Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1427: Wandering earth

"Science fiction! Of course, why not?"

Pointing to his temple again, Sun Peng smiled: "In fact, I still have countless thoughts in my mind that excite me. For example, what will happen when the gravity of the earth disappears? What should we do when we are hit by a huge meteorite from outer space? How do we face space colonization? And...hehe, for example, when our earth is about to be destroyed, how do we find a new home?"

When talking about this, Sun Peng paused.

Along the Lande? Li Na’s face was full of curiosity, and he blinked his eyes and smiled: “Trust me, every wonderful idea has a story in my heart. I just don’t have much time to change them one by one. It's just a script!"

As a veteran movie fan, there is too much inventory in my head.

Perhaps something is outdated, or there are classics of the same type in this era, such as the "Back to the Past" series that he liked so much, "Artificial Intelligence" and "Me, Robot", but there is no doubt Yes, there are not many classic types in this world. Even if Sun Peng deliberately said two kinds of "banal" ideas, two of them are still very innovative.

So when he said these words, Sun Peng had full confidence.

With the rise and development of a country’s film industry, in this era, what is more appropriate than science fiction movies and magic movies? Only they can show the audience magnificent scenes and amazing special effects, and these are also synonymous with super blockbusters!

With the little wizard in Magic, Sun Peng didn't plan to touch it again.

However, he intends to keep doing science fiction movies until the memories in his mind can no longer keep up with the times, and Sun Peng will let those classics remain in his memory forever and become his own private collection...

What Sun Peng thought at this time, Lande? Of course Li didn't know.

But at this time, he was very excited!

Space colonization? Huge meteorite attack? Well, these ideas sound very enjoyable, but in the history of human science fiction for more than two hundred years, similar ideas have already appeared, and even movies have been filmed, but the idea of ​​the earth's gravity disappearing, it seems that he has not listened to it. Said it!

Very interesting, isn't it?

So after taking a deep breath, Lande? Li couldn't wait to ask: "So... last question! Mr. Laobai, can you tell me, what is the name of your next science fiction novel?"

"The name of the next science fiction novel?"

After hearing this question, Sun Peng hesitated for a while, and then smiled brilliantly: "Although I am not sure whether I can turn my imagination into truly beautiful words, I think my next novel should be called "The Wandering Earth"……"


"The Wandering Earth, can I write it?"

Out of Lande? In Li's studio, Sun Peng has been thinking about such a problem after getting in the car back to the hotel.

This is the second science fiction novel he chose for himself, and it will also be an unprecedented challenge he will face in his "creation" career. In fact, as early as the second day after the completion of The Martian novel, Sun Peng Serious and careful preparation has already begun!

There are not many "contemporary" science fiction novels that Sun Peng has read in his life, but they are all regarded as the finest works on earth in that era!

But in the second book, he didn't want to use European and American works anymore.

Although he does not have that ability, he wants to carry a Chinese science fiction novel, and Da Liu is undoubtedly his only choice. It's not that the novels of other science fiction writers are not good, but because Liu is the most famous, and Sun Peng has only seen him!

Unfortunately, "Three Body" is not in this category.

Because "Three Body" is a novel, and it is also a trilogy novel, Sun Peng once used Baidu Baike to understand the specific content, but never really bought a set of books to read.

What he really read was just a collection of short stories by Liu.

"Wandering Earth", "Rural Teacher", "Full Band Jamming", "Earth Cannon"... these short stories that have left a deep impression on him are Sun Peng's only choices.

So he chose "The Wandering Earth", a work that was made into a movie on the earth.

In order to make the best adaptation of this novel, Sun Peng has already listed more than ten experts who need to be visited and consulted, and he has already visited half of them!

Yes, Sun Peng does not intend to copy the original version of the novel "The Wandering Earth".

Because it is a bit shorter.

So Sun Peng wanted to try and expand and adapt this short story by himself, just like the adaptation of the Little Wizard series that is increasingly consuming his energy!

It will be hard work, but it will definitely be fun, right?

Before the filming of The Martian begins next year, Sun Peng will visit all the experts who should be visited, and then start to do this in his free time as a director. He only hopes that his efforts will not spoil the novel, at least to the extent that he is satisfied...

"There are still two days left, have you thought of where to go?"

Just as Sun Peng was thinking secretly, Liu Chang suddenly patted him on the shoulder and asked with a smile.

"Huh? What?"

Seeing Sun Peng's dazed expression, Liu Chang resigned helplessly: "I mean, there are still two days before we return to China, but there is nothing left to do... You haven't thought about where to go. A play? Or do you plan to return to China early?"

"Two days..."

After pondering for a while, Sun Peng suddenly said, "Sister Chang, arrange a car for me. I want to see those places of interest in Britain!"

"Places of interest? Where to go?"

After a shock, Liu Chang hurriedly asked.

After thinking for a while, Sun Peng smiled and gave his answer: "Hehe, Westminster Abbey and Rosslyn Church."

"Huh? Where are they?"


Tilting his head and recalling the contents of the "The Da Vinci Code" movie and the information he had checked before he came, Sun Peng shrugged and said, "I only know that Westminster Abbey is in London. As for Roslin Church, ...Check it for me."

"Okay, I will arrange it!"

When Liu Chang started to take out his mobile phone to make a call, Sun Peng turned his attention to the world outside the car window.

It is impossible for Sun Peng to write the book "The Da Vinci Code".

Because he hadn’t actually read this book himself before the movie, and compared to science fiction with expert help, this kind of religious novel that requires a lot of research and historical knowledge will undoubtedly consume more time and energy.


Sun Peng has no interest in novels that are too controversial and offend too many people.

Of course, if you consider that the Louvre in this world does not have an inverted triangular glass pyramid or something, Sun Peng feels that for his own ability, even if he has read the original novel, it is too difficult and difficult to adapt it perfectly. Up.

However, not writing this book does not mean that Sun Peng will not be able to take a look at the scenes in the movie.

In two days, just take a small vacation for yourself, relax, and wait for the box office results on the premiere day of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"...

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