Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1394: kindergarten

At Sun Peng's request, no one took pictures of his daughter's birthday, and no one posted on Weibo.

Everything was completed quietly.

Sun Wenyao, who received a cart of gifts, had a good time all night, and fell into a deep sleep with a smile on the way home. When the daughter was settled in the bed, after washing up, Sun Peng asked casually on the bed: "Jiajia, we will move to a new home at the end of the month, right?"

"Yeah, Yaoyao will enter the park on September 1."

Zheng Jia, who was about to go to bed, glanced at him, nodded and said, "The house over there has also been cleaned up...have you also visited it? Is there any dissatisfaction?"

"No, no."

After thinking for a while, Sun Peng smiled and shook his head.

The house is nothing to thorny with. Compared with the current one, it is not bad at all, and the area is much larger. And as far as the surrounding environment is concerned, although it is a little worse than the current house, considering the closeness to the kindergarten, Sun Peng feels that these shortcomings are completely negligible.

Just about to leave the old house where he lived for a few years, Sun Peng was a little bit reluctant.

Just when Sun Peng secretly felt sad, Zheng Jia suddenly said: "By the way, Yaoyao is already three years old, so I plan to enroll her in some interest classes..."

"Interest class? Doesn't she have one?"

After listening to his wife's words, Sun Peng couldn't help but stunned: "I don't think our parents often take her there?"

"That's an early education class, not an interest class... it's different."

Facing Zheng Jia's blank eyes, Sun Penglue scratched his head in embarrassment, "That's it... but it's only three years old, isn't it a bit early?"

"It's getting late at three years old. Many people started at two years old!"


Looking at Zheng Jia, Sun Peng was speechless.

He wanted to refute Zheng Jia, but after thinking about it, he didn't know what to say.

He had never attended any hobby classes in his previous life, because there were no hobby classes in small places in that era. After school, he was running around in the family yard. As a result, I went to university all the way. After I graduated and went to work, I didn't seem to have any special hobbies. The situation in this life is naturally much better. If it weren't for learning music when I was a child, and then learning from a professor like the uncle, Sun Peng wouldn't know how to explain things about composition and novels.

So after a moment of silence, Sun Peng had to ask: "Then what class do you plan to enroll for your child? Have you found a good place?"

After blinking his eyes, Zheng Jia said, "Yaoyao is still young, so I will play the basic martial arts skills with me first, and then learn piano, dance and so on... By the way, English can't be lost."

"...Is this less?"

Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng was speechless again.

It's just that Zheng Jia blinked again quickly and nodded, "It's not too much, it's only three or four. We can add it when she is a little older."

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a while, Sun Peng finally nodded and said: "Okay, you decide! But if Yaoyao doesn't like subjects, don't force her to go, OK? ?"

"Okay, no problem."

With Zheng Jia happily agreeing, Sun Peng left the matter behind. Anyway, in his memory, the little princes and princesses in the family of former colleagues, which one did not have several classes a week? The most exaggerated little guy, even going to go to twelve classes a week!

So after thinking about it for a while, Sun Peng could only secretly cry out sorry to his baby bump: Sun Wenyao, your miserable day has arrived...


Before I knew it, September 1st arrived.

Early in the morning, Sun Peng's house became lively.

"Water cup, wet tissues, spare socks, underwear..."

Holding the form provided by the kindergarten teacher, the old Zheng and his wife were busy giving their granddaughter’s small schoolbags the last check. The children in the kindergarten class are only three years old, and no one can guarantee what will happen during this day, so you have to bring a clean set of underwear and underwear for emergencies, except for food. It's almost exactly the same as going out for a spring outing.

Today, Zheng Jia, who specially invited for a day off, is busy dressing up the children while coaxing them patiently.

Sun Wenyao, who is usually energetic, would not go to bed until ten o'clock at night.

Of course, she sleeps late and gets up late. Getting up at ten o’clock is also her normal operation. Now she has to get up before seven o’clock. It’s natural to get up with a stomachache, and I cried for at least five or six minutes. . I was finally coaxed by my mother to finish brushing my teeth and washing my face. At this moment, I was still full of upset, sitting on the chair and wriggling.

"Yaoyao, be honest with me!"

When Sun Peng looked at the time, he raised his eyebrows suddenly: "Mom is combing your hair, what are you doing? Do you want Dad to comb it for you?"


After listening to her father's words, Sun Wenyao's reaction was extremely strong.

"No? Don't just sit down for me..."

"You guy, why are you kidding?"

Seeing Sun Wenyao's small mouth collapsed and it seemed to be raining again, Zheng Jia suddenly became anxious and glared at Sun Peng fiercely and said angrily: "She is a three-year-old child, can you not always take the adult standard? Ask her?"


He opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but when he noticed the dart coming across from the old man, Sun Peng closed his mouth knowing the current affairs. It's just that his mouth is closed, but the expression on his face shows that he is quite unconvinced at this time.

Sun Peng would definitely not fight a battle with a disparity of one to three.

Fortunately, under Sun Peng's effective intimidation, Sun Wenyao was a little more honest, and let Zheng Jia smoothly comb her hair. Then put on a new dress, put on beautiful new shoes, and a beautiful little girl appeared in front of everyone-besides she was really thinner, she was just a little princess!

"Mom, where are we going to play?"

When everything was in order and everyone was about to go out, Sun Wenyao, who had always been a little ignorant, asked.

"Baby, let's go to kindergarten!"

Blinking at her daughter, Zheng Jia said with a smile: "It's the beautiful big house we went to the other day, the big house where many children went together, remember? The one with many toys!"


Tilted his little head, Sun Wenyao looked blank.

Usually, grandparents took her to too many amusement parks. There were many children and many toys in every place. It was really difficult for her little head to remember each one.

So although puzzled, the children's performance is still calm.


"Tsk tusk, I don't know if this girl will cry when my mother and grandpa and grandma leave!"

Secretly sympathizing with a girl, Sun Peng finally couldn't help but ask: "Jia Jia, can't I really go? This is the first time for a girl to go to kindergarten, I..."

"No way!"

Before Sun Peng finished speaking, Zheng Jia shook his head decisively.


Sun Peng also knew that it would be troublesome if he was recognized, so he sighed with regret, and said helplessly: "Then you can take a few photos for me later, especially if this girl is crying, she must I need to take a few more high-definition pictures..."

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