Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1474: "Fast & Furious"

"Like when the previous four movies were released, Laobai has received an undisclosed boycott?"

When pondering the reason, this was the possibility that Sun Peng thought of for the first time.

However, Sun Peng soon shook his head and overthrew his own thoughts: secretly boycotts are bound to be possible, but mainly North America, not Europe. Although most Americans originated in Europe, the United States and Europe have not been so harmonious in recent years. While seeking to establish a unified continent, the established European powers are also consciously using China's power to balance the world.

For China, it has passed the most difficult period.

To say that there must be a cultural "invasion" to resist China, but at most it is to reduce the number of films, not to the present level.


"Could it be that the "Die Hard" series is too old?"

After taking a deep breath, Sun Peng thought of a possibility. Although Sun Peng took this into consideration when writing the script, many details such as communication technology have been improved, but the core of the film has not changed much-the film on earth more than 30 years ago In this era, will it be too old?

"No, it shouldn't!"

After carefully recalling his own script and the effect of "Die Hard 2", Sun Peng shook his head again. After packaging with modern technology, the movie is still wonderful, otherwise Galloping Horse will not make the "arrogant" prediction of the lowest 3 billion Chinese currency box office in China!

Then after thinking about it, there is only one reason.

After picking up the cup and taking a sip, Sun Peng sighed in his heart: "In this era, traditional action movies are still losing their market!"

Think about the history of the box office of movies on the planet. Although science fiction movies have been the box office dominance since early on, action movies have held a very important position in the twentieth century. Among other things, the top Hollywood superstars will not lack the figure of action stars, such as Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Bruce Willie and Mel Gibson.

And the movies they starred in are also regulars in the top ten global box office charts.

But when time enters the 21st century, although action movies can occasionally squeeze into the top ten at the box office, such as "The Bourne Shadow", 007 series and "Mission Impossible 4", it is undeniable that science fiction, Magic or superhero movies have completely dominated the box office charts.

The only thing that shines in the eyes of action movies is probably the "Fast and Furious" series.

Scenes and special effects are what attracts the audience's attention most.

At least for Hollywood movies, this is the result. That is to say, in China, where the film industry is one step behind, action movies seem to have a second spring. This is the case with the "Ferocious Beast" in this world, and the "Wolf Warrior" on the earth seems to be the same, because the audience has given the movie more...

"Teacher Sun, Teacher Sun?"


Recovered from his meditation, Sun Peng glanced at Bian Lin, and quickly smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I'm still thinking about the script of "Die Hard 3", but...I Personally, I think you can actually try to create one by yourself."

"Ah? Teacher Sun, are you going to give up the "Die Hard" series?"

After hearing what Sun Peng said, everyone was a little panicked, and the lead actor Tang Long even stood up.

"Haha, it's not like giving up?!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Sun Peng smiled slightly: "But my current focus is indeed more on science fiction movies. I am not very interested in traditional action movies... Well, there may be some new ideas, but that's the same as " Die Hard" series has nothing to do."

Although it was for Zheng Jia’s "Die Hard", after writing two scripts, Sun Peng felt it was enough. In fact, what he prefers to the "Die Hard" series is the first and the fourth, but now he doesn't even bother to write the fourth script.


At this moment, he suddenly thought of Lang Chen, and remembered what he wanted to say to him that night, but then forgot to say because he drank too much and sang.

"Tsk tut, that's "Fast and Furious"!"

Regardless of the idle people who were whispering, or the two of Bian Lin and Tang Long who were opening their mouths and talking to him, Sun Peng licked his lips, and his thoughts had long since dispersed.

Let Huaxia Filmmakers do it themselves, or cooperate with Hollywood?

The former may make China's action movies go further, but it may also lose a considerable part of the overseas box office; while the latter's box office will inevitably be very high, and even make the "Fast and Furious" series exceed the level of the earth, but it will give the original strong Hollywood adds another strength!

"Oh, it's tangled..."

Fortunately, a new project like "Fast and Furious" cannot be launched with a single shot. Sun Peng still has a long time to consider the pros and cons of the two options. So he was a little impatient in his heart and shook his head directly and interrupted Bian Lin's words: "Border guide, regarding the sequel, let's wait for the "Die Hard 2" to be released and discuss it. During this time, I will Try to cooperate with your movie promotion..."


After leaving Bian Lin and Tang Long, Sun Peng got in the car and started going home.

He can stay in the capital for two days, and he plans to spend time with his wife and children. But there was still some time before the car arrived home, so Sun Peng simply called Lang Chen: "Little Wolf, are you interested in action movies? Is that kind of action movie with big scenes?"


The first reaction was to swallow and spit, and then Lang Chen anxiously said: "Interested, of course interested... Dapeng, do you have a new script again?"

"No, it's early!"

Shaking his head, Sun Peng said with a smile, "It's just that we met with the crew of "Die Hard" today and suddenly got an idea when discussing the promotion of the new movie...Of course, it's just an idea! But if you If you are interested, I plan to design the actor's role in your style."

"Huh...Thank you!"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, he took a long breath, and Lang Chen directly expressed his gratitude to Sun Peng.

He understands that this is tailor-made!

Before, it was the honor to have Sun Peng tailor-made a role in China, and there is only one protagonist, that is, the female star Lin Lin who starred in "Tomorrow's War" and Sun Peng's cousin!

Lang Chen knew that he was lucky to be the second one!

If he knew what Lang Chen was thinking at this time, Sun Peng would definitely have to laugh. However, the boy Lang Chen is very good in height, figure and appearance. His acting skills are now considered online, so after a smile, Sun Peng continued and said: "Ok, then I'll try it. But you don't have to worry about this film, it should be in the script. It will take a long time to polish..."

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