Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1079: Too little

"Yao, Meiyu too!"

Shaking their heads and shaking their heads, Zheng Tianliang and his son-in-law hung up the text: "Sun Wenyao, is a piece of the Sun family's literary jade...If Niuniu inherits your literary talent in the future, tusk, the name is simply amazing!"

"My... literary talent?"

After listening to Lao Zhangren's words, Sun Peng's mouth twitched, and he wanted to sigh to the sky.

What a ghost!

To tell the truth, the only thing he can be sure of is that his talent is definitely not in literature. By analogy, it is certainly not in the fields of music, movies, games, etc...At least the talents in medicine can definitely crush these "cultural talents."

So Sun Peng didn't catch a cold with the name chosen by his father-in-law. He rolled his eyes and smiled and said, "Actually, children should choose what they will do in the future, not that they have to do the same as his father! You can also learn from Jiajia. It’s good to be a policeman; or to be a teacher, a doctor or something... Uh, is there a problem with my words?"

While speaking, Sun Peng was taken aback when he found that the whole family was looking at him with weird eyes.

"Problem? No, I just think you are a bit different!"

Shaking his head, the old father-in-law said sincerely: "My daughter is fine. After all, I didn't know you when I became a policeman. But now my grandchildren will have a good father who will not only inherit tens of billions of wealth, but also You can toss about in the entertainment circle. If you want to be a celebrity, you can be a celebrity. If you want to be a director, you can be a director... Now tell me that she can be a teacher, a doctor?


Sun Peng was stunned after hearing what the old husband said!


At this moment, Zheng Jia, who was next to him, finally couldn't help it, and laughed out loud. However, looking at Sun Peng’s dark face, Zheng Jia took his hand to comfort and said, “It’s OK. In the future, this little thing can do whatever it wants, even if it’s a teacher or doctor, or something like It doesn’t matter if I'm a policeman or something. Can we still not support her?"

"Hello, what's the difference between your thought and just now?"

In the family quarrel, the three words Sun Wenyao were chosen for the daughter's name. Even if Sun Peng was a little unsatisfied, but after he couldn't come up with a better choice for three days, Zheng Jia settled the matter and resolved the annoying matter.

After that, Sun Peng started his career as a dad at home.

The arrival of a child brings not only laughter and happiness to the family, but also endless troubles and hardships. In order not to let himself leave any regrets, Sun Peng did not choose to let go and leave the matter to his mother-in-law or the nanny, but to do his best by himself and enjoy the feeling of being a new father.

The more you give, the more you love.

So after changing diapers, cleaning, and various chores of waiting for the baby, Sun Wenyao became more and more lovely in his father's eyes, more and more like a real angel...


On the second weekend of the show, "Howl's Moving Castle" won a box office of nearly 200 million in China, although it fell by more than 50%, but it also brought the total box office to nearly one billion. on.

Going further up is a sign of success.

Following this trend, the total box office of "Howl's Moving Castle" in China should be around 1.5 billion-a bit disappointing, but it is already a big seller relative to its production cost.

In Japan, the home base of this animation, the box office dropped only 3.7% during the second week of the week, which almost created a miracle of reverse growth. Moreover, after the ten-day total box office broke through 4.4 billion yen, no one questioned the total box office of over 10 billion. And looking at the box office trend in the second week, most box office forecasting agencies also raised the target to 15 billion. Above yen!

These two countries alone add up to a box office of nearly 400 million U.S. dollars.

Of course, the main battlefields of "Howl's Moving Castle" are in China and Japan, and if it weren't for Lao Bai, it would not be possible to be released on such a large scale in China, and it would not be possible to have such a scale. Such a result...

The box office sales of animated movies made Yamada Ichiro of Kelly almost crazy.

It's not crazy, it's really anxious!

Since the premiere in Beijing, Ichiro Yamada has not left China, and Sun Ya has also been entangled by the Japanese almost crazy-almost every day, Ichiro Yamada calls her two or three calls. Want to meet Lao Bai teacher, there is a kind of unstoppable momentum.

The reason, everyone knows well.

So in desperation, Sun Peng could only spare time to meet this person, and then made a clear statement: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yamada, I will not write new scripts in a short time! No matter animation scripts or movie scripts. It’s all the same. I need a long time to take care of my wife and daughter."

"Here, Teacher Old Bai..."

Hearing what Sun Peng said, Yamada Ichiro was really more anxious, and said hurriedly: "It doesn't matter if the script is late, but we hope to reach the next cooperation first! And this time we will increase investment, even if the production cost increases by one. The times are not new!"

In fact, as a veteran Japanese animation company, Ichiro Yamada is very aware of his own strength, and blockbusters like "Frozen" and "The Lion King" are definitely not capable. And even with that strength, the board of directors would never approve such a big production, because then the risk would be too great.

But for animations like "Howl's Moving Castle", Ichiro Yamada has a certain degree of confidence!

Even in "Spirited Away: The Hidden Spirit", Ichiro Yamada believes that if the elites of the entire company are gathered, and a few animation masters join in, it is not without hope-sometimes, Ichiro Yamada is just like that!

But while swelling, Ichiro Yamada still didn't dare to pull out some trees in his heart.

If he only has some confidence in the Kelly Club's own abilities, then Lao Bai has already proved it with two animations, and he can do it if he wants to! In addition, the script written by Lao Bai, the well-made soundtrack and the sub-scene script, can at least save the Kelly Club two years or more!


As the operator of the Kelly Club, Ichiro Yamada also understands one thing: Even if it is the same movie, as long as the name Lao Bai is hung on the cartoon, then in China, you can get the treatment of a blockbuster, at least one billion at the box office. Start; but if there is no such name, Kelly Club will be treated like other Japanese animation companies, and it will be enough for a celebration party to get a box office of five or six billion!

In any case, Yamada Ichiro wanted to tie Lao Bai to the Kelly Club’s chariot.

Especially when he knew that DreamWorks had begun to work with several Chinese companies to produce "Mulan", and that the United States had invested heavily in "Crazy Zoo", this hope has become a sense of urgency— -A sense of urgency for fear of being thrown away by Sun Peng!

The strength of DreamWorks has grown too quickly, which makes people feel uneasy.

So this time, Yamada Ichiro did not hesitate to double the production fee, hoping to impress Lao Bai and continue to cooperate with Kelly. Because he knew that even if the production fee was doubled, as long as Lao Bai's reputation in China didn't drop, it would be impossible not to make it back. With the conclusion of "Lao Bai's Summer Vacation File", his reputation will even rise to the top...

It's a pity that Sun Peng didn't understand Yamada Ichiro's thoughts at all, and of course he wouldn't care even if he understood it, because after filming "Spirited Away: The Hidden Spirit", Sun Peng's interest in Japanese animation was almost the same, and later cooperate This "Howl's Moving Castle" is actually the result of reluctantly driving the ducks to the shelves.

One more collaboration? It really doesn't work.

Even if he has the time and energy, Sun Peng is more willing to cooperate with Americans. After all, their animated films are the things that are smooth in the world.

So after listening to Yamada Ichiro’s words, Sun Peng shook his head and said calmly: “I’m sorry, President Yamada, I’m not interested in animations that invested more than two billion yen, too little! Even if you The production cost has doubled, maybe not half of what I expected, the difference is too far..."

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