Peng's eyes narrowed again: "Captain China and Black Widow belong to us, Iron Man and Hulk are given to Americans, and Thor is European, so Hawkeye should be an Asian character... …India is so poor and the market is not big, so you don’t need to think about it, you can only choose one of Japan, South Korea and China! In this case… Archery plus some fighting skills, if you think about it this way, it seems that Koreans are quite suitable? It’s a little smaller since Japan..."


Sun Peng is not in a hurry to make the Avengers series, or the Marvel series on Earth.

Because he knew it was not so easy.

There are too many aspects of this huge plan design, because almost every film is a super large production with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, and so many films before and after, the funds, production and stars involved are extremely large. It is definitely not what Sun Peng can do alone.

But after making up his mind, Sun Peng couldn't wait.

So just when "Game of the Brave" was first released on Thursday night in New Zealand, at six o'clock in the evening in the capital, Sun Ya and Fang Lanshen of Forbidden City Films and Zhou An of Lotus Pictures met. The three big players in the entertainment industry arrived at a well-known Huaiyang restaurant and started an informal meeting.

Fang Lanshen, the last one who arrived, had a temperament recently. Just after sitting down, he couldn't help but smile and asked, "Miss Sun, is there anything wrong with us in such a hurry?"

"Of course, a very important thing!"

After pouring Fang Lanshen a glass of water first, Sun Ya smiled slightly: "I just received a call from Sun Peng, and he just had a very strange idea... Hehe, so I talked to both of you in advance Just angry."

"Wonderful idea?"

After hearing these words, Fang Lanshen and Zhou An's eyes lit up at the same time!

Old Bai's idea, and also found them two, what else can it be besides movies? Although the "Inception" and "Terminator 2" produced by the two companies have not yet been released, they will not be available after the summer vacation next year. They have long been looking forward to Lao Bai's next script.

"Yes, very wonderful and huge idea!"

After taking a deep breath, Sun Ya nodded and said: "If the front goes well, this will be a super series of dozens of movies, and it will also be an in-depth cooperation between the Chinese film giants and Hollywood film giants... "

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