Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1407: That’s not how the account is calculated

Is your own existence just to stick to the rules?

Sun Peng didn't believe it!

Even if Chen Fengzhi and Chen Maolin kept analyzing the sales of China's domestic games and the sales of 3a masterpieces of foreign manufacturers in order to dispel his unrealistic ideas, Sun Peng basically couldn't listen!

One million sales in the first month? Three million total sales?

Perhaps for a domestic rpg game, this is already a very amazing achievement. Just like the classic ips on the earth such as fairy swords and ancient swords, the total sales volume of one million is actually quite satisfactory.

Then don't forget, this is another world!

This is a world where China has a more developed economy, more affluent people, and more single players!

Chinese stand-alone games on the earth actually had opportunities. For example, when "Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" came out, martial arts and fairy tale games were once quite prosperous, such as the "Swordsman Love" series. At that time, the domestic stand-alone machine was not so far from the technical level of the overseas manufacturers. Sun Peng once watched a video, which is the comparison of the screens of the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and the "Tomb Raider" series...

In the beginning, everyone was really the same.

In the comparison video of station b, it is obvious that the level of the first generation is like that, which is unsightly. But later when Laura in "Tomb Raider" became more and more beautiful and exquisite, the domestic fairy sword progressed extremely slowly, and was finally completely crushed!

Without capital investment, the so-called technological innovation is just a castle in the air.


The piracy that began in the 1990s and lasted for more than a decade in the early 21st century completely destroyed all of this. At that time, even if the domestic games were priced at only a few tens of dollars, they were still not affordable or willing to bear by young players. So when the Internet tide came, game companies that could not make money in the stand-alone field quickly turned their attention to online games. , And more profitable mobile games coming out later...

The times dictate that there is no alternative.

So when "a5" sold hundreds of millions of copies, and the Polish small factory's "Witcher 3" also won tens of millions of fans, the domestic single-player games were still at their lowest point, struggling in the degeneration, and could sell dozens of them. Wanfen's game is a huge success, but at the same time, online and mobile games are booming, and the market share ranks first in the world!

According to some Chinese stand-alone players, it is that Chinese people like junk games, which leads to this situation.

Of course, Sun Peng's thoughts are not that simple. After all, as he gets older and has more knowledge, he can see deeper things. The simplest example is the computers of Chinese players-players in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea can update their configuration at will according to their favorite games, but what about domestic players?

You know that in that era, games were a scourge in the eyes of parents!

So either students or young people just working. It’s not bad that the computer in hand can afford low-demand online games. Do you still dare to think of those stand-alone masterpieces that require extremely high CPU, memory and graphics cards?

Not to mention that you have to spend thousands of dollars to buy a game after installing a computer!

There are hundreds of single-player games at every turn, but few people are willing to spend money. So when I thought about my love for games, Sun Peng naturally understood the hardships of those stand-alone game companies, and understood why China’s stand-alone games have been unable to turn over...

But in this world, the situation is different.

China's economy is much better than that of China on earth. At the same time, because of the progress and development of the domestic semiconductor industry, the price of computer hardware is relatively low. Of course, more importantly, parents in this world are no longer afraid of games, but maintain a relatively open attitude.

The scale of the stand-alone market is much larger than on the earth!

In his last life, Sun Peng once read an article on the Internet, which recorded the total amount of China's stand-alone market. In 2017, the total sales volume was only 150 million yuan, and the top 50 totaled 130 million. Million, just pick a similar online game or mobile game and it will explode at all!

This market situation is absolutely unhealthy.

But in this world, let’s not say that the annual sales volume of domestic stand-alone machines is dozens of times that of the earth, that is, the well-known ip of those international manufacturers, the sales at the time of their domestic debut can blow it up!

China’s stand-alone potential is so great, Lao Bai has nearly 100 million fans, and the development of domestic martial arts culture is in full swing. Why does "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography" only sold 400,000 sets on the first day?

To be honest, Sun Peng was not convinced!

So in the next half day, Sun Peng didn't go anywhere, staring straight at the backstage of Lao Bai's studio, watching the sales of "Old Bai Qun Xia Biography-Book and Sword Encounter"...No, accurate In other words, it should be the number of downloads and prepaid.

In the first hour of the download opening, the number of linkers exceeded 14,000, and the number of paid users reached 4,100.

Five hours after the download was open, the number of downloaders has exceeded 40,000, and the number of paying users has exceeded 11,000.

Eight hours after the download was open, the two numbers were seventy-four and twenty-one!

"School after school, get off work after get off work, finally started!"

Seeing the two numbers that are beginning to grow faster, Chen Maolin was overjoyed and said happily: "If nothing else, the peak of downloads and payments will appear after ten o'clock in the evening... This is also the fastest Internet speed in many people's homes. time!"

For Chen Maolin's words, Chen Fengzhi also deeply agreed: "At twelve o'clock, the number of downloads will inevitably exceed 100,000!!"

"Two, is this just our data?"

Looking at the numbers on the screen bouncing upwards, Sun Peng frowned and said: "What do you think is the situation on the tt game platform? Will it be higher or lower than us?"

"This one……"

After hesitating, Chen Maolin did not speak, but looked in the direction of Chen Fengzhi.

"If nothing happens, it should be higher than us!"

After taking a deep breath, Chen Fengzhi said with certainty: "After all, they have a two-hour trial, and they are not satisfied with the refund policy, but we don’t have Lao Bai Studio! Buy it, you can’t refund... …So unless you are an iron fan, or you don’t know the rules of tt, under normal circumstances, you will not come to the official website to buy games."

This is the advantage of a big family.

In order to attract more players, the Tt game platform has implemented a refund policy within two hours like foreign platforms, which undoubtedly has a very strong appeal. For many people, two hours is enough for them to see the quality of a game and judge whether they like it or not.

But after listening to them, Sun Peng was surprised with doubts: "That's wrong! You said that the first day's sales of 400,000 are already very good, but depending on the current situation, the number of downloads in half a day can be exceeded. Ten thousand, will our platform be able to exceed this number in the evening three days later?"


Looking at Sun Peng with a puzzled look, Chen Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, and explained helplessly: "Boss, the account is not calculated like that..."

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