Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1429: Open martial arts world

When they came out of the airport, they were picked up by Sun Peng's bodyguards.

Sun Ya did not come, because just as Sun Peng and the others boarded the plane, she flew to Germany to deal with the printing of many of Sun Peng's books-with the release of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", Whether it is the Little Wizard series or the Little Wizard series, once again ushered in a wave of sales!

Hollywood's publicity ability is always amazing.

Under the propaganda that Haggs Pictures spares no effort, the whole of Europe and the United States do not know that there are really not many children in Harry Potter. Although they may not have seen "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" because of their parents or other reasons, is it normal to buy two books and have a look at such a huge publicity campaign?


When they discovered that in addition to the Little Mage series, the famous "Lion King", "Frozen", "Mulan" and "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" and other picture books under the pseudonym laobai were also found, Will you raise your curiosity, buy it back and take a look?

"So, this is Hollywood's influence!"

After hearing the news that the second sister had gone to Europe, Sun Peng couldn’t help but sigh: “If I only rely on my personal fame and influence, the sales volume of the little magician is definitely not the current level, but with the Haggs movie. With the help of the industry, you can sell 8 million sets in Europe alone... Hehe, you really deserve to be the world's movie hegemon!"

"Yes, but it's good for us, isn't it?"


Even if he felt a little unwilling, Sun Peng only nodded.

In fact, let alone him, it is Aunt Rowling on earth. If there is no Warner Bros. movie promotion, the novel can sell so hot?

Unrealistic and impossible!

After chatting for a while, Sun Peng focused his attention on the box office on the premiere day of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"-because the night was spent on a plane, Liu Chang didn't have time until he got out of the airport. Take a look.

The British are very strong, and contributed 3.2 million pounds to the box office of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on the day of the premiere!

Of course, the Americans and Chinese people are even more powerful. The former is US$27 million, and the latter is US$260 million, which is equivalent to nearly US$40 million!

In addition to more than 30 other countries, the day "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" was released, it earned more than $100 million in box office!

"That's it!"

After seeing this data, Sun Peng's heart that had been holding up instantly relaxed. This is just Friday's results. According to the general law of box office trends, the world's over 350 million US dollars in the first weekend must be appropriate!


After thinking about it, Sun Peng suddenly rejoiced.

Sure enough, having the Huaxia supermarket as the base camp is really the greatest benefit for the traveler!

Without the strong support of Chinese fans, how much box office can "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" get in the first weekend? More than 200 million dollars is enough, right? But after the Huaxia Market, the US$350 million level was mentioned at once, how much higher than the original version on earth?

"No, the focus of future development will be domestic!"

Taking a deep breath, Sun Peng made up his mind again. Now that I have a reputation and money, and already have a large enough influence all over the world, the focus of the future will be domestic! As for the Hollywood side, there are three giants that have been cooperating for a long time anyway. It is enough to think about it...

The box office of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" has nothing to say, everything is expected.

Of course, by taking this opportunity, Lao Bai just got another shot.

But for Sun Peng himself, his eyes had long been on "Han Bo and Lingshi" in the Lunar New Year file. Compared with the box office that Little Wizard continues to soar, he is more related to the box office trend of the second part of Little Wizard!

One billion US dollars at the box office is Sun Peng's bottom line!

In his opinion, this is not difficult, because in addition to the fact that the box office of China Market will definitely be higher, today's little wizard is also famous in Europe and the United States, but it is a little worse than Harry Potter.

With the foundation of the first one, 1.2 billion US dollars is the level it should be.

When he returned home to take a bath in the bathroom, Sun Peng couldn’t help but clenched his fist tightly: “It’s just that the box office of "Han Bo and Lingshi" can exceed one billion US dollars this time. Like the magician, it has officially become a super big ip, and I am afraid it will also open a great era of Chinese fairy tales..."


As expected by Sun Peng, the box office of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" broke through 350 million US dollars in the first weekend.

The explosive power of fans to movies has always been extremely powerful.

There are more than one billion Chinese currency in China alone, nearly 160 million U.S. dollars, plus 74 million U.S. dollars and 66 million U.S. dollars in Europe. The three major global markets have just won 300 million U.S. dollars. . And Japan's performance exceeded Sun Peng's expectations, contributing more than 10 million US dollars in the box office.

You know, this is just three days of results.

If this trend continues, the second week after the release, that is, ten days after the release, the total box office breaking 700 million should be a certainty, and breaking 800 million is also a high probability time. In this way, in just ten days, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" can win a global box office similar to the original.

Of course, China's local area can contribute more than 300 million US dollars.

The box office of 2 billion Hua Xia coins is just an ordinary level for the current Hua Xia film market. If we have to find a measure, maybe it is the 600 million level of Chinese movie box office on earth?

After all, the market gap is three times, and it should be the same proportionally!

On the second day after returning to the capital, Sun Peng went to Lao Bai's studio in a happy mood, and Chen Fengzhi's report made him happier.

In the past week, "The Legend of the Old White Knights" has sold more than 70,000 sets!

For an rpg game that has been on the market for more than a month, and the selling point is on the plot and soundtrack, this is undoubtedly a pretty good result. After all, in this more than a month, "The Legend of the Old White Knights" is one of the favorite games of the major live broadcast platform anchors.

Huaxia finally produced a good rpg, fans love to watch, the anchors naturally love to broadcast.

The consequence of this is that many potential players who were originally interested in "The Legend of the Old White Knights" have cleared the customs through live video. Although there are often words like 666 on the barrage, there is no doubt that this has greatly affected the sales of "Old White Heroes"!

Of course, what is more important is the lack of playability of the game itself.

Relying on the graphics, plot and soundtrack alone cannot make up for this. After all, the graphics are good but not top-notch. The plot is great, but the video is easier to pass. If the soundtrack is one month after the game is released, the corresponding album is also on sale... …

"So the breakthrough in game playability lies in "Old White Heroes 2"!"

After analyzing with Sun Peng, Chen Maolin said seriously: "If nothing happens, the production cycle of the second part will be as long as four years. We will create a truly open world of martial arts..."

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