The entire July, which belongs to the summer vacation, is a battleground for military strategists!

Even the "Assassin League" and the better "Trumen's World", which are overwhelmingly acclaimed, can only lead one week in such a schedule. After entering the second week of the screening, they must give way to the follow-up. The super blockbuster!

Especially in the two big ticket warehouses in North America and China, the super productions are almost lined up to be released on weekends in July and August. Who dares to say that he can always be the leader?

In the second week of its release, "Trumen's World" fell to second place in the box office.

However, only a drop of more than 30% has caused major box office forecasting agencies to raise their final North American box office numbers again. Most of them stayed between 200 million and 250 million US dollars-just a few days ago. , There are still very few people who think it can hit the box office of 250 million US dollars!

Relatively speaking, the results of "Assassin League" are not so satisfying.

Entering the fourth week of its release, its weekend box office in North America has fallen below US$5 million, and the total box office has just passed the threshold of US$100 million. In other European and American countries, the situation is basically similar.

Only in countries such as China and Southeast Asia, the situation is much better.

"In China, there is no problem with "Assassin League" overwhelming "Trumen's World"!"

Looking at his own notebook, Liu Chang said with a smile: "So in the end, the former box office is likely to reach 3.3 billion, while the latter may be less than 2.5 billion... Well, the highest will not exceed two. 1.8 billion!"


Seeing the excited look of his assistant, Sun Peng was speechless.

Well, the relationship between "Assassin League" and Lao Bai is indeed closer. After all, in addition to the script, including the soundtrack, the theme song and even the director, he is all part-time. But other people's "Trumen's World" is also a script written by himself at any rate. As for such a difference?


"Perhaps, this is why the domestic assassin's box office is higher!"

After thinking for a while, Sun Peng shook his head secretly.

Sometimes the box office is so unreasonable. It doesn't mean that if your movie is rated higher, you will definitely get higher box office. You also need to consider other aspects such as producer, investment, actors and so on. Take "Assassin League" as an example, because his full set of Chinese people from actor to director, from screenwriter to production company, naturally has an inherent advantage in the local area; while Liang Ren starred in "The World of Truman" because The production company and most of the actors are from Hollywood, so they have a clear upper hand in most other countries...

Seeing Sun Peng habitually sinking into thought, Liu Chang rolled his eyes helplessly.

But raising her wrist to look at the time, she didn't dare to waste too much time, and said directly: "Well, I am here today mainly to discuss with you about "Howl's Moving Castle"!"

"Uh, won't it be the premiere again?"

Listening to what Liu Chang said, Sun Peng asked with frowning.

Closing the notebook in his hand, Liu Chang shrugged and said: "It will premiere next Wednesday, but in addition to the premiere in Beijing, they hope you can go to the magic city and Nanhai again..."

"What? This is impossible!"

Before Liu Chang could finish speaking, Sun Peng frowned and waved his hand: "Sister Chang, I don't need to talk about this. I won't go to the magic capital! Even "The World of Truman" I just participated in. It’s just a premiere, let alone this animation... Even if it’s the premiere, I’m just going to show up and won’t stay long."

"Understood, I will discuss with them."

Knowing what Sun Peng was thinking, Liu Chang nodded quickly. Then, as soon as he raised his wrist, Liu Chang continued with a smile: "Time is almost up, are you going to pick up Jiajia today?"

After a quick glance at the time, Sun Peng nodded hurriedly, "Go, of course! Today is her last day to work, and she must bring a lot of things back. How can I not pick them up?"

"Well, I know you are a good model husband!"

Glancing at Sun Peng, Liu Chang laughed and said, "Yes, then I will follow along with you today. There are always things that are not convenient for your men. I'll go and help Jiajia..."


"Thank you, Teacher Lao Bai!"

After getting Sun Peng's autograph, a young policewoman who was newly recruited by the Public Relations Department flushed with excitement and kept bowing to thank her.

"Hehe, don't be so polite."

Sun Peng no longer feels embarrassed about this now, he just smiled gently at the other party: "It's all my own, there is no need to keep Lao Bai teacher Lao Bai calling me... Jia Jia, is it finished?"

Seeing Zheng Jia coming out of her own office, Sun Peng hurriedly greeted her and held her back.

With his right hand against his waist, Zheng Jia smiled in relief: "No, it's almost a bit. Sister Chang won't let me do it anymore, saying that she will do it in a while..."

"Oh, Master Lao Bai is here, why didn't you notify me?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came over, causing everyone in the public relations department to stand up instantly.

Turning to see, it turned out to be the sub-director Chen Guangrong.

Came over and grabbed Sun Peng’s right hand affectionately for a long while, and Chen Guangrong smiled and said, "Lao Bai, long time no see! Are you here to pick Zheng Jia back today? I told her a long time ago. What kind of work is this going to be pregnant! In fact, it's good to go back and rest early, but she just doesn't listen..."

Listening to the words of the sub-director, I don’t know how many policemen nearby could not help but roll their eyes!

Well, what did you say to someone!

If the person in front of him is someone else, other ordinary policewomen, Chen Guangrong must have turned a blind eye and followed the police station’s rules, but now this one standing in front of him is the famous teacher Lao Bai. I heard that he is still cooperating with the police station. A movie about the police, this is a different story.

Sun Peng didn’t care, shrugged and smiled: “It’s okay. In fact, she likes going to work and it’s good. There are still people who can talk and talk together... Director Chen, how are the preparations for Die Hard? ?"

"Ahem, okay, okay!"

Listening to Sun Peng talking about the movie, Chen Guangrong coughed twice and quickly said: "Our police station is actually just to cooperate. The main thing is that Benma Pictures is busy. But I met with the side guide a few days ago. By the way, I heard that the preparations are almost done, and the filming should start in early August! If everything goes well, it shouldn’t be a problem to release the film next summer vacation!"

Speaking of the movie Die Hard, Chen Guangrong is still a little embarrassed.

In fact, Sun Peng already knows now, and Chen Guangrong also knows that Sun Peng knows. That is to say that he wanted to cooperate with a police film or something, just to give director Bian Lin a chance to stand up. So talking about this now, even with Chen Guangrong's cheeky, I feel embarrassed.

"Next summer vacation? So anxious?"

With a raised eyebrow, Sun Peng was quite surprised at the answer, and said with a smile: "Although this movie should not have any special effects shots, it will not be easy if you want to release it in the summer vacation next year. Tsk tsk, I hope this time for Galloping Horse Pictures. Don't let me down with the side guide..."

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