Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1466: "Nobody Sleeps Tonight"

"Sorry, Teacher Dai."

Standing at the door of the music classroom, Sun Peng said with an apologetic expression: "It was really presumptuous this time. I suddenly found you and asked you to sing a song. I didn't even give you time to think about it! And tomorrow I will return to the crew early...this time I really trouble you!"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, De Mingqiang suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, what the teacher Lao Bai said, I can't ask for it! You can rest assured to go to the film, I will consider it carefully and wait for the soundtrack to come out. Record you right away!"


"Yes, let's not say that kind words!"

Throwing a thumbs up at De Mingqiang, Sun Peng said cheerfully: "When we finish this part of the film and return to the capital, I will invite you to dinner!"

"Okay, then I thank you in advance!"

De Mingqiang was also happy, and nodded simply.

Go now!

"Then... shall we see you again?"

"Okay, bye!"

De Mingqiang simply made Sun Peng stunned, and then he could not help but secretly praised in his heart: "Look! Look! This is a serious artist. It's no waste that I will visit him in person! Tsk, if it's someone else, Right now, I’m sure I’m going to have dinner with me? It’s an artist like someone else, so he won’t stay after talking about business, right?"

While admiring, Sun Peng left.

When he walked into the elevator and the door ding shut, Dai Mingqiang immediately turned back to the room and closed the door, and immediately rushed to the place where the score was just played: "Where? Where... here! "Tonight Nothing People fall asleep"...Oh my god, it seems I don't want to sleep tonight..."


"That's it? Leave the score and it's over?"

After getting in the car, Liu Chang looked puzzled: "I thought you were going to have a good chat with this teacher Dai about this song... But I just came to sit for half an hour and left with some gossip? In that case, can't you just let me come here?"

"Come here in person to be sincere!"

Looking at his assistant, Sun Peng said with a smile.

Of course he could be lazy and give the score directly to Liu Chang for her to bring it over, or even find a courier to deliver it. Anyway, the score has already been registered, so I'm not afraid of losing it or stealing it. However, whether "Nobody Sleeps Tonight", a classic from the earth, or De Mingqiang, a Chinese tenor with excellent reputation, deserves Sun Peng to go there in person, even if it's just a half-hour chat after coming.

""Nobody Sleeps Tonight"..."

When the car slowly drove onto the road and Liu Chang refocused his attention on his notebook, Sun Peng looked at the scenery outside the window with a smile on his mouth.

"Nobody Sleeps Tonight", an aria from the opera "Turandot".

On the original earth, the Italian composer Puccini wrote this opera about a Chinese princess in the early twentieth century, but died of cancer before finishing it. Among the operas that were subsequently completed, "Nobody Sleeps Tonight" is undoubtedly the most famous one!

Of course he hadn't seen something as tall as an opera.

However, even people who don't care about opera have heard such a classic passage of "Nobody Sleeps Tonight", especially after being sung by a talented singer, it seems to have suddenly become popular. It’s just that Sun Peng is even more fortunate, because the first time he listened to the version of Pavarotti, he felt that the big fat man sang this song with special momentum...

After listening to it several times, the memory is quite deep.

In fact, he was also on a whim, thinking about using this classic clip in the movie to replace the old songs that the male lead listens to. In addition to being fun, there is also a plan to release the song "Nobody Sleeps Tonight". Otherwise, he really can't think of when it will appear in this world.

Since I thought of it by accident, just let it bloom its own brilliance in this world...

Just as Sun Peng's thoughts were flying wildly, and he even began to think about another "Opera 2" he once liked, Liu Chang suddenly raised his head from his small notebook and asked: "Where to go next? Home?"

"Um... what time is it?"

Looking at the clear sky outside, Sun Peng suddenly asked.

Although a little surprised, Liu Chang immediately checked his watch, and then replied: "It's still early at 4:30 in the afternoon."

"At half past four, don't go back now."

After thinking for a while, Sun Peng suddenly laughed: "It's been a long time since I ate out with Jiajia. I'll call her... Sister Chang, help recommend a restaurant, I don't want to go to the palace."

After listening to Sun Peng's words, Liu Chang's eyes lit up and he nodded and smiled immediately: "Okay! I'll make arrangements for you, and I will definitely satisfy you..."


Sun Peng was really satisfied with the place Liu Chang arranged.

A skyscraper that has just been completed less than a year ago. There is a revolving restaurant on the top of the building. The famous Cantonese chef sits at the top of the building. What's more, the location by the window is quite secret. The atmosphere of the restaurant is also very quiet. The rules of the restaurant and the strict management of the service staff ensure that you will not be disturbed during the meal.


Looking at the exquisite menu in his hand, Sun Peng was a little bit dumbfounded. He pointed to Sun Wenyao, who was sitting on the child seat and wriggling, and said: "Jia Jia, it is finally only the two of us having a meal together. Here comes this little thing?"

Glancing at Sun Peng, Zheng Jia said angrily: "Oh, Yaoyao hasn't seen you for some time! It's not easy to come back, so why not spend more time with your children?"


With his eyelids rolled, Sun Peng no longer wanted to speak.

If there is no smile between his wife's eyebrows, Sun Peng may be really ashamed, but he knows that Zheng Jia is holding back a smile right now!

In desperation, Sun Peng had to start serving his little princess.

"Baby, is this okay? It looks delicious!"

"What about this? Do you want it?"

"Oh, there are bunny buns here. Would you like to try one?"


After finally ordering dinner, when Sun Peng finally breathed a sigh of relief, Zheng Jia asked: "Dapeng, how many days can I stay here this time?"

"A few days, one week."

Leaning back, Sun Peng said with a smile: "It's a short break, and then continue with the next filming... No way, the stars have very tight schedules, although they say that the schedule is enough, I can't Hasn't it been dragged?"

For people like Hu Tian, ​​time means money, and Sun Peng does not want to delay others for too long.

Nodded clearly, Zheng Jia continued: "That's right, you will also help publicize "Die Hard 2" in the two days after you come back. Our movie will be released in more than a month. ..."

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