According to the original plan, "Terminator 2" should be released in the summer vacation next year.

But that was a plan a long time ago, so when Wei Xiaolin told him to arrive at the Lunar New Year stall a few months in advance, Sun Peng was not really surprised. After all, compared to when the decision was made, the current situation may have changed, and anything may happen over time.

Of course, in fact, Sun Peng could also faintly guess the possible cause.

For example, because the box office of "Terminator 1" was relatively average, at least Benma and Lotus did not fully realize the power of the sequel, so it was arranged in the summer vacation file, and then when "Terminator 2" was filmed, the hot shots were added. The soundtrack given by Sun Peng immediately showed more attractiveness than expected.

Simply put, it is to let the production company see the huge box office potential!

Especially importantly, "Terminator 2" is a science fiction movie. After being heavily built by Wei Xiaolin and re-produced with the technology of this era, the classic plot of "Terminator 2" shows the charm of ignoring the times-the topic of artificial intelligence rebelling against humanity. There is not much discussion in this world. At least not much discussed in the movie.

Therefore, it is more suitable to put it in the New Year's Festival which is easier to get high box office, but also has higher requirements for movies.


Taking a look at Wei Xiaolin, whose face was exhausted, Sun Peng frowned and asked in a low voice, "I said it's okay for you to put it in the Lunar New Year gear? There are a lot of special effects shots in "Terminator 2", is it time? Don’t sacrifice quality just because you’re in a hurry?” I can warn you, old Wei, if that’s the case...

"Don't worry, boss!"

Before Sun Peng finished speaking, Wei Xiaolin rolled his eyes helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Don't say I dare not make a joke with your old man's script, but I dare not even the big guys from Running Horse and Lotus. Ah! Who doesn't know that you attach great importance to this "Terminator 2". Not only did you write a full set of soundtracks, you even drew a whole storyboard... You big guys, they dare not offend! "

"...Hehe, that's good."

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Sun Peng nodded with a smile.

It's not that he is worried about Wei Xiaolin and the producers, but Sun Peng really likes the classic "Terminator 2", he can't allow failure! He can accept that because of the changes of the times, audiences in this era of this world do not like "Terminator 2", but he cannot accept that the audience refuses to accept it because the film is bad!

Wei Xiaolin, who knew this very well in his heart, quickly curled his lips and said: "Terminator 2 will be finished by the end of August at the earliest, and at the end of October at the latest. If you are not worried, please go and see it! Guys, feel free to mention any comments at that time, after all, I still look forward to filming "Terminator 3" in the future."

"Ok, definitely go!"

After hesitating, Sun Peng nodded and smiled.

If he can rest assured that Wei Xiaolin and the producer, of course, he can wave his hand and say nothing, but this is after all "Terminator 2", one of his favorite action science fiction movies, Sun Peng really doesn't want to risk it The slightest risk.

Wei Xiaolin knew it well, so he didn't say much. After yawning, he asked listlessly: "By the way, when will the "Martian Rescue" be completed? I think you have more special effects and time to do. I'm afraid it will be longer? Is it going to be the summer holiday next year, or the new year holiday later?"

"If there is no accident, let's celebrate the New Year!"

Speaking of the "The Martian" he is currently shooting, Sun Peng immediately came to his mind: "Actually, I originally wanted to put it on the summer vacation, but...haha, you know, science fiction movies, and they are still such big The scene of science fiction movies, I am really inexperienced here, so it is more practical to stay longer. Fortunately, the running horse is also more tolerant, so it allows me to drag it so long!"

Speaking of this incident, Sun Peng was also very grateful.

Although many big directors in the director circle are very able to delay, it is normal for a movie to go from preparation to release for three or two years, especially some top Hollywood gods can even spend two or three years preparing, and then shooting and producing in two or three years . But after careful calculations, Sun Peng spent a lot of time on "The Martian". Considering the prop preparation stage of large-scale spending, it will take more than three years until it is released!

This cycle is really not short.

But Benma gave Sun Peng enough patience. After the money came in, and the staff came in, they didn’t care when Sun Peng’s film would be released... Maybe they didn’t care, but they didn’t want to be so distracted by such trivial matters. It's annoying, but Sun Peng must accept it!

So after a pause, Sun Peng went on to say, "But I plan to finish shooting by the end of October as much as possible, not past the Spring Festival at the latest, and then I will spend the next year to fine-tune those special effects scenes! If nothing happens, the first trailer will be released early next year...Hey, hey!"

While speaking, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he looked in the direction of Wei Xiaolin next to him, Sun Peng was stunned.

This guy fell asleep while listening!

"Haha, it's hard work."

Looking at Wei Xiaolin, who was still tired after falling asleep, after a moment of silence, Sun Peng smiled and pressed the pager on the seat. Then when the stewardess came over, Sun Peng pointed to the old friend and smiled: "Excuse me, can you bring me two blankets? This journey is very long..."


"Baby, come on!"

While Sun Peng and his old friend Wei Xiaolin were flying to Europe together, Zhao Zhihuo was sitting in front of the computer, calling out his precious daughters: "Come on, the final trailer of "Game of the Brave" Come out, do you want to see it? If you don't see it, Dad will start!"

"Look! I want to see!"

After hearing the last sentence, the little girl rushed over.

Seeing a happy smile on Zhao Zhihuo's face, the wife who was peeling apples for the two of them next to him curled her eyes and smiled with relief. She knows what her husband's plan is, but she just wants to get into some relationship with her daughter, so as to repair the tension caused by his neglect of her daughter's early puberty.

And it is undoubtedly the best way to start from the aspects that my daughter is interested in.

Fortunately, Zhao Zhihuo is a loyal fan of Lao Bai, as is his daughter, and this summer happened to have two movies related to Lao Bai released. "Die Hard 2" is no need to think about it. Zhao Zhihuo will definitely not take his twelve-year-old daughter to see it, but "Game of the Brave" is undoubtedly a children's movie and definitely the best choice. !

When thinking about this, the old wife of Zhao also moved in her heart. She took the apple that had just been cut and gave it to her daughter. At the same time, she urged: "Okay, let's start playing quickly. I want to see if you two have been thinking about it. What kind of movie is "Game of the Brave" exactly..."

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