Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1397: Four circles

The press conference originally planned for August was postponed to September 6th because of a sudden heart attack.

Liu Siqing's teacher, the old man who highly admired "Blessings of Love", died unfortunately after persisting in ICU for a few days. After organizing his funeral and memorial service, the violinist spent a lot of time and energy, so I had to postpone the launch of "Blessings of Love" until September 6.

Fortunately, a little earlier and a little later did not have a great impact on the promotion of the game, so Chen Fengzhi naturally they would not unfavorably ask the other party to follow the schedule.

And to be honest, they also feel quite a pity.

Although the old man has already started to eat his own money, his influence in the music circle is still there. If he can stand on the platform with Liu Siqing, it will definitely be more practical...

At half past one, Sun Peng arrived at the press conference.

This is a theater located in the central city of Beijing. It usually performs dramas and small musicals. So when Sun Peng arrives, everything is already in order. There are many banners and flower baskets outside the gate, which makes people full of them. Lively atmosphere.

As soon as the car stopped at the gate, a middle-aged man with bald hair rushed forward and said excitedly while opening the door for Sun Peng; "Welcome to the Hasha Theater, Teacher Lao Bai, this is our great Glory! I am Chen Fang, the general manager of the theater, and I am glad to meet you..."

Frozen by the enthusiasm of this general manager Chen, Sun Peng looked behind, and Chen Fengzhi and Liu Siqing, who were waiting for him at the door, were obviously dumbfounded.

This guy, is it a distraction?

However, Chen Fang's performance is still understandable. Everyone is in the mixed entertainment industry. Finally, he has ushered in a super celebrity in a non-top theater in Beijing. It is natural to want to establish a relationship with the other party.

"Ahem, thank you."

Reaching out his hand and not hitting the smiley person, Sun Peng could only shake hands with the other party and said politely.

"Wow! It's Teacher Old Bai!"

"Lao Bai? My God, is he here too?"

"Nonsense! I didn't read the invitation letter. Is this the tune he wrote? Why don't you hurry over?"


Just as Sun Peng shook hands with the manager, several reporters and hotel guests nearby had already seen his face clearly, and they were all excited.

"Go on, go in quickly!"

Liu Chang noticed something was wrong for the first time, so he quickly pulled Sun Peng to the left and right, dragged him into the theater gate. After hearing her voice, the bodyguard and Chen Maolin also recovered and quickly formed a circle, protecting Sun Peng in the middle position.

"Sorry, Teacher Lao Bai is not accepting interviews now!"

"Let! Please let me!"

"What are you doing? Go away!"


Amidst the polite or fierce calls of the people around, Sun Peng led by two sturdy bodyguards and quickly led him into the theater hall, and went to the press conference without stopping at all. With only fifteen minutes left before the press conference started, Sun Peng, who was pinching, had no time to go to the lounge specially prepared for him by the theater.

The attitude of these people naturally caused considerable dissatisfaction among the reporters.

"What are you doing, is it too arrogant?"

"Damn, doesn't this put us in the eyes?"

"Aren't you nonsense? Do you still expect Lao Bai to accept your interview at the hotel entrance?"

"That can't be the case? It's too much."


Of course, Sun Peng, who was surrounded by the press conference, could not hear the complaints of the reporters, or even if he heard it, he would not take it seriously. I don’t know how many reporters he has rejected over the years.

Strictly speaking, it is actually very beneficial to have a good relationship with reporters.

Especially for the stars in the entertainment industry, how to build a good relationship with reporters is still a science. Whenever new people enter the industry, someone will definitely teach them a lesson...

Unfortunately, Sun Peng never considered it.

Because he is different from ordinary celebrities, he was famous for writing martial arts novels on the Shuxiang Chinese website. Later, whether he wrote scripts for film companies or wrote songs for two superstars, all he did was behind the scenes. The above can't attract much interest from fans and reporters.

When they were interested later, the name Lao Bai had grown into a towering tree!

To put it bluntly, they had no influence on Sun Peng.

After all, Sun Peng is not an ordinary star. Even if there are many fans of the novel, few people care about his private life, who his girlfriend is, who he had dinner with today, and so on. As for film companies and record companies, and even publishers, they don't care much. All they want is the scripts, novels, picture books, and songs that Lao Bai took out!

As long as you can come up with good things, what do you do for nothing?

Therefore, Sun Peng, who was not interested in reporters at the time, became even more reluctant to accept interviews after he became completely famous. Unless it's a movie to be released or a "Blessed Lovers" conference like today, basically they will not be given any chance...

Pulled away.

When Sun Peng walked into the conference hall surrounded by crowds, it was actually Hall One of the Hasha Theatre. More than 300 seats were already full.

More than 300 guests came from four circles.

The most important thing is of course the people in the music circle, especially the violin circle. The big names in the country were basically caught up by Liu Siqing and his teacher, and all of them were invited over-of course, the word "Lao Bai" also played a big role Role, no one can reject the new song by the author of "One Step Away", and it is still a pure Chinese style violin concerto!

The second circle is naturally invited by Chen Maolin and Chen Fengzhi, people from the domestic game circle.

Use a "Best of Love" as the theme song for your game. Even if you are not a member of the music circle, Chen Fengzhi and Chen Maolin will not fail to see the value and great potential of this song. Naturally, they have to be in front of their colleagues Give it a hand. And with their connections and the prestigious name of Lao Bai, many game companies in Beijing sent high-level officials to join in. After all, everyone is curious about "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography".

The third circle is naturally reporters.

It’s just that this time the reporter team is divided into three waves. There are game circle reporters invited by Chen Fengzhi, music circle reporters invited by Liu Siqing, and entertainment circle reporters coming for Lao Bai. The composition is quite complicated. .

The last circle, to be honest, made Sun Peng feel a little surprised, that is the people in the Internet circle! Including his old club, the three top domestic web sites are all here, and there are even many martial arts novel authors!

When everyone saw Sun Peng walking into the press conference, they all stood up in unison, and instantly applauded...

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