Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1451: 100 million dollars a year

"My goodness! My goodness!"

"Oh, even if I can only make a fraction of this number in a year, I'm satisfied."

"I only need a fraction of it. It's not very demanding."

"How can Bai Daan make so much money in a year? I'll take it. This is the rhythm of crushing all the stars!"

"It always feels very unreal. More than 400 million dollars is too exaggerated, right?"

"I also need to deduct personal income tax and share with the broker. In addition, Teacher Lao Bai also donates a lot of money every year, so it's actually not that much."

"So, the global box office of "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" exceeded one billion US dollars. How much can Bai Da make?"

"At least tens of millions, right? Now the white share is very high..."


The enthusiasm about how much money Lao Bai makes a year has lasted for several days on the Internet. Because before Sun Peng came out, it was difficult for people to imagine that a star could make so much a year, at least they could not imagine that they could make so much purely from works. Ren is investing in a company that goes public, which is not comparable to Lao Bai.

Ordinary people are envious, especially the stars.

It’s just that unlike ordinary people who only admire Lao Bai’s huge annual income, celebrities are more envious of Lao Bai’s huge influence in Europe and the United States. You must know that in addition to martial arts novels that can only be popular in a small area in Asia, Lao Bai Almost all of his other works are famous in Europe and the United States, especially those around the cartoons, and most of them are from small hands in Europe and the United States!

This kind of influence cannot be bought with money.

"So, asking Teacher Lao Bai to endorse is the best result!"

At the high-level meeting of Feiming Technology, Vice President Li Xiang said categorically: "If you can ask him to help us create a song or create a movie, and appear in it as an image spokesperson... Gentlemen, Perhaps this will completely break the deadlock currently facing our company!"


As soon as Li Xiang’s voice fell, a middle-aged man who was at least ten years older than him, Ben Ha, expressed his attitude towards the proposal to his heart: "This proposal is too simple! Do you think Mr. Bai? Who is it? Can you get it if you want? Do you know how much his song or script is worth now?"

Turning his head to look at the middle-aged man, Li Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly: "How high is it? One hundred million? Or two hundred million? Can't we Feiming Technology get it out?"

For this competitor, Li Xiang's heart is full of disgust.

He only joined Feiming Technology half a year ago, and he directly airborne the vice president as soon as he arrived, which was the first step for Niu Yunsheng to start the rejuvenation of Feiming Technology's senior executives. But as he expected, after joining Feiming Technology, Li Xiang encountered unprecedented resistance-from these minds that have begun to become rigid, and at the same time, the aggressiveness has also been decreasing with the success of Feiming Technology. !

They think that they can already enjoy life on their laurels!

But Li Xiang is not here to enjoy life, and Niu Yunsheng, who is also passionate, does not want to lie on success and enjoy life. They look forward to a more brilliant future!

Therefore, the contradiction arises naturally.

Niu Yunsheng hopes that Feiming Technology’s mobile phones will not only succeed in Asia and Latin America, but he also hopes to break the deadlock in Europe, the United States and other countries. After all, Feiming Technology’s mobile phones now have enough confidence. The arrival of Li Xiang is the first step in this attempt.


In the argument between Li Xiang and the veteran vice president, Niu Yunsheng has remained silent.

Lao Bai...No, it should be Sun Peng. The name reminded him of the meeting a long time ago, and remembered the case that is still regarded as a classic in the business world-the song worth 30 million. , And the "Hold Call" worth hundreds of millions of dollars!


After a daze for a while, Niu Yunsheng suddenly exhaled gently.

Back then, he maintained sufficient respect for Sun Peng, even gritted his teeth and agreed to the ridiculous request of 30 million a song, but from the bottom of his heart, does Niu Yunsheng have a natural sense of superiority?

I am a big business man, and you are just a star.

So after throwing 30 million, Niu Yunsheng regrets a little bit, but it is more of a kind of pleasure with the taste of "charity", especially after Feiming Technology has made great profits with Lao Bai’s advertising, this pleasure is even more It was to make Niu Yunsheng think that he had made a very correct decision.

but now……

Looking at the figure of more than 400 million US dollars a year on the rankings, and thinking about the hot topics created by Jiapeng Games before, Niu Yunsheng feels very strange in his heart-he is still a big business man in his heart, but only A big business man, even in China, he is not the top. But that old teacher, now not only has stood at the top of the Chinese cultural circle, but has even become a unique existence in the world!

This feeling made Niu Yunsheng very upset, but he also had a wonderful sense of witnessing history.

In the history of, it is too exaggerated to say that. It should be said that China has never seen such an influential cultural figure in the past 100 years. Perhaps some people's artistic achievements were still higher than Sun Peng before, but their influence is basically limited to the local area. Once they go out, they will be too far behind.

The more he thought about it, the more he became fascinated. Niu Yunsheng's thoughts gradually diverged: "So, is this era that made Lao Bai? Or did Lao Bai make this era? But anyway, this is a fascinating era... …"

"So, how do you impress Teacher Lao Bai?"

While Niu Yunsheng was thinking about it, his subordinates were still arguing, and the opposing vice president said loudly: "Please ask him to be the spokesperson? This is the most unreliable idea I have ever heard! You know! Lao Bai is not Chen Feifei, nor Liang Ren. Except for the creative advertising in his brother-in-law’s advertising agency, he has never acted as a spokesperson for any job... Remember, it is any one! Why is Feiming Technology the only exception?"

"Endorsement fee! We can give him an unprecedented endorsement fee!"

"Haha? Endorsement fee? Is this the way you thought of it?"

As soon as Li Xiang’s voice fell, he immediately received ridicule from his opponents: “Young man, open your eyes and take a look at this list! With more than 400 million US dollars a year in income, how much endorsement fee do you think will make the old white? Give up your own principles and speak for a company? Are we Feiming's net profit for a year?"

Where will the true top superstar endorse what product?

Michael? Has Pete photographed any commercials for? After Chen Feifei and Luo Cheng entered the ranks of international superstars, did they have any commercials for them?

Think too much!

The opponent's words made Li Xiang also speechless for a while, because such a decision involving huge expenditures, he could only look at Niu Yunsheng. After taking back his thoughts, Niu Yunsheng just said lightly: "Lao Bai's endorsement fee? If he agrees, we can pay 100 million US dollars a year..."

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