Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1065: Still premiere

"Your mystery novel is very interesting!"

After giving Sun Peng a warm hug, Liang Ren smiled and said in a low voice: "Except for the protagonist, the entire carriage is a murderer! The only thing left is that it’s not, it’s a big detective—and I got on the car by chance. This setting is really interesting!"

"Huh? Have you finished reading it?"

Hearing what Liang Ren said, Sun Peng's eyes suddenly widened.

"Murder on the Western Express" seems to be officially released today, right? Even if Liang Ren bought the book for the first time, when "Trumen's World" premiered today, he, as the pillar, has time to read the book? And still read the whole book?

"Haha, I used a little trick and got it a few days in advance."

After patting Sun Peng on the back, Liang Ren let go of him.

As the lead actor and screenwriter of "The World of Trumen", as well as China’s now undoubtedly big brother of actors and screenwriters, the two are naturally the focus of everyone now! Hugging greetings at the entrance of the movie theater. I don’t know how many flashes are clicking around. Of course, I can’t keep hugging, otherwise the entertainment media may reveal that the two superstars are passionate about it...

Listening to Liang Ren's explanation, Sun Peng's heart suddenly became clear.

Well, superstars are indeed privileged.

Sun Peng has long heard that some agents will have a good relationship with the publishing house and get some new works by well-known authors in advance. If they are optimistic, they will also buy the right of adaptation in advance. He did not expect that he would encounter this kind of thing . It's just that I'm different from ordinary writers. The right to adapt the novel is too valuable, and the second sister is not something that can be impressed by everyone, so I have never experienced this feeling.

So after understanding, Sun Peng shrugged and smiled: "I just heard that there was a whim after this train. I wrote such a book, and later even went to take a Western Express train for verification... Brother Liang also likes to reason. Fiction?"

Hehe, are you kidding me? !

Although it is a work on the earth nearly a hundred years ago, which one is mediocre that can leave a name in the history of mystery? Anyway, for Sun Peng, his liking for "Murder on the Orient Express" is second only to Agatha? Christie's most famous and highest-selling "No Survival" and Holmes series.

It's just a pity that "Detective Sherlock Holmes" already exists in this world.

As for "No Life Survival", although it is more classic, and this type of novel seems to have never appeared in this world, Sun Peng has higher expectations and greater ambitions for it, and it is bound to be completely adapted. It can’t be done overnight. Therefore, first take out "Murder on the Western Express", "No Life" must wait until I have studied with the uncle for a period of time, and then write it out for my wife as a pastime...

Ahem, spoiler?

Regarding Sun Peng’s last question, Liang Ren blinked his eyes several times and nodded vigorously: “Yes, I usually like mystery novels, so your "Murder on the Western Express" is very impressive. I like it!"

"Oh? Thank you so much."

Seeing the expression on Liang Ren's face, Sun Peng instantly understood something, and smiled slightly with his eyes squinted.

Sure enough, he is the big brother of the film industry, so he discovered the huge potential of "Murder on the Western Express" and focused on this book?

It's just that it's certainly not the time to talk about this. The two quickly posed amidst the loud shouts of the reporters-a good posture for the brothers and let them take pictures. A piece of almost continuous clicks, some of which may become the cover photos of today's media!

Regarding all this, Sun Peng no longer deliberately avoided as before.

After all, he has to get used to the habit, and accept what he should accept. Unless he intends to quit the colorful entertainment industry and give up the profession of directing, otherwise this situation will probably increase in the future. What Sun Peng can do is to adapt himself as much as possible...


"Ok, let us invite the screenwriter of this movie now!"

On the luxurious stage, the host shouted passionately: "Ladies and gentlemen, let us use the warmest applause to welcome Teacher Lao Bai!"


Sun Peng smiled and walked onto the podium in applause comparable to when Luo Cheng came to the stage.

Waiting until the applause stopped slightly, the host smiled and asked; "Lao Bai, we all know that you and Brother Liang have collaborated on a movie before, and that is the "No. "Six Senses", which also laid the foundation for your cooperation with him! So as the second movie "Trumen's World" that the two superstars collaborated on, how did you think of it?"

"Very simple, just a multiple choice question."

Taking a look at Liang Ren next to him, Sun Peng shrugged and smiled: "At the beginning, we all thought the results of "Sixth Sense" were good, so we also thought of continuing to cooperate. At that time, I just wrote two Scripts-one of them is this "The World of Truman"! At that time I handed over the two scripts to Brother Liang and asked him to choose one..."

When talking about this, Sun Peng paused for a while.

The host understood, and immediately extended the microphone to Liang Ren next to him: "Brother Liang, you finally picked this "Trumen's World" with your insight and wisdom?"

"Actually, I want both!"

Shaking his head, Liang Ren smiled and said, "Isn't it always said that children make choices? As an adult, I naturally want to get both scripts! But unfortunately, Lao Bai only asked me to choose one. I’m very determined, so...Although it’s a pity, I chose "Trumen's World" which I like more."


When he heard this, Sun Peng couldn't help laughing.

Strictly speaking, in fact, he felt that "The World of Truman" and the other movie were not on the same level, so maybe he didn't understand this at first, but after careful consideration, Liang Ren chose this way for granted. However, Liang Ren at that time did want to win another one at the same time, because he also discovered the commercial value of that one, even if he didn't act and win the script investment, it was excellent.

Mentioning this incident at this time was of course a reward for Sun Peng.

People come to attend the premiere of your movie, even if Sun Peng has the identity of a screenwriter, but after all the coffee is there, Liang Ren can't help but think about some small things, such as advertising another script of Lao Bai in advance. of.

So the host was naturally full of curiosity, and smiled and asked: "Excuse me, is it convenient to reveal the name of another script? I believe all the guests present today will be very curious about what kind of script it is. Can Brother Liang be so hesitant?"

Raising his brows lightly, Liang Ren made a please gesture at Sun Peng, obviously wanting him to answer. And Sun Peng did not refuse, and said with a smile: "Actually, you should have heard the news about this movie. It is the new movie that director Song Qun has just established. The name is "The Eunuch"..."

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