Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1431: amusement park

Whether in China, North America, or Europe, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is one of the big winners of this Christmas file.

The box office of the first weekend was 350 million, and ten days later, on the second day of the New Year’s holiday, the box office broke the US$800 million mark with great momentum!

Of course, the box office potential of this movie has also been consumed a lot.

Fans’ movies have always been like this, and Sun Peng is not surprised. According to the current trend, one billion is in front of his eyes, and 1.2 billion is already in sight. It doesn’t really matter how much the remaining box office can get.

Just look at the reaction of Haggs Pictures.

As soon as the box office came out on the first weekend, Haggs Films couldn't wait to contact Sun Ya again, hoping to start negotiations on the subsequent copyright issues of the Little Mage series. But the agent who was still in Europe at that time refused without hesitation, saying that after the fourth novel has been handed over, the copyright of the follow-up novel will begin after Christmas next year at the earliest.

The third part of the Little Magician movie has been set for next year’s Christmas...

"I see, you can figure it out."

Lying lazily on the sofa, Sun Peng casually rushed to the second sister next to him and said: “Actually, it doesn’t matter whether it’s early or late. The dividends paid by others are already high enough. When the time comes, one or two more points, one or two points less. , I don’t think there is much difference..."

When talking about these things, Sun Peng really couldn't lift his energy.

In the days before the New Year, he asked two professionals for advice and collected a lot of materials related to "The Wandering Earth". Last night, he continued to study until three o'clock in the morning. Naturally, there was no energy at this time.

But to be honest, Sun Peng is also a little bit happy.

Although it is easy to directly copy the original work, just like he was carrying those martial arts novels, but on the other hand, it also lost the joy of work. Now he is not short of money or fame, so this process of "creating" after he has thoroughly studied it is really fascinating.

The only thing that makes him a little crazy is that it is really too difficult for him to study the concepts and principles in "The Wandering Earth"...

Hearing what Sun Peng said, the second sister suddenly became unhappy: "There is not much discrepancy? How is it possible?! Do you know if we want an extra point of box office and peripheral share, how much does that mean? At least how much? Millions of dollars in income!"


Seeing the second sister's upset look, Sun Peng was very wise not to speak.

Sun Peng is the original work of the Little Mage series, but because he did not participate in the screenwriting, the proportion of box office share is not very high, at least not high compared to the movies where he directly wrote the script. But the ratio is lower, but the box office of the movie is not strong enough, and the surrounding sales continue to be hot!

So the sum of these figures is very exaggerated.

In Sun Ya’s words, as long as he can finish writing the novels of the Little Wizard and Little Wizard series, even if all the other copyrights are gone, the money in the bank will be spent. After these two series It can also bring him a large sum of money every year and make him live comfortably for several lifetimes.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is also related to the interests of the brokerage team.

Practically speaking, Sun Ya’s brokerage company took the share from his share, and if he said to the illusion, if he casually agreed to the party’s conditions, what is the value of the broker’s existence? Wouldn't it be better to find a lawyer to help you read the contract directly?

"Hey, have you finished talking?"

After the siblings talked for a while, Lin Lin next to him was a little dissatisfied: "The people in the whole house are busy, but you two are idle together...Sorry?"

The last day of the New Year's Day holiday is the routine family gathering of the old Sun family.

According to the usual practice in previous years, it was natural to come to the home of Uncle Sun Qicheng, cook a table of good dishes, and then make dumplings. The eldest mother, sister-in-law, and eldest sister Sun Jing are busy cooking. The dumplings are naturally placed on the younger generation, but Sun Peng and Sun Ya have been talking about things, which naturally made Lin Lin and the others very dissatisfied. .

Sun Peng did nothing like in previous years, but Sun Ya was also lazy?

How can this be tolerated? !

"Ahem! Ahem!"

After an awkward cough, Sun Ya waved his hand and said, "Wait a while, there is one last thing... very important! I'll go right after I'm finished!"

"Huh? Anything else?"

"Yes, and very important!"

Seeing Sun Peng's helpless look, the agent frowned and said with a serious face: "Capoca Pictures officially contacted me a few days ago, hoping to get the Sunflower Storybook, Harry Potter Series and Han Bo The series of park project authorization..."


Before listening to the second sister, Sun Peng sat up and said, "They want these copyrights to make an amusement park? No! Absolutely not!"

"Uh... why?"

Seeing his sudden reaction, Sun Ya was stunned: "You didn't want to talk about this before, I understand. After all, these series were not a climate at that time, but now...the price given by their parent company is quite high. Allure, why not think about it?"

"Other things are easy to say, nothing to talk about!"

Taking a deep breath, Sun Peng waved his hand and said: "The amusement park project is authorized to the company of China, or even we can do it ourselves, but absolutely not to Hollywood!"

"Do it yourself? Are you making me laugh?"

Hearing what Sun Peng said, his agent was immediately happy.

"Ha ha."

With a grin, Sun Peng blinked his eyes and said, "Of course I know it's difficult, but...I won't give it to Hollywood anyway!"

What is the so-called amusement park project?

To put it bluntly, it is a super large playground like Disneyland! Central Park, owned by Capoca’s parent company, is one of the most famous amusement parks in the world. Although it is certainly not as exaggerated as Disneyland on Earth, it is definitely considered prestigious.

So Sun Peng knew why the second sister laughed, because to make such an amusement park is not a matter of making a movie or making a game, at most one billion Chinese coins can be done.

How much does Shanghai Disney spend on earth? The construction cost of the park itself is in the tens of billions. If you add supporting infrastructure, etc., it may exceed 100 billion!

The world is not as exaggerated as Disney’s amusement parks, but there are many that cost more than two billion US dollars.

Central Paradise is one of the best.

This is a big project of the parent company of Capoca, so it is understandable that the other party wants to get authorization from the Sunflower Storybook and Little Wizard and Little Wizard. After all, whether "Frozen" or "The Lion King" or "Harry Potter" series are very famous, they must be very attractive to children who enter the amusement park.

It's just that Sun Peng is really not interested in this matter, or he doesn't want to...

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