Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1083: Back a wave of blood

Time flies so easily, two or three months have passed.

I don’t know if it’s because of having a daughter and being immersed in busy happiness every day. Sun Peng always feels that time flies very fast, often in the blink of an eye for a week, and then suddenly realizes that he has to go to another premiere. By the time, it was already mid-November.

The final publicity before the release of "The Entire Division" is in full swing!

The publicity of this movie was not spread in China from the beginning, but after the end of "Lao Bai's Summer Vacation", that is, in the middle and late September, it suddenly appeared in front of fans. And after the preparation at the end of September, it quickly entered the state in October. In addition to the necessary trailers, many advertisements were also put out.

"The fifth screenplay of the year is released, and Lao Bai has ushered in an explosion of works."

"Can Lao Bai's first literary film replicate the miracles created by commercial films?"

"The past proofs that Lao Bai produced must be fine products, and then can this sentence be applied in literary and artistic movies?"

"Will the "Mortalist" that writes the Japanese funeral industry attract audiences to enter the movie theater?"


"To be honest, I really didn't expect it!"

When he saw Fujiwara Kura in the box of the palace, Sun Peng couldn't help but sigh: "The film "The Encouragement" can be released in China, and it can have thousands of screens! Tsk tsk, your distribution ability is quite good. what!"

Hearing the words, he was startled slightly, and then Fujiwara Cang smiled and said, "Where is their strong publishing ability? It's obviously your appeal in China! I heard that when they contacted China's Forbidden City Film and Television, the other party When I heard it was a literary film, I didn’t even want to even talk about it, but then when I heard that the screenwriter was you, I didn’t think much about it. I directly agreed to take over the distribution rights of China Xia, and even the share ratio was the standard for commercial films... …"

When talking about this, Fujiwara Cang poured Sun Peng a glass of beer.

After Sun Peng picked up the beer that was just full, Fujiwara Kura raised his glass to him and smiled lightly: "Okay, now let's make a drink for Teacher Lao Bai! Not only to thank him for writing such a wonderful work For a script, I would like to thank him for giving "Encouragement" a chance to be released in China!"


At the same time to toast with Fujiwara Kura, there are his agent, and the director of "The Encouragement", Japan's top and one of the most famous directors, Kamakura Bear, just fifty years old this year!

After touching the cup once, Kamakura Xiong said happily: "This is the first time that my movie was released in China, and it only requires 500 screens at a time. This is something that I didn't even think about before! And the Forbidden City The film industry also attaches great importance to it, and has invested a lot of money and manpower to promote...I have a hunch that this time the box office of "Encouragement" in China, maybe it can reach 500 million Chinese currency!"


Seeing Kamakura bear's excitement, Sun Peng's mouth twitched twice, and he didn't know what to say at the moment.

Five hundred screens?

Perhaps in the country of Japan, the scale of 500 screens is very powerful, but in China, there is not a few thousand yuan. You are embarrassed to talk about it? The Forbidden City attaches great importance to propaganda. Although Sun Peng does not object to it, he also knows that compared with the previous "Assassin League", I am afraid that it is less than one-tenth of others, right?

Well, maybe your own requirements should not be too high.

After all, "The Enchanter" is a slow literary and artistic film, and it is about Japan's "characteristic culture". It can be released simultaneously in China because of the face of Lao Bai, the opera writer. What kind of bicycle do you need?

It's just that the box office of 500 million Chinese currency...

"Hehe, I hope to have good results!"

Remembering that the "Encouragement" on the earth had a box office of three to four billion yen in Japan, and it was obtained under the great incentive of winning an Oscar, Sun Peng had little hope for it. Even if the domestic fans trust him again, I am afraid they will not be too interested in a film about Japanese funeral characteristics. The goal of 500 million is just thinking about it...


On November 16, the premiere of "Encouragement" was held in China Capital.

But even with Lao Bai’s script this time, the scale of the premiere is still small and pitiful. Sun Peng did not even invite his friends in the entertainment circle-a literary film, there is really no need to make it so big. . If dozens of big stars came and the box office turned out to be extremely miserable, it would be better to keep a low profile from the beginning.

The box office results of the first weekend also proved the correctness of this decision.

The first weekend box office of 65 million Hua Xia coins set a record low in the box office of a recent old white movie...or a script written by old white! This is because of his huge influence in the country, and the result of the Forbidden City Films' efforts to woo Sun Peng. You know, this is completely pure Japanese culture, and the box office for the first weekend in Japan is only more than 300 million yen!

After Monday, the box office quickly fell to 11 million.

"Lao Bai's literary and artistic film trial run hit Waterloo at the box office, and only collected 65 million in the first weekend!"

"On Monday, the box office was 11 million, and the box office outlook for Lao Bai's new work "The Enchanter" is bleak."

"Facts have proved that blindly pleasing the overseas market does not necessarily pay off. The Japanese box office of "Encouragement" is sluggish, and it only collected 360 million yen in the first weekend."

"After Lao Bai's summer vacation file was brilliant, he was brutally beaten at the box office of "Encouragement"!"


"Xiaopeng, your it okay?"

When visiting Sun Peng's house that day, Chen Feifei couldn't help but ask a question of concern at the table.

"Problem? Cut, what can be the problem?"

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Sun Peng sneered: "It was originally a niche literary film, and it still talks about Japanese funeral culture. How high do you think this film can get at the box office? It earned more than 70 million in four days. China’s box office alone has already recovered the production costs, isn’t that enough?"

As far as Sun Peng knows, the total cost of "The Enemy" is only 200 to 300 million yen.

In particular, the income of Japanese stars is incomparable to that of China’s little fresh meats. The salary of a leading actor like Fujiwara Cura is only tens of millions of yen, and the total salary of all actors is less than 100 million. JPY!

Is this kind of box office performance still bad?

"And Sister Feifei, you didn’t notice. What kind of media are those who say these things? You go to look at the professional film media to see what they say? How many will focus on the box office Up?"

Picking up the cup and sipping the juice, Sun Peng then reminded the other party.

"Really? Then I look back and take a good look!"

Licking her ruddy lips, Chen Feifei smiled and said: "But Xiaopeng, how can I say this is also the script you wrote. The famous Lao Bai Da's new film did not have a box office of hundreds of millions at the first weekend. This is definitely not good to say! Tsk tsk, if those fans who don’t know how to do it see it, it will still affect your reputation in vain?"


Seeing the smirk on the face of the Queen, Sun Peng rolled his eyelids and said helplessly, "Really? Can Datian Queen Chen enlighten me, what should I do in this case?"

"Ahem! It's actually very simple!"

Blinking at Sun Peng, Chen Feifei smiled and said: "The reputation damaged in the movie can be made up in other ways! For example, the new album I will release soon, but it's all you Isn’t this a good opportunity for your work? Brother, follow me to run a wave of publicity! I promise you will get a wave of blood..."

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