Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1057: Heartache

What will be the result of combining the essence of several movies?

After attending the fourth premiere in just ten days, thunderous applause told Sun Peng the result. Although he had experienced this excitement three times before, he couldn't help laughing happily after the movie screening in Beijing.

For the overseas box office, Sun Peng does have ambitions.

After all, the name laobai has become one of the pronouns of fine movies in Europe and the United States or Japan; and because of starring in "Criminal Minds", "Super Detective", "The Matrix" and "Kill Bill" After waiting for the film and television works, Lin Lin's name should not be inferior to the international chapters on the earth; and there is also the big villain Xue Ligang who has risen by virtue of the "Hurricane Rescue" series, which is also hot recently; even Lang Chen It's also because of the corner of the villain in "The Matrix", it's a familiar face.

Coupled with the excellent film itself, why can't you look forward to it?

But even when confidence is overwhelming, Sun Peng's overseas box office positioning is still more than 100 million US dollars to qualify, 200 million US dollars or more is a success, 300 million is a big explosion, if it can reach 400 million or more, then it is a shocking joy!

The original global box office was only more than 300 million US dollars.

This movie and "Hurricane Rescue 2-True Lies", which is a sequel movie, has laid a solid foundation for the first one; it is also different from "The Matrix", after all, in a strict sense, The hacker series can be considered a half-American film. "Assassin League" is a pure-blooded Chinese film no matter from investment, script, directing and screenwriting!

So the ultimate hope is in China!

With China’s current annual box office market of 100 billion yuan, there can always be blockbuster movies with more than four billion box office, Sun Peng will not worry about whether "Assassin League" will fail-at least for China movies this year. The film is definitely good enough.

Based on the domestic is the fundamental, looking overseas is just expectation.

"Over 30% of the film arrangement rate, and the first day's pre-sale box office has exceeded 200 million!"

At the end of the premiere, after a large number of celebrities and reporters evacuated, Fang Lanshen, the boss of Forbidden City Films, said excitedly: "Plus the reputation of the movie is great, according to our distribution estimates, the domestic box office is at least It also started at 2.5 billion, and an upwards of 3 billion is a high probability event! Haha, if it weren’t for the previous "Hurricane Rescue 2" and "Bourne's Identity" to increase the expectations of domestic audiences, I believe that 4 billion should be won There is hope too!"

"No, no, I still think the box office will break the four billion mark!"

Regarding Fang Lanshen’s words, the people at Lotus Pictures obviously held a different attitude, flushing with a smile and said, “The name Lao Bai alone is worth two billion at the box office, not to mention the "Assassin League." It’s really great! The combination of martial arts and modernity is a very fresh experience for many movie fans..."

"Haha, hope as you said!"

Of course, Sun Peng was more willing to hear the second result, laughing and patted the other person on the shoulder.

So, the domestic is important!

If "Assassin's League" can really reach 4 billion at the box office in China, that would be almost $600 million. This figure alone is enough to make it a big profit. No matter how much the remaining overseas box office is, it is a net profit! And if it’s less, it’s okay. Even if it’s only 2.5 billion at the box office, that’s almost 400 million dollars, which is almost enough.

"So, Teacher Lao Bai!"

Seeing Sun Peng quite happy at the moment, Fang Lanshen's eyes moved, and he hit the railroad while it was hot: "Should we start the next movie plan as soon as possible? For example, the sequel to hackers or Hurricanes?"

"Oh, the sequel..."

Hearing what Fang Lanshen said, Sun Peng's eyes suddenly narrowed.

The people of Lotus Pictures also shined, and nodded frantically, “Yes, Mr. Bai, we at Lotus also hope to continue to cooperate with you! Haha, after all, everyone is old friends, and cooperation has always been Very happy!"

Lao Bai's recent scripts have almost nothing to do with them.

The little wizard gave it to Nanhai, and the little wizard gave it to Hollywood. As for the "Silent Lamb" and "Tomb Raider" some time ago, it basically has nothing to do with the two giants. You know, Lao Bai’s script was almost rounded up by the two of them, but now so many collaborations have emerged in one breath, especially the addition of Nanhai Pictures and the reopening of cooperation with Benma Pictures. , It makes them a little uneasy.

Obviously, Lao Bai didn't want to put all the eggs in their basket.

Sun Peng knew this well, so he smiled and said: "Gentlemen, I have already expressed my opinion on this, right? I really have no interest in sequels, including "The Matrix"! If you want If I continue to shoot, I can hand over the copyright!"

If you don't like or think that things are not good enough, Sun Peng will never take it out!

And he paused for a while, facing the disappointed eyes of the two, Sun Peng went on to say: "As for continuing to cooperate with the Forbidden City and Lotus Pictures, I am of course very happy! It's just that the two of you know that now. I have already written the script. There are several films that are being filmed or waiting to be released. This has almost drained the inspiration I have accumulated over the past few years..."

Inspiration can't be taken out, after all, it wasn't Sun Peng's.

It’s just that after setting up the flag "Lao Bai’s Summer Vacation" not long ago, Sun Peng also felt that he has a lot more projects on hand now-in addition to the previous ones, there are two animations, and "The Eunuch" , And also consider the issue of new novels. If you start a new film with the two companies, you will really be seen as a superman!

"Huh? Teacher Lao Bai..."

Fang Lanshen was immediately anxious when he heard Sun Peng's words, and wanted to speak before he finished speaking.

"Boss, listen to me first!"

However, Sun Peng immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "I think you should also know that I will continue to study at my alma mater now? To be honest, there is really no time this year!"


Seeing Sun Peng's firm face, the two looked at each other, both of them a little lost.

What people say is the truth, there is really no way to refute it!

Although Lao Bai's asking price is very high, and it is getting higher and higher, he is undoubtedly the first person in China, and even exceeds the number Liang Renneng obtained from the production company, but his script is guaranteed!

Counting with your fingers, which time did the production company suffer?

But when I thought that I might not be able to get Lao Bai's script for a long time...In fact, I just couldn't get a big production script that could be insured in China and overseas at the same time, and the two almost couldn't breathe with heartache...

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