Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1469: friend

"Brother Marco, can't you change someone?"

When he came out of the bathroom, Sun Peng still had a headache: "It's not that you don't know my singing level. It's okay to shout at home by yourself. If you really want to record...cough cough, it's shameful!"

Regarding his words, Ma Boyuan obviously has other opinions: "No, I think you used to perform well when you sang with Feifei and the others! Don't worry, it's not demanding. Just a few days of practice and singing with me is enough."

"...The problem is, I don't have time to practice!"

Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng smiled helplessly: "This time I come back, I will rest for a few days, and then I will follow the crew to the next place to shoot. This situation will continue until August, where can I have time to follow? Do you practice songs and record songs?"

"This... also."

Hearing what Sun Peng said, Ma Boyuan also had a headache.

He really doesn't care about his singing level. After all, he knows that Lao Bai is not a professional singer, but Sun Peng has no time for this reason is too strong, Ma Boyuan really can't find a suitable reason to continue to struggle. After all, his chorus is a trivial matter, but his "Martian Rescue" is an investment of several hundred million, so there is no delay!

So when he walked back to his seat, Ma Boyuan had already figured it out, and shook his head: "Forget it, Xiaopeng, you should concentrate on making your movie. I will figure out how to solve this problem myself."

It's really a shame not to be able to cooperate with a good friend, but Ma Bo is far-reaching and open-minded, not particularly entangled.

"What's the matter, Brother Marco?"

Ye Xing, who had only heard these words, turned his gaze away from the female star beside him, and asked curiously. Although he is a martial artist, he really doesn't drink much, and his face is already red under the belly of two glasses of beer, and his voice is completely louder now.

"Haha, a little thing."

Ma Boyuan obviously didn't want to say more, waved his hand casually and smiled.

However, Ye Xing, who had a strong desire to speak at this moment, obviously didn’t want to let it go easily. Under repeated questioning, Ma Boyuan had to recount what had just happened, and then smiled: “In fact, it’s not a big deal, but the company’s plan cannot be postponed. , Otherwise it’s easy to wait until Xiaopeng’s movie is finished."

"It's easy to do, just let Teacher Lao Bai write a song?"

After listening to Ma Boyuan’s words, Ye Xing blinked and smiled: “Anyway, the album’s name is "Lao Ma and His Friends", and he didn’t say that it must be a chorus together... Teacher Lao Bai wrote a song, can’t you sing? Is it all right?"

"Huh? Right!"

Hearing what Ye Xing said casually, Sun Peng was immediately bright!

It's just that Ma Boyuan still frowned, waved his hand and said, "That's how it is said, but it takes a long time to write songs... Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, come on, let's meet one more brother!"


After another half a cup of draft beer, Sun Peng suddenly smiled: "Brother Ma, who said it takes a long time to write a song? The theme of your album is friends, right?"

Looking at Sun Peng with a weird smile, Ma Boyuan nodded blankly: "Yes, it's a collection of the 25th anniversary of debut... I said, you don't really plan to spend time writing songs for me, right? But goodbye, it's still important for "The Martian"..."


Before Ma Boyuan finished speaking, Sun Peng was already laughing.

Just when he smiled inexplicably at Ma Boyuan and the other three people, Sun Peng raised his hand and shouted, "Boss, boss!"

"Here! Old Bai teacher, what else do you want?"

The boss rushed over eagerly, looking directly at Sun Peng's beer mug with a bottom left.

He raised his neck and drank the last bit of beer, and Sun Peng handed the glass to the boss: "Help me add another glass, it will be cold! Also, do you have a guitar here? Any guitar will do."


First, he was taken aback for a while, and then the boss was overjoyed, and while taking the cup, he nodded frantically: "I don't have one here, but if you use it, I can borrow one for you at most three minutes. There is a guy next door playing every day!"

Teacher Lao Bai wants a guitar, what else can you think of?

It must be done!

"Thank you first, and borrow one for me."

Nodded, Sun Peng turned his head to look at Ma Boyuan after watching the boss throw it away: "Brother Ma, wait patiently for two minutes, and I will sing you a song later. Can you listen to it? If it works, I will give it to you. , It’s good to receive the new album."


As soon as Sun Peng's words fell, except for Ma Boyuan, the other four people were all excited. In particular, the two female stars exclaimed directly.

Can you see Mr. Bai singing live?

This opportunity is too rare, and their luck today is too good?

Compared to the excitement of the other four people, Ma Boyuan hesitated and laughed twice: "Xiao Peng, are you a new song that you wrote early? Mandarin or English? The theme of my new album is me and my friends... ...Is the lyrics appropriate?"


After listening to him, the two female stars were speechless, and rolled their eyes secretly.

Boss, are you still picking and choosing here at this time?

Lao Bai's new work, let alone you Ma Boyuan, it is Chen Feifei and Luo Cheng who are here, so you must hurry up without hesitation!

Sun Peng knows better about Ma Boyuan. He took a big sip of the draft beer from the waiter and sighed with a smile: "Don't worry, my friend, I wrote this song for my friend, I promise it's suitable!"

The Maiba of KTV in the last life, who can't sing "Friend"? !

Especially when it comes to the graduation season, or when it is a class reunion, this is almost the most popular song. Sun Peng remembered that when he graduated from college, his class sang. When someone clicked on this song, the class stood up and sang together.

So when the boss brought the guitar out of breath, Sun Peng tried a few times and said to Ma Bo with a smile: "Listen carefully, Brother Ma... the guitar is bad, but the song is still good."

After everyone calmed down and focused on himself, Sun Peng opened his mouth slightly and began to hum the classic prelude of "Friends": "Ah..."

"These years, Feng has passed by alone, and the rain has gone..."

Zhou Huajian's "Friend" is undoubtedly too old in this era, and the style of the song has not kept up with the times, but Sun Peng didn't care, and sang very enthusiastically.

Ma Boyuan and Lang Chen didn't care and listened quietly.

Singing and singing, Sun Peng's eyes gradually narrowed, and finally they were completely closed. The whole person was invested in this song that reminded him of many memories and emotions.


Friends will be together forever.

In those days, no more.

In a word, for a lifetime.

Life love, a glass of wine...

Until Sun Peng finished singing this very emotional song, but while the guitar was still playing slowly, everyone still didn't make a sound, and they couldn't even hear the applause. The eyes of the two female stars gleamed, looking at Sun Peng as if looking at a rare treasure, but the three men closed their eyes like Sun Peng, looking at their expressions as if they were all ups and downs...

Who said that men are more rational and women are more emotional?

At least after he finished singing "Friends" he was most familiar with, the emotions accumulated in Sun Peng's chest had not dissipated, and there was even a feeling of more and more energetic.

and so……

The tempo of the slowly playing guitar suddenly changed. Before Ma Boyuan and the others could react, Sun Peng had already started with a rhythm and spoke again.

"The stars are flowing, and you are on the same road..."

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