Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1387: Lucas visits

At the end of October?

I have to admit that after hearing this precise time point, Sun Peng was a little bit surprised besides his excitement—from the establishment of Lao Bai’s studio to the present, it has only been two and a half years, even in October. , It's just three years!

In three years, Chen Maolin and the others have made a great RPG game!

If it is a big game factory that is already strong, this speed may not be a big deal, especially for those well-known game series ip, it may be easier. After all, with a ready-made setting and a mature team, it is not difficult as long as there is financial protection.

But don’t forget, these three years have been the three years that Laobai’s studio has grown out of nothing!

Three years ago, Sun Peng had just invited Chen Maolin back from the UK and dug Chen Fengzhi from a game company in China. At that time, Laobai Studio had just rented the current office building...

"Awesome, two teachers Chen!"

Suddenly with a lot of emotions, Sun Peng patted Chen Maolin on the shoulder and looked at Chen Fengzhi: "I can finally confirm one thing now, that is, what a correct decision was to invite the two over three years ago!"

"Oh? Only now?"

With a frown, Chen Feng asked with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, it's only now, hehe!"

After he smiled, Sun Peng squeezed his eyes: "Actually, I originally planned to wait until "The Legend of Old White Knights 3" came out before saying this to you. But now I have played "The Legend of Old White Knights 1". "After ", my confidence in "The Legend of Old White Knights 2" and "The Legend of Old White Knights 3" has been overwhelming..."

The player test of "Old White Heroes 1" officially began on July 1.

In addition to Lao Bai Studio taking care of these players, Sun Peng naturally also spared no effort to support him, and took time to come over several times. In addition to chatting with them about the game, the more important thing is to sign each of them, take a photo, and keep the players in a state of excitement-playing an rpg game for a month is not easy!

Of course, material rewards will not fall.

Chen Fengzhi offered these players attractive rewards: if bugs can be found, each reward is 500 yuan, which is a way to mobilize their enthusiasm.

Playing games can make money, and these people are happy.

After obtaining assurances from Chen Maolin and Chen Fengzhi, Sun Peng finally looked away from the game. It's not that he doesn't care about "The Legend of the Old White Group" anymore, but that after playing the entire game with Lang Chen, he can put his heart in his stomach and wait patiently for it to be on sale.

It's not a world-class first-class game, but it's definitely the top level of China!

At this level, Sun Peng's goal has been achieved. As for how many copies can be sold in the future, whether he can recover his investment in Laobai's studio, this is not what Sun Peng cares about-if you pay attention to return , Or the input-output ratio, he would not have done such a martial arts rpg!

It can be said to be rich and self-willed, or it can be said that it is because Sun Peng is willing to throw away so much money...

Throughout July, most of Sun Peng's attention was on the editing and synthesis of "Frequency of Life and Death", and he also allocated some time for "The Martian". As for "Kung Fu Panda" at DreamWorks, Sun Peng doesn't need to worry too much, because after the "Mulan", they have accumulated enough.

The production of "Kung Fu Panda" went much smoother than expected.

The key is that the box office of "Mulan" is high enough to bring enough profits to DreamWorks. With this money, the brothers and sisters no longer need Sun Peng to continue investing, and they continue to dig people and develop new technologies. It is destined that the performance of "Kung Fu Panda" will be even higher!

So Sun Peng was able to edit and produce "Frequency of Life and Death" with ease, and all the work was completed on August 10. On the sixth day of "Frequency of Life and Death", a guy he unexpectedly arrived in the capital.

"Steve, welcome to Huaxia!"

"It's been a long time, Sun!"

After a warm hug, Sun Peng glanced at the piles of reporters around, as well as the bodyguards and hotel staff who were desperately blocking them, shrugged and smiled: "You are here to make noise. It's too big...Shall we find a place to sit?"

"Of course, I actually think the bar in this hotel is pretty good!"

Steve who arrived in the capital yesterday? Lucas smiled and said in Sun Peng's ear.


Nodded, Sun Peng immediately took a step with Steve? Lucas walked into the hotel together, ignoring the questions the reporters chanted one by one.

He doesn't know Steve himself? Why is Lucas here, and what question?

The hotel that Lucas stayed in was naturally not a generic one, especially after the meeting between the two big men, the reporters with guns and guns would never get in. Under the personal leadership of the hotel manager, the two came to the small bar of the hotel. Sun Peng and Lucas quickly chose a position in the corner.


Under the helpless gaze of the hotel manager, Sun Peng’s bodyguards, assistants, and Lucas’ entourage quickly occupied a few tables around the two of them-some hotel guests wanted to come over and talk to the two big guys At once, they were all blocked out.

In this case, the hotel manager has nothing to do.

The bodyguards and assistants were also guests of the hotel, and they ordered something immediately after occupying the table, and he had no reason to refuse. What's more, the meeting between the two big guys at the hotel is also good for the hotel, so personally help Sun Peng and Steve? After Lucas ordered something, the hotel manager left consciously.

After the two chatted for a while, when some drinks came up, Sun Peng went directly to the topic: "Steve, did you come to Beijing specifically to find me? Because of "Tomorrow's Chronicles"?"

"Yes, because of "Tomorrow's War"."

Nodded, Steve? Lucas smiled leisurely: "But it can't be regarded as coming to you specifically, after all, you recommended several Chinese actors to me a few days ago. I came to see them too..."

"Ha ha……"

Listen to Steve? After Lucas's words, Sun Peng smiled slightly.

I believe you a ghost!

Zhang Yunlu, they are indeed well-known stars in China, but what counts for your director Lucas? And they are just some supporting roles in the movie, even if they are going to audition, just let them go to the United States!

A trip to China for a few supporting roles?

The big three in Hollywood and Lucas, one of the world's top directors, are too worthless.

So ignoring Lucas’s words, Sun Peng took a sip of coffee and said with a smile, “That’s another thing? Besides the actors who came to audition, there’s another thing? What is it?”

"Ha ha."

Lucas smiled and said calmly: "The other thing is the investment in "Tomorrow's War". It is still a little bit short at present, so I will come to China to seek your help..."

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